» Short Story » Love and War, Sami leigh [electronic reader .txt] 📗

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Sam x

Guns, Gangs and a bit of Romance

Sam's POV

Blood covered the ground like a thick crimson carpet, tainting whatever touched it with bright rouge colours. Even in the streetlight lit darkness the it was obvious.

My mind taking in the scene before me in slow motion, three girls covered in blood stood talking animatedly to another besides me, my hearing blurred, i couldn't make out a sound. Laying in blood two people, a young girl barley alive being tended to by someone i vaguely recognise, nearby a man laid, judging by the angle of his body, the blood surrounding him he was clearly dead.

One by one my senses came to me, my hearing came back so loud and clear, i could hear the noises around me.

''...get the body back to our morgue''

''she'll survive''

''The Animal... I dont regret a thing''

''... given her something to help her sleep..''

''...CCTV from across the street...''

''Sam,...SAM!!'' the voice sharper than the other pulled my other senses into place as Asha, my best and most closest friend, shouted my name tugging at my arm for attention.

''What.the.hell.happened.Ash?'' i demanded, shaking my head at the scene before me.

''That bastard, from the brawlers..'' She said pointing over to the mans body which was not so gently being hoisted into a body bag by two of the girls i now recognised from being in my gang, ''he was attacking summer, poor, innocent summer, sam! How can someone be so brutal and barbaric, she was just a child, he'd already used her for his 'entertainment' She spat empathising the word entertainment, '' When Sarah and Steph showed up he was...he was just using her... tossing her around like a ragdoll''

I put my arms around Ash pulling her into a hug, Still not processing what she just told me, i was numb, ''pull yourself together woman'' i commanded to myself internally.'' I couldnt afford to let this get to me, not just yet, i needed to sort this out once, im the leader, im supposed to protect these girls. And i failed.

''Ash..'' i asked gently, keeping her still in my embrace ''What happened?''

''Steph and Sarah went out searching for Summer when she didnt come home after curfew, they found him... things he was doing''

''go on'' i whispered, pushing her to to speak further

''They went to help her and he pulled a knife at them, Sarah shot him...Oh God...She killed a Brawler,... What are we going to do?'' she was starting to panic

''shhh ash, calm down, ill sort things out with the brawlers, then what happened''

''Thats when they rang us, and you know the rest'' her voice was barley audible ''I told them to get the body sent down to our morgue... i didnt know what else to do..''

''You did what you could Ash, I need you to be strong for Summer, she needs you''

''OH MY GOD SUMMER!!'' she yelled pulling out of my arms looking for the young girl that had been attacked, tears streaming down her cheeks.

Forcing her back into my arms, i whispered ''She's going to be ok, the medics are taking her back home, they sedated her, so lets get this sorted quickly, you'll be home with her before she awakes''

I felt the movement against my shoulder as she nodded her head, pulling away slowly i lifted her chin ''you ready?''

Answering with a weak smile, i moved towards three other girls which had recently arrived, '' Get this mess cleaned up'' waving my hand towards the blood covered pavement ''we dont want the coppers knocking on our door enquiring about a bloodbath minus the bodies, then get back for a de-brief''

''I got this, i saw the camera across the street'' one of the girls said pointing to the convenience store across the road, with a plastic casein her hand ''i told Sarah, and she said to give it directly you'' The girl told me, handing over the box containing security footage on a disk.

Thanking her i pocketed the package with one hand while motioning for Asha to follow me with the other.

This is going to be a long night i thought to myself as we both made our way back to the gang hideout we both call home.


I never could understand the people whose answer to violence was more violence. To me it always seemed to cause way more problems than it ever solved and no one came away unharmed by the continued hostilities.

But right now, as I was sat in the chair, looking down at the girl curled up sleeping in the bed besides me, so small, so fragile, my blood boiled. Pent up fury coursed through me, causing my body to shake.

All i could think about clearly, was the magnitude of pain i wished to inflict on the person that had hurt her, harmed her so badly that even I, who had thought I had seen the extent of humanities evil, couldn't imagine the horrors she had gone through in those hours before we found her.

The Doctor had given me her chart, listing the extent of the injuries she sustained. But watching the CCTV footage Sarah had given to me, made me throw up, as it showed clearly the abuse of which she suffered at the hands of that monster.

And so at this moment, looking down at the remnants of my once light-hearten charge, i wanted nothing more than to hurt the animal that had done this. A sickening feeling churned in my stomach, as realised with self-disgust, that i would have enjoyed teaching that sick son of a bitch a lesson.

He got a pleasant death compared to the one i would have been responsible for. Judging from my thoughts he would have been begging for me to end his life. Given the mood I had been in, I doubt I would have shown such mercy. He didn't deserve it.

He got it easy, but there were more with a debt to pay... the brawlers wouldnt get away with this, we had a truce in place, but that become null and void the moment a finger was laid on her.

How many more of the Brawlers thought they could get away with this?

At the thought of the Brawlers my mind filled with images of their leader, Steve.

There is a fine line between love and hate, my heart thats now full of hatred of this one person, was once upon a time filled with my love for him.

How could he do this? How could he allow this to happen...?

These questions still ran through my mind as my eyes closed, sending to into a deep slumber.

Lifting my head, i let out a groan as my aching body stretched out. Muscles, which had seized up from sleeping on the wooden armchair, resisted my attempts to force them into motion. Summer had slept all night, not surprising really due to the sedatives that she was given to lull her into a dreamless sleep.

Looking over at her slumbering form, I found myself thinking of the things i saw happen to her, wishing she could stay like that forever, for when she finally awoke she would no longer be the naive, innocent summer of my memory. She would suffer, she would be broken.

Not all scars can be healed.

To get over something like that, would take so much strength, so much courage. All I could hope - and I did with all my might - was that she would pull through this.

I was still deep in thought when I heard a movement behind me. Slightly startled I span round to see Asha entering the room on silent feet. The only noise being the slight creaking of the door that alerted me.

''How is she doing?'' she asked, her voice barely above a whisper, her eyes bloodshot from a sleepless night but looking over at summer, tears beginning to fill up her eyes uncontrollably.

Looking over to summer, I was pleased to see she hadn't stirred at Asha's entry.

''Still sleeping." I replied, then smiled slightly to myself at how obvious that was.

"how are you?" Asha asked, Concern clear in her voice.

"I'm fine."

It was an automatic response that I had adopted since childhood. Tearing my eyes away from Summer, I saw Asha was not impressed by the answer, and only the silently sleeping child prevented her from questioning further.

Knowing it would just come later on when I left, I let out a soft sigh. "I really dread the moment when she wakes up. I want to be strong for her, it's my job to be strong for her...but if she talks about last night in more detail ..."

"We need to know what happened" Asha reminded.

''She will need someone to speak to, and that will be you ash, your like her sister, your the only family she has... but if she doesnt want to talk about it, no one wil press her further...''

''but the Brawlers...'' she started to cut me off before i carried on speaking,

''The brawlers will be dealt with, ill make sure of that, but she will tell you in her own time and only if she wants to, she will need you for support and comfort afterwards while she is healing." I told her about the CCTV footage so we know what happened but the footage will never been seen by anyone but myself unless it was extremely necessary.

''this stays between us, she doesnt need any reminders about what took place, she will have enough with the memories playing in her head, she wouldnt want further shame knowing others have seeing them over a TV screen''

I was getting louder, but Asha put her hand on my shoulder, Her face clearly showing the pain she was feeling that mirrored my own '' i understand Sam, ill tell no one. If it was me in her place i wouldnt want anyone witnessing it either, Shes going to need both of us. Your more of a family to us, than our own has ever been''

The girl let out a little moan and started to stir, but I placed my hand on her head, running my fingers through her sun-streaked hair and she calmed.

"We will get through this. She will get through this'' My voice sounding much more confidence than i actually felt.

Asha nodded, looking at me with an encouraging smile. "She has already shown she is much stronger than any of us thought, she's not given up. Shes a fighter"

Chapter 2

Steve pov

Mad, Confusion, Anger,... none of these

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