» Self-Help » Stupidity Of Be Yourself Viscerality, Santosh Jha [ebook reader macos .TXT] 📗

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ingrained in subconscious layers of self and are expressed in multidimensional plurality of action and behavior. These elements are core instincts of a subjective consciousness and as these elements are intangibles for success of survival of a person, their expressions in behavior and actions are vocal and ubiquitous.

It is also equally visible to all that all cultures of all human societies, across geographical divide in the world have the same seven elements. All cultures are mystical and magical expressions of the marvel of these seven elements. It is a huge domain of empirical study and analysis as how the same elements act and interact with each other in the respective domains of individual self and society. These seven elements engender a mystically marvelous causality between the individual and societal domains and in turn, this causality influences in shaping up the rainbowish shades of cognition both in an individual as well as in contemporary popular societal culture.

We can talk in lengthy details about these cognitions and causality of seven elements but this is not our focus area in this book. We shall talk about them in another book in future. Here, our purpose and utility is to draw the mechanism as how these cognition and causality engender the divinity and its multidimensional realisms.

In ancient Indian wisdom, as we said earlier, all these seven elements were made to be owned separately by seven Gods, who are the seven core Gods in Indian tradition. Though in contemporary Indian religious traditions, there are now 330 million deities, a deep look into their historicity of origin and traditions of worship shall very clearly reveal that all of them are owners of only these seven elements.

As we said, there are seven original Gods and Goddesses, who were assigned the ownership of each of these seven elements. Now we once again present the seven elements with their reigning deity marked alongside –

Creation/Creativity/Initiation/Origin – Brahma

Indulgence/Opulence/Fulfillness/Wellness – Indra

Energy/Endurance/Neuroticism/Shakti – Durga

Stabilization/Nurturance/Sustenance/Poise – Vishnu

Determination/Absoluteness/Pruning/Mool-Bhav – Shiva

Status/Power/Authority/Dominance/Egoism – Shani

Conscientiousness/Inevitability/Finality – Yam

We all need to be humble and innocent when it comes to acceptance of anything new, which is not part of our subjective consciousness, cognition and causality. The ancient Indian wisdom cautions that knowledge has utility only if it creates humility, as it is the humility and innocence, which extends the eligibility of wisdom. We are simply creating a hypothesis that ultimately proves, what ancient wisdom observed thousands of years back and what science now accepts as objective and replicable reality. The hypothesis is the acceptance that all realisms are expressions of the intangible processing mechanism of the mind consciousness.

The hypothesis is – “Singular objective truth and realism apart, whatever seems and presents itself for observation, is a registry and artistry of the hugely mystical marvels of brain, which unravels them through our mind consciousness.”

Modern science and contemporary social sciences, based on the objectivity of the natural sciences have accepted the same ancient observation and wisdom. They have however explained the same in the light of the brain mechanism and new insights into the processing mechanism of consciousness. The 3Cs – Consciousness-Cognition-Causality, which happens to be behind the 3Ms – Mysticism-Marvel-Magic stands to be seen, interpreted, analyzed and accepted in a new light of holistic-assimilative-integrative perspective. This unravels the objective and singular perceptions of the 3Cs and in turn, settles the age-old multidimensionality and plurality of the 3Ms in an objective and replicable way.

This new causality makes it clear that consciousness has this within itself to engender all sorts of mysticism, marvel and magic. The marvel and mysticism is in the mechanism of the processing of elements of nature, within and outside human body and as these elements are intangible, they are bound to be expressed in a multidimensional way, depending on the interplay and randmomized causality of these seven elements.

Modern science admits that there are seven shades of consciousness and all shades are present in a single individual. We shall talk about them in later chapters. It is like a singular source of light splits into seven colors of spectrum as it is made to pass through a prism. An individual’s current personality at a time-space situation is primarily decided by those elements of the seven shades, which are predominant in the same time-space bracket. This however may not be permanent, though many people can remain in the same personality element or elements all throughout their lives.

The idea or feeling of ‘self’, a subjective consciousness of ‘I Am’, as separate and different from ‘them’ is a complex mechanism. Modern contemporary knowledge about this consciousness, which defines us, is now at a level, where we can understand why we as consciousnesses are a very complex entity. This complexity has evolved in a rather stupid way as evolution of humanity in the long journey of billions of years has been the primary stupidity. This subjective sense of ‘I Am’ is one huge potential of joy and wellness at one hand. However, this same subjectivity of consciousness makes it stand as the worst stupid of the universe, unparalleled in the millions of existing species on earth. This elaborates as why this ‘Be Yourself’ prescription is good as well as call for calamity.



An Indian movie actor, who is reigning pop idol for over 20 years says, “Every morning I tell myself, I am the king, the only superstar as I know, I am just an ordinary human being, with average everything. Telling this makes me go and do my job well because, if I do not pep up my egoistic self to stupid heights, I cannot do what I have been doing successfully for last 20 years.”

He is right in his own right as he knows that in this competitive world, where all possessions and situations are ephemeral and one’s self-worth, based on these possessions are also short-lived, one needs to keep one’s egoistic subjective self popped up to feel good and keep going.

However, it must be added here that this actor is very mature, not young anymore and knows it very well that these talks he does only to himself. Deep within, there is a person, the ‘subjective I’, not the superstar, who masters the ‘I’ of the superstar well and keeps him in right shape. That is why he is not only a superstar but also a very successful person in life and living…

When you are young and up for grabbing all successes, which society has benchmarked for your self-worth, your mentors as well as peer group shall encourage you to be egoistically aggressive towards your goals of life and in the competitive world, if you wish to be successful. You shall naturally need this self-obsessed and egoistic mind consciousness of ‘me-only’. Somehow, being young and aggressively following these pursuits, automatically qualifies you to be restless.

Be warned, the economy and markets are out there in open to pamper this ‘me-only’ attitude in all people, especially the young and restless as they are their best customer. The markets with loads of brand slogans and advertisements sell you the egoistic attitude of selfish-self.

They keep telling you – ‘You Are The King’. They mold your mind consciousness into such a mode by repeatedly telling you – “Be Yourself”. This be yourself slogan is essentially an open invite to self-centered indulgence and instant-self-gratification. This is a sure invite to a consciousness of drift with the very powerful culture of consumption.

This drags you into the personality perspective, where your self-worth and success are defined by how much you possess and consume. Your self-worth becomes a market entity and a definitive object of calculability of consumptions.

This situation is far more complex and intense if you happen to be a young woman. Young women are being pushed to lot many things, which are new to their traditional cultural consciousness. They are more prone to being more split in their conscious choices and priorities.

The markets have sensed the new energy and force of the new empowered women and they are targeting the women as number one customer. This slogan of “Be Yourself” is a powerful cultural messaging and metaphor for the modern women to ride on the wave of defining the self-worth and success calculable only in terms of possession and consumption.

It is said, “Every healthy newborn is the most genius entity of the cosmos. However, it takes almost 25 years for the society and culture to make him or her a veritable stupid.” The core hypothesis of this saying is – when you are young, your consciousness has loads of popular cultural element for your value judgment. Your mind consciousness is largely a function of the socio-cultural milieus you are born and brought in and that is why what you think of and accept your ‘self’ and the subjective feeling of ‘I’ or ‘Me’, is essentially something the ambient culture makes you.

Only later, when you mature and slow down in life, you start to unlearn many of these cultural stupidities and then only, your mind consciousness has elements, which you can say is a definitive ‘you’.

This is therefore high time, you begin to ask yourself seriously – ‘Who Am I and Why Am I Who I Am?’ The question shall lead us to the door of sanity and symmetry in life and what we want from our lives.

The wise have said thousands of years back – ‘A Man/Woman Seeks What He/She Wants And Is Often Not At All What He/She Needs…’ This is true in almost all aspects of our life-living experiences, be it life, love, intimacy, relationships, wellness, success, prosperity, etc…

It is critical for our wellness that we seek to talk to our higher consciousness as what we want and what we actually need. This dualism of consciousness and life needs to be understood and accepted. If we can make distinction, success and wellness shall also make distinction in our favour.



There is a belief that a certain critical mass is required for anything to take shape. On that basis, it may be accepted that for an idea to take shape, the critical mass is average of nine percent. Therefore, a rumor can take shape, if around nine percent of population starts believing and accepting something as fact, true and right. This critical mass of ‘9%’ is what we may call the proverbial smoke of a certain fire!

However, a fact and realism must have a minimum critical mass of 99%. Truth, fact and realism can be allowed to have maximum of only one percent uncertainty of probability; nothing more…

So, rumor starts at 9% – the ‘smoke’ and for the fire to happen, it needs 99% surety. What the large range is between 9 to 99 percent – the 90% domain, is the humungous playground of probabilities; or what we popularly know as PERCEPTION…

Interestingly, a bottle of pure whisky is also liquor and a glass full; with only 10% whisky and 90% water/soda is also liquor. Somehow, as many accept, ‘soda’ mixing is a must for taste of liquor. Masses love the ‘taste’…!

So, if an idea is believed and accepted with minimum critical mass of 9-10% fact (whisky) and 90% bubbling perception (soda), it is still ‘fact’ (liquor). If 20%, then perception is strong. However, higher the percentage of whisky (fact), the ‘taste’ of ‘liquor’ gets diminished. Therefore mixing ‘soda’ with ‘liquor’ – 90% perception with 10% fact is always brilliant for taste. Masses love it…!

Most of us are geniuses out of this convenience of ‘playing safe’ in the huge playground of ‘probabilities’ or ‘perceptions’. It is because, in this playground, nobody is a referee, supervising the game and therefore, anybody can score any number of imaginary goals and claim to be a hero…

For example – There is a very ‘strong perception’ among many young men that ‘modern women’ are ‘sluts’ and responsible for most of social and familial troubles in relationships and marriages. On social platforms, anyone can check how many young men splurge ‘choices details’ about ‘modern women’, which cannot be written here…! Somehow, for many men, this ‘perception’ is

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