The end., Kristina Wesolowski [best pdf ebook reader for android TXT] 📗

- Author: Kristina Wesolowski
Book online «The end., Kristina Wesolowski [best pdf ebook reader for android TXT] 📗». Author Kristina Wesolowski
In a world filled with everything that you see in your darkest of nightmares, you must be a bit insane in order to not be driven completely mad. You see, I lived my life in the brutal reality of it all, instead of hiding behind ignorance. Earth has been nothing but a wonderful dumping ground for its self-seeking inhabitants and now our beloved home is taking a stand. I could not fight the end of humanity but just embrace it and take my punishment as it is handed to me. Whether my death be a torturous bloodbath or a quick painless knockout it is inevitably coming to me. With each day nearing the predicted end of life for the human race, I grew more indifferent on the subject of people. Themselves and their feelings, neither made me feel much of anything. I suppose that I was losing hope in folk’s ability to grasp the true reason for the hurricanes, volcano eruptions, tornados, and tsunamis that had been happening day after day. Open your eyes humanity and see that what I have been doing is nothing but helping you all! I suppose that I am unable to claim that I could not feel for people because there were days where I did nothing but feel. I felt so much and that is the reason that I began to do what I did. What is was exactly that I began was liberating individuals before brutal mother nature had her chance. When I would free a soul from torture it brought me closer to my chances of being reborn into the next sequence of ruling species. I often wondered what species it would be, most defiantly a completely brand new one. I know not what was here on this very planet before the dinosaurs ruled its boundaries nor do I know if it were even a living species. All that I do know is that when the human race ends my soul shall not go with them.
As time ticked closer to the day of doom, my missions grew stronger. Within the year of 2010 I ended the lives of a total of three beautiful souls. I know that if they were more intelligent that at the seconds before I pulled that trigger they would have been thanking me, instead of cursing and pleading for their lives. Sometimes I wondered why would I do such pure acts for such unappreciative people. No one can understand what pressure and stress this put on me, but I did it still because I knew that I was acting for the greater good. If someone would return the favor for me I would be nothing but grateful. Unfortunately, time was rapidly ticking away so instead of waiting for someone to liberate me I had chosen to save my own soul. Call it what you want but I knew that what I was doing was the right thing.
Morning came again, just as it did 24 hours prior and yet I still was unable tot see the sun shining in my eyes. All I ever did was look for it, but it was as though I just saw right through and the brightness never reached me. I feared that it was just another sign that the end was nearing and it pushes me to act. It was absolutely clear in my mind what I had to do that day and it was to be my highest priority. Breakfast was to be sacrificed, for food always tastes better when it comes as a reward. Immediately following my stand off with the sun I dress and began my travels for the next chosen soul.
The path that I follow in seeking the next blessed soul is one that I trust to my instincts. How I arrive at a particular area and lay my eyes upon that perfectly ignorant being is beyond me. I do not chose the destiny of the people I free, fate and that alone can only take the credit. As my feet silently slowed from a steady paced walk to an altogether halt my eyes met the reason. A dashing beauty beheld me as I stood stupidly tranced by her mere presence. I suddenly felt the blood pumping through my veins as my heart began to thud. Almost positive that the sound my heart was making could be heard for miles, my cheeks grew rosy but the beat kept strong. Utterly unaware if the feeling overcoming me was excitement, lust, fate, or a combination of the three I closed my eyes and saw nothing but this girl. She was the very essence of everything that a woman should be, and I knew this all with a single glance. As she caught my stare I felt the uncomfortable smile that she threw at me but I just could not look away from her. I could not help myself, I just knew that I had to have her. With my eyes still burning into hers my body began to glide closer and closer until I was at her side. The conversation started with a seemingly insignificant comment on the morning air, how it used to smell fresher just years ago. Her observation on the air astounded me for nine out of ten people are too ignorant to notice the world dying. She left me standing alone with her name, telephone number, and an indescribable feeling that momentarily paralyzed me.
Gaining back my reason for waking up that morning, my feet steadied on. Although my body continued onward, my mind stayed right there where I had seen her. It was as though I was traveling blind but knew each step exactly perfect. The morning had turned into the evening without me even noting the afternoon. I’m a constant observer and she had taken my attention away from that beautifully changing day. I cant say that I cared much though, I enjoyed envisioning her. No longer was I unable to see the rays of sun in my eyes that I could not hours prior and for this I thank Destiny. Her name could not have been more ironically perfect, I knew that she in fact was my destiny. A name matching perfectly to its meaning, “A predetermined course of events considered as something beyond human power or control”. Believe me when I say that us meeting was not by chance but by some greater force, one that no one can begin to understand.
Precious time continued to tick away as I daydreamed. My mind was made into a fantasy world where Destiny was my wife and we had made it together through the apocalypse. My pretending was interrupted by an obnoxious roar courtesy of my empty stomach. I hadn’t eaten a single bite of food that entire day and would not allow myself to until my day’s deed had been done.
The sun had left me with a promise of return and my acquaintance the moon took its place. Each star that sat in the night sky revealed to me a story of another time. Without much thought I directed myself toward a beautiful park just down the road from where I lived. Still astounded by the wondrous beauty of the night, I hardly noticed the lovely young lady sitting all alone. Innocently she rested, reading her paperback novel on a small blue blanket, spread out under a lamp post near a pond in the grass. Bringing myself to an old bench I gazed upon her as a dedicated bird watcher would a Birmingham waxwing. Indeed she was lovely and a seemingly intellectual girl who I found very interesting to view. It was easy to tell that she had totally and completely dedicated her whole self to what she read and with good reason. Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen was her choice of literature. I could not help but to smile as I watched the words of such a literary figure dance from the pink of her lips.
As the sky grew darker her eyes became tired. I found it adorable the way that she would dip her tiny hands into the pond and splash just a small amount of water to her eyes and forehead. An attempt to stay awake just long enough to get her through the next few pages I was sure. Sadden a bit as this beauty began to pack up her things I hid myself in the shadows. Unaware of her true name in my mind I called her Rose. This name best suited her for she in so many ways was a rose. Beauty aside, a rose is not just something to look at unless your looking deeper than it’s petals. Along the stem live sharp thorns that if you dare touch will cut deep without a feeling of regret. The young lady who I watched was exactly like a rose, beautiful and strong.
Following from a distance I could not help but wonder where Rose was taking me. Considering the late hour I was almost sure that her destination was home but I could not be positive. After nearly ten minutes of walking Rose approached upon a small brick house with a large white door. Fumbling around in her purse for only a moment she pulled out a shiny set of keys, placed one into the door‘s lock, and entered shutting the door securely behind her. I wondered if she felt my present, my eyes watching her as she moved. Once or twice she pulled back the curtains of her front window and shifted her anxious eyes up and down the dark street. Was she looking for me, maybe she was expecting someone, or maybe she was just in fear of being left all alone. There was no car parked in the drive and the only lights on in the house were done so by my little Rose. Almost completely positive that she was the only one inside, I waited just a while longer and monitored the house from the outside. I made my way to the back yard which was small but quite beautiful. A garden filled with only the most scenic flowers took over the yard and I was awed. Not only was this woman herself gorgeous but she had a vision of beauty expressed into her garden.
The hour was late and the time had come. Upon discovering the garden I also noticed a back window opened ever so slightly. Everything occurring this night has been preplanned by something greater than I. It all had worked out so perfectly to be strictly by chance. The way that I was able to study her for sixty two minutes learning the way she moved, how she happened to be the only one home in an entire house, and lastly the easy entrance that was given to me. Without knowing what my next move was I opened the window as wide as it would go and crawled inside.
The sound that my feet made as they thudded against the hardwood floor echoed about the room. Reluctantly, I was the only one who had heard the echo and continued moving slowly around the room. With the dim light of the dying bulb above my head I saw that the house was empty with the exception of large cardboard boxes, some unlit candles, and a radio. Clearly she was moving out and I wondered why. Wandering about the house I imagined the possible reasons for the move. Perhaps she was moving out of the country to pursue a life in an entirely different culture just
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