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This book challenges the populist idea that loneliness is a bad and sad thing. Loneliness is rather very facilitative mechanism of body-mind for wellness and personal excellence. It is innate call of instincts for self-actualization of potentials within, to attain excellence. It answers core question as ‘What’s Wrong’ with things around and within us, listing ways to use loneliness for happiness.

locs, also known a Dread has become very fashionable and can be expensive to maintain. This book provides information n he do's and dont's of loc maintenance from home.

I am a woman, but it is always ‘I’, which shall decide for me ‘How I Am A Woman’ and not the populist generic identities. Womanhood is a blessing but what ‘I’ accept ‘womanhood’ and ‘empowerment’ as, is definitively a conscious-judicious enterprise of ‘power’ I acquire through personal initiatives. Man or woman, I’m always a good, amicable, honest, sincere and compassionate person, transcending generic identities. Identity as a woman matters, but personality defines me as a person and

just hearfelt words from experince and realisations from it, spend your time to realise and reflect on your mistakes,learn from them to make yourself better and happier.

In all of us, there is this definite ‘winner’. However, this champion is a ‘Random Warrior’, wins but not always. We all have the determination, patience, discipline and the mastery to be a sure and sustained ‘all-weather-all-season-Hero’. As we miss the knowledge of this ‘mechanism of winning’, this ‘random winner’ is unable to sustain the artistry of winning, to qualify as a ‘Habitual Hero’.

Love is usually accepted with three elements of Mystery, Magic and Marvel. The ‘3Ms’ land most of us in inexplicable troubles and pains of love. The magnificent dualism is – love’s mystery makes it flamboyantly thrilling. Still, the mysticism engenders loads of confusion, making many of us flop in love. Success of love is in non-dualistic positioning, a simple and practical realism, most of us refuse to accept.

Unashamedly, the author begs you, to read this eBook. You must spare ‘two hours’ to save humanity from definite ‘annihilation’. Beg others too, to join the conclusive crusade against ‘Enemy Number One’ of 7.5 billion people. There is no choice; you destroy it or it eliminates us all. Either you reclaim your ‘Crown’; be the sovereign, or die a slave. It’s now, or never. Dead, for sure, can’t yearn.

Become Boundless is a short and sweet e-book designed to quickly and efficently integrate life changing yet simple techniques to create more love, joy and prosperity into your life.

Here we have given some tips for being successful in the crypto market. Every investors & buyer want to make or and more profits. This guide will definitely help them and make them successful in the bitcoin market.

The essays in this book unravel the Karta (subjective consciousness) from the perspective of the new thinking of 3Cs – Cognition, Consciousness and Causality. The effort is to make you – the Karta, assimilate the core idea as how a holistic, assimilative and integrative perspective of the 3Cs helps you in attaining and enhancing personal excellence and wellness. Makes you meet a new empowered you.