» Self-Help » Cheering On The World, Cheyene Montana Lopez [read books for money .txt] 📗

Book online «Cheering On The World, Cheyene Montana Lopez [read books for money .txt] 📗». Author Cheyene Montana Lopez

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To you this can be a great stimulus reward for you without you even knowing, but I assure you this, I can bet you'll feel it though because you'll feel much lighter and less in burdens. Things will seem to come easy then for you in experiences you will have received. And then you'll want to boast and praise about it. Sometimes what we see today is not what we see tomorrow. It’s a mirage. In other words often what you see in the reflection in the mirror is not true, it’s a lie. What you see underneath you is the truth. For if you cannot see what’s hidden and you cannot bring that truth to the surface, then its only a mirage. Meaning the truth is deep inside you waiting to be discovered and exhaling to come out. Anything otherwise is just a fantasy of an illusion what you see that is not the new you what you see in the glass. Plainly putting it well what you would be is having doubts and fears then moreover its not the new you but rather the old you which you have not totally yet erased or let pass away. Now what you do want to offer is the desirable, the wanting and needing and certainly not the consequences. You never want the dividing. Now even if you get down sometimes don't fret just yet, don't fumble the old ball loose but pick up that ball and keep on going. When you score that touchdown of life, it'll make you feel on top of the world. So don't be discouraged at all. Get up and keep going on regardless of how bad things may seem to be. For as long as you are confident and positive in attitude, it will get you through. For your attitude, your positiviness transformation is the strength of you. Another key factor is actions that support good attitudes. We must at all times strive to maintain a high level of 100 % confidence in which this process is generated through results of fusion power. For a second I'd like you and I to imagine that deep in us is a mass of clouds of magnetic electrons that macerates and propels us back and forth while it catches the negative and confines it in some

containment trap and thus holds it like a prisoner. No one can ever see inside the heart but you to spiritually say. We all have tremendous amounts of energy. We're wired together in the production column however it may be, we have to keep faith to deal with the anxiety everyday on a constant basis in our daily thinking path. Remember though you are the single most important being in your present state of the plasma matter. Try to increase in balance, energy and stamina. The verdict you have a unlimited supply of circulating power. On the positive side you've now gotten a jolt of fusion power with the solid ability to transform how your spirit turns in the given opportunity in ups and downs. I know we can't change the past, but we can change the future course of our thinking patterns. Fear is one of the most powerful emotions that individuals experience. When fear becomes life disabling, it is important to know how to change the negative fear. To change the negative to a positive takes practice and consistency. We have the power to change negative thoughts into positive, but we can not do it by resisting the negative. Change your attitude and gain some altitude, change for the better. Change your world with positivity and perspective what inspires you. See no matter when there seems to be no hoping there is always a miracle. No matter how rough life is stay focused for there is always a breakthrough. The spiritual outlook always tells you that the positive is coming in your choice to not to give up. Never go through life without a compass in your heart to bring you back to the goodness of you the positiviness. Do the best in life you can and life will be good to you. Losers are for people that never tried to do the impossible. We need to focus on the positive to overcome fears to try to climb the higher steps. Never be afraid to try what you believe in. For we can use every ounce of time of every second of every hour to make it or let it all pass us by. Loose all the negativiness so you can move forward with the positive. The more you show in life the more you are going to gain. The impossible is possible. Always go through life to encourage not discourage because you want to be a helper of changing. Be the teacher and inspirer. People have to be the driver of positiviness. For there are two doors in life, to enter, one that has nothing to offer you and the other doors is the one that has everything to offer, its your choice which door to choose. Nothing comes easy but in the end all the hard work pays off because you didn't give up. One has to use right decisions before they act on them like planning it out. There's always an alternative to have as an option. The doors always swings open for a design ideas. It might be a bit shabby in the first. Example a window glass in the house can break and you have a choice to either replace it or to live with it and have cold air coming in from the outside. When see the other people in your life most likely you see what exists within you. Understand that its not hard to realize when other people continue to come into life with either good or bad attitudes. Change in the outside world will not occur until we change what is going on with our attitudes within our own selves. The quality of traits that exist within people around us directly relates to us as individuals. We attract people in our lives of the mirror of who we are. When people see what you are in being positive that usually attracts the same from others who want to be around us. In this mirror of reflection traits we usually see the goodness that resides within us from the change we have developed of our new transformed attitude. With attitude to say I can instead of I can't for instance comes a new outlook with this new inner positiviness. When we see negativity in others we see what used to be within ourselves. And that is the part of us that we hate and do not intend to have to come back. Mirrors are for us to look at our selves. We analyze people because we

see a lot about us and this influences us to seek to be more positive and thus to transform these traits into the self we want to be. And this though sometimes it is difficult to possess those qualities. Remember, the habits, attitudes and behaviors of others are closely linked to our own conscious and that of the unresolved issues that still challenges ahead. See when you are searching for your soul mate you usually look for someone with most of the same interest as you have. So therefore you exhibit characteristics. But you always look for your own reflection identity. Looking at what other people exhibit is the experience and often is humbling because this helps you cultivate your own appealing as your own developing traits. You can be respectful and loving to others and some might give you the same back, but this doesn't work unless you have self positivity to go along with what you want to be successful. You have to let all this goodness you see transform so that others see what you have gained. The world today is constantly negative and exposing ones inner being and ones self-esteem which can hurt. It'll make you feel rejected and feel like crying tears or staying in and hidden from everyone in the world. Just look around and you'll see no one being positive anymore. Even the news on Television is filled with negativity. We need heroes and leaders to influence. The world needs a healing from all the negativity. Instead of bad influences we need to realize that attraction to what makes positivity and nourish it like a tiny baby. Do you wish to see what you want to transform in the reflection mirror that you can control and this will be the light of you the door for growth and understanding. We are all here to evolve through the betterment of ourselves and the world. I believe that reflections, whether it be our reflecting on our own lives through recorded snap shots of time past or using reflections in the present as some sort of guide mark to know ourselves even more clearly. If we were to stand in a room encircled by mirrors, we would see multiple images at multiple angles giving us a pretty great scope. The focal length of a concave mirror is always positive while that of the convex mirror is always negative. We spend long hours drawn to the mirror trying to figure out where we meet in life. What we're doing is finding the beginning point. Most of us keep our feelings bottled up. We need to discover our awakened aspects and promote our self-image, self esteem.

You in the positive dream mirror. First of all you are the mirror. By this we mean you are the subject figure in this mirror you are gazing out. The mirror can be either cracked or it can be one whole solid mirror. Its all up to you in your frame of mind the way you feel and look at what you see in the mirror image. Next you the one who are now looking at yourself are interesting and enlightening. Your choice you can be enslaved into past and present you or enhanced into the present future you coming. You can be your own enemy or your best friend, you can choose absolutely to be dead and depressed all the time or you can get up, change from negative to positive and a whole new inner person you and thus feel very much alive. Ask yourself now. Have you ever thought of being just you a new wonderful you and hoped all the negative to ever come to an end? Now you can have the power to hit that ground ball or foul out or hit that so much needed home run. The pitch is yours right now and it’s all the perfect pitch thrown to you. Hey listen careful and very carefully to this,“Miracle’s happen because of everyday power of the mind through which flows in this door sure positive attitudes and positiviness adopted to which one changes for the betterment.” Think of this niche as liken a rainbow when you see it has many colors and seems to touch the ground which you try to chase after it but you cannot find no end because its endless this rainbow, meaning like thoughts they go on and on in our mind and dream sets. But wait more good news, miracles happen due to the positive thinking and

belief effects one has. See the brain in functions processes the truest wish and thus supports what is really nullified. Meaning what you are thinking is what you are saying. See your change is the impact considerable what is fearful and jealous in others that many are fearful of what may happen good unto them also for the best possible changes one could ever have in resolving. Next self miracles happen because of developed positive affirmations. For this to say is that positive attitude brings about an inspiring motivation in a peaceful quiet time all brought about because of your positive thinking. Every

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