» Self-Help » Cyclicality Of Causality: Book Of Life-Utility Ideas, Santosh Jha [have you read this book .TXT] 📗

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it than love...

Finally, the choice is always individual. But, in both case, the fact remains that person, tangibles, physicality is only the medium. The real element in life and love is intangible, perceptional and ideational... This is the true settling realism of life-living wellness and personal excellence...

Modern science has done a lot of researches into types of people, based on their consciousnesses, body constitutions and brain types. Contemporary science classifies all people of the world into 16 brain types. These brain types are genetic groupings, which signify that each brain type has specific innate and born mental as well as physical skills. Each brain type has inherent body-mind proficiencies as well as deficiencies, which largely decide what a person can do well in life and what not.

These brain types are somehow a practical guide to know from early age as what a person can do best in his life and what pursuits can fetch him or her best set of wellness and happiness gains. Scientists say, the brain type decides almost everything one does; academics, economic activities, careers, relationships, parenting, expressions and communications, sports and leisure, spirituality, etc.

We live in an age, where we have growing pool of critical information about life, living as well as our own mechanism. Acceptance of these information is surely going to help us in designing and shaping our lives and living in such a way, which suits our subjective individual consciousness. The simple acceptance is – if we are true to our consciousness, we are close to our homeostatic equilibrium. This helps us attain poised cognition and causality. This in turn helps us remain in lasting wellness and happiness.

This realism needs to be internalized. The difference can only be realized, not known by just reading about it. Each one of us is different within, even while we all look almost the same from outside. The real and true endowments are all within – in our consciousnesses and we have to accept with holistic reception that consciousness has a structure and function, which are all within, in our brains. Our consciousness, which is an intangible entity, aligns naturally with intangibles in external as well as internal milieus.

That is why it is crucial to first accept as of what consciousness type we are. Then, as per his or her consciousness, he or she must design or re-design his or her life-living choices. All life choices and personality choices need to be aligned and generic to one’s special shade or type of consciousness. This surely can be the right recipe of lasting wellness and happiness.

Often, we align with elements in our milieus and people, which are opposite and antagonistic to our consciousnesses. Often, we align (have relationships) with people, who are in different shades of consciousnesses, which may be opposite or badly competitive to our own consciousness. This is primary cause of chaos, conflicts and confusion in our lives. This is definitive design of disaster for most of us. We have to be self-aware of choices.

Everyone encounters love in life and though love is somehow an objective and instinctive realism for all of us, we all see and accept love subjectively. The subjective love means how I, as a person in love see and accept love. This apart, scientifically and very singularly logically, love is very much an instinctive behavior and its process and mechanism is common for all of us – body-mind mechanism-wise. Let us see the proof: -

To be considered instinctual a behavior or set of behaviors must:

a) Be automatic

b) Be irresistible

c) Occur at some point in development

d) Be triggered by some event in the environment

e) Occur in every member of the species

f) Be un-modifiable

g) Happening for which the organism needs no training.

Now, put love in that perspective and we find, almost all elements of process and mechanism of love matches with the above seven tests. This suggests, even as we consider that love has happened to us, the stupid fact is – I or you happen to love, not the vice-versa… This instinctual realism was already there, before we happened…

However, the fact also remains that this instinctive and objectively singular love is actually expressed by ‘I’ and ‘You’, when we are in love. This means, the pains and joys of love are subjective. True, sure, however, what we all must see and accept is – Love itself is objective and it itself is not responsible for our subjective joys and pains. The joys and pains are there as ‘I’ or ‘You’ as subject of love see and accept things as per our perspectives and perceptions.

Often, young ones say, ‘Perception is reality’. However, this is only a subjective perspective and this may vary from person to person. However, if we reverse the perspective and see it this way, another side of the coin is – ‘I’ or ‘You’ are not the subjects of love, rather love itself is the only subject as actually love does things for us. We are just the media of the love as love gets subjective and different perceptions as we, as media of love accept different perceptions as reality.

The gist of the talk is – what we see and accept as joy or pain in love is our subjective ‘reality’, based on our different perceptions. Science says – ‘You are in your perspective and your perspectives are in you’. This means, if we are strong and objective enough to change our cognition, our subjective perspectives, when in love or otherwise, the same pain can become our true joy and the joys can become something deeper and more meaningful.

Remember, most successful people are those, who have this strength of conviction to see and accept their initial failures as first genuine step towards success. In love, we need to be objective with our perspective about all love-happenings. We need to accept all things in love with poise and equanimity of perspective. Why? Because, love is instinctual – love has to happen in our lives and we need no training for that nor do we have much control over its happening as it is in our core instinct. However, what is in our control is how we accept the joys and pains that happen when love happen. And for this we surely need loads of mind training…

Remember the following lines, which a wise said –

“Human inventiveness and symmetrical artistry of playful-metaphorization of conflict, confusion and chaos into something meaningfully and intuitively enjoyable, in time-space situationality is sheer joy of life and living”.

When in love, we need to have this artistry of being playfully inventive to be objective with our perspective, so that we could transform pains also into joys… this is huge artistry…. Needs persevered mind training. We are often never ready when love happens to us, as it is instinctual. But ideally, we need to be… we need to be objective in love… however, being objective in love is tough ask…

In religion, objectivity has such a difficult positioning that it is even beyond perception of average humans, let alone it being achievable! Geeta, the most respected Hindu spiritual book, elaborates the desirability of karma in the following way: ‘Life is ephemeral but not unreal; one needs to be unattached but not detached; being nisprih looks like being recluse but it is not the same; doing without sense of doing is true action; the action and behavior, which is purged of instinctiveness are true action and behavior; all actions should be like offerings in a yagna (holy fire); only that action and behavior, which stands at the assimilative point of tangible and intangible is pure, etc.

It has been hinted in Geeta: ‘to be human is to stand at either end of the two extremes of this conflict (dualism). It is only God who stands in the middle of the two extremes and still, ubiquitous in both the extreme ends (non-dualism). This is some exclusive positioning, which is reserved only for God, unavailable and untenable for humans.

Science attempts to present an easy and understandable definition of this cosmic conundrum and conflict. It says, ‘objectivity is not possible for humanity as the very presence of body melts the objectivity. The objective realism and truth changes the very moment it is observed. It is only natural that there shall be difference in ‘observer-dependent’ and ‘observer-independent’ realisms. This is the stated position of quantum physics.

However, another lesson emanating out of love’s instinctiveness is how we all should be aware about real test of actual love. We need to know how we can test that someone, we wish to be in love with is the right person for us. This objectivity is also artistry because as love is instinctive, we are in the ever-present threat of falling in love with a wrong person, who later becomes the primary cause of pains in our lives.

To know, who is the right person for us, involves so many aspects of personality and consciousness. However, we can zero down on four aspects, which we can call the four-pillars of righteousness, which must be present in a person, we wish to love.

They are –

He or she never discriminates against anyone. Virtue of equitability is seed of liberal outlook and thought-system of a person.

He or she is overall very tolerant towards and seldom allows aggression towards anyone. Relativity of perspective is one huge virtue for all, as truth is singular but its expressions are very subjective. This needs tolerance.

He or she keeps away from greed and self-gratification instincts.

He or she is open and enthusiastic about such endeavours that would keep him or her on the unending journey to mitigate ignorance. Acceptance is key virtue. Accepting new knowledge and being open to such learning, which make us ‘unlearn’ our unproductive perspectives is also sign of tolerance, non-aggression and unselfishness.

The crux of all these is – Love is one simple process and mechanism of our body-mind realism. We just need to be objective enough to accept and decipher it. Also, we simultaneously need to be artistic enough to allow our subjectivity such flight of fruitful fancy, which makes us accept even our pains as opportunity for joys, especially in love.



Our Sleep and Dreams Have Meaning And Purpose...

Almost everyone is either amazed or perplexed by dreams...

As science has not yet categorically settled the true mechanism and meaning of dreams and other fields of wisdom offer no logical reason for it, it is only natural that dreams continue to mesmerize as well as mystify majority of people. Young ones are especially hugely confounded about dreams. They have a natural instinct to get to the logicality of anything important in their lives and surely, dreams are always making them precarious.

Somehow, dreams have had a long history of influencing some very critical elements of popular culture. Often, subconsciously at least, dreams step into the domain of actual and real action and behaviours of people, even though they seem exclusively intangible and virtual. Human brain is actually wired to accept virtualism as a close copy of realism and that is why, ghosts, angels, aliens and gods come natural to most people. They have larger acceptance for most and dreams are also similar entity for most.

Interestingly, many wise and arrived people have in the past hinted at human life-living itself being a dream. Such close situation of dream with life is a pointer to the fact that most people believe, dreams are surely very meaningful and it definitively has some hidden meaning for us.

Then, most motivators ask people to dream and dream big. This way, people are asked to relate dreams with imagination and creation of a virtual model of attainments and success, which everyone should strive to turn into reality.

Though nothing is a definitive answer, still some personal inquisitiveness and experiences can help understanding dreams better. Somehow, dreams have their mechanism buried deep into the subconscious minds, which most of us have little control of. As majority part of our lives is subconscious, we seem to have a natural affinity with dreams as something real. First,

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