» Short Story » Clash of the Gods, Angelica Juarez [best book recommendations .txt] 📗

Book online «Clash of the Gods, Angelica Juarez [best book recommendations .txt] 📗». Author Angelica Juarez

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A long time ago when Zeus, Hades, and Poseidon died, they gave their youngest child power to rule over all the fellow gods. Hades' offspring Makira, Zeus' offspring Charites, and Poseidon's offspring Polyphemus. As they are now in charge of the gods what will become of them but now it seems just like yesterday everything happened to this world.

Chapter One:

Upon Mount Olympus three gods deciding whether or not to tell Charites about the conspiracy of Athena, Apollo, and Ares upon the youth leaders. As they finally decided on telling them about the conspiracy of those three they walked in to find the three young gods fighting upon what to do about the very three that dared to conspiracy behind them.

"What is it you need Morpheus son of Nyx and Erebus, Aphrodite daughter of Zesu and Dione, and finally Gaia sister of Nyx, Erebus, and Tartarus. What is it for we have to deal with many trials of the moment. Speak! Come on we don't have all day now!"

As they bowed than wandered about the room until one of them had the courage to tell them why they we're there. "My dearest sister we come here to tell you about the conspiracy of Athena daughter of Zeus and Metis, Ares son of Zeus and Herra, and Apollo son of Zeus and Leto. But it seems that you have already know about them as we speak."

"Yes Aphrodite we have know this for quite sometime now. We haven't decide on how to punish them yet would you like to tell us what you think we should do?"

As she came closer to her younger sister "You should let our grandfather take care of them."

Shooing her away for her to talk to Makira and Polyphemus. "Shall we go with our grandfathers chewing them to pieces or punish them ourselves?"

First to answer Polyphemus "I suppose we could do that but that would be too easy, we should make those three fears us just like our fathers' would do."

"But as he said Charites it's the easier way instead of us ruining our bodies or putting much power into it."

"We shall go with what Polyphemus suggested for the other gods would think we would are to weak to do anything of our own."

"Than what should we do than?"

"Makira we will think of something in time for now Aphrodite thank you for your suggestion but we are going to deal with this with our own hands. Thank you very much though."

"Your are welcome younger sister but it was the easy way out."

"You are dismiss. Please go."

As they left Mount Olympus in each of their own way the three youth began their argument once more. "You two need to stop arguing! Makira the more you argue about us taking the easy way! The more I am going to side with Polyphemus over discipline them!"

"Fine! Than what on Earth are we going to do Morephus, Nyx, Selene, and Hypons is working over time, Apollo is in hiding, Ares causing war upon the humans, and Athena is just merely watching all of the destruction! They're is no way we can do anything to punish them with out creating war among us and that would endanger the humans!" She said without any breath left.

As they both thought about it Polyphemus spoke first "if we let the titans have them they could escape and cause more tyrant with the humans. We have no way to punish them without involving the humans. Charites."

"In anyway we possible deal with them it harms the humans and we've been at this for over a week now! What is the best way it wouldn't harm the humans?"

"I say we have our pets take care of them it will not get to carried away but it will also help them learn not to mess with us!"

"Yes I think that is a good but a weak plan." Polyphemus said quite easily.

"Than, what do you suggest Polyphemus!" Charites said quite frustrated as she got up from her seat waiting for his answer.

"That plan is mere child's play we need to come up with something of our age!"

"Than how about we use one of Hades' potions to charm them into following what we want."

"You two shouldn't manipulate people, is that what all women do!"

As Makira got up to smack him in the face "Don't compare us to human women!"

"Calm down you two or I will decide on my own! If I do that you two will follow what I choose! Understand." As she stood up and shook the sky with thunder and lightning. "Do you two understand our emotions control the natures?!"

"Yes I do Charites." Polyphemus said with triumphant.

"Yes Charites-s-s-s." Makira said quite sorrowfully.

"We're going to go with bring their butt's here than decide their punishments! Where do you think Athena would be? Where she's watching over everything that's happening?"

"She's probably not at her fort so-o-o-o she's could be at the olive tree we're her in Poseidon fought to be the romans god."

"Than we should send one of us to drag her back here. Who wishes to go retrieve her?"

"I won't for I never like doing the dirty work." Mikira said quite nervous until she was to the point of disappearing.

"Mikira go ahead. Will decide who will be going to get Athena."

"Alright than." As she said that she evaporate into thin air.

Than Chariste got up "How to settle which one is going?"

"Let's arm wrestle!"

"Alright than." As she walked towards Polyphemus where the table and two chairs were put out for them "how many rounds?"

"Two out of three." Sits down and ushering her to sit across from him. As they both put their elbows on the table and entwined their hands they began to put their strength into the game until Polyphemus won the first round, than the second round Polyphemus was winning until Charites ended up winning, and the finally round Polyphemus won by Charites putting all her strength and wasting it.

Chapter Two

As Charites went to the place where the olive tree was offered to the romans she found Athena on the olive tree's highest branch she used a lightning bolt to knock her down from the top of the branch letting her fall to the ground and with another she held it to her neck. "If you don't come with me now I will personal kill you here and now."

"Fine you win." She said as she slowly got up.

"That isn't the Athena I know and use to love but who cares. You better behave yourself or i'll kill you in the slowest way possible." As she calls for one big cloud for both to get on. "If you move without me moving you, I will kill you!"

"Fine! As they both left on the cloud they flew up to Mount Olympus than went into the window in her room. "You will not touch a single thing, start walking forward."

As they exit out of the room, they found Polyphemus in the throne room with Hermes torturing him to tell where both Apollo and Ares where abouts. As she approached Polyphemus she announced that she found Athena upon where she said she was. As they both heard Charites, Hermes began to beg "Charites tell Polyphemus to let me go! I'm just a defenseless messenger. Help me p-p-ple-ase." as he said sorrowfully

"Polyphemus leave him alone. He won't give you any information if you tried torturing him. If you please. Remember he worked for my father" she said quite triumphal

"Fine!" As he throws Hermes to the right of him. Then all of a sudden Polyphemus walks toward Charites and grabs her. Forcing her to let go Athena, as she escapes the throne room with a humongous owl called to her with the simplest noises.

"What in bloody hell, was that for? Polyphemus you let her get away!" As she tries to grab a book on a nearby shelf and begins to whack Polyphemus with it until he let go of her throat.

"You have no right in ruining my fun, torturing Hermes! Charites it's your fault! Now fix it!"
Throws her across the room until she hits the window and falls out of the building. As she's falling to her death, waiting for her rescue she saw Hermes flying away. She tried summoning a thunder bolt so she could hit him in his buttocks, but instead a humongous eagle came to her saving her life. "Polyphemus you're going to pay for that and letting Athena go!"

"No the hell i'm not! Go visit Mikira down in hell!" Quickly evaporates into thin air back to his lair under the sea.

"Crap! This is exactly what Athena wanted!" As she return to her throne room to see the damaged. "You better prepare for war Athena!" She shouted for everyone to hear than she ran to Hermes workshop and sent a letter for both Mikira and Polyphemus to be summoned to Mount Olympus.

"You called for me Charites. Why?"

"I'm still mad at you Charites!"

"Shut up Polyphemus it's your fault I called you both here. Anyway we're going to war with the triple A!"

Both Polyphemus and Mikira "What?!"

"Yes. We are going with that plan! Now Athena will have an awesome strategy and not just that she'll have backups in case her first one doesn't work. We need to think how to fight against her or we'll surely die in the making!"

"Fine! I suggest we use Zeus' battle strategies from the older days. Perhaps we can use his for an example." He said as he went to get the very book Charites was hitting him with.

"Fine! Than what can you figure out by yourself!" As she began to storm out of the room.

As he flipped threw the book; than he stop at the battle plans of Zeus leading his brother and sisters against Cronus their father. "Here! It says that Gaia helped Cronus defeat his father by drugging him causing him to vomit his older children."

"That's awfully disgusting Polyphemus! Don't tell me anything else." As Mikira tried walking away from Polyphemus.

"No! We need to hear this! After Cronus' father threw up his siblings, he lead them in a rebellion. They surpassed the elder titans and sent them away somewhere (where) no one would find them, without being told the location."

"So what are we going to do than? Polyphemus!" Charites said as she was checking her freshly made thunder bolts.

"We will simply ask the elders to help us that aren't on Athena side." Mikira said quite cheerful and hopeful that they would both decide with each other.

Chapter Three

As they all left to find out who isn't on Athena side or would be okay with taking their side at the very least. The first stop was Aphrodite who was frolicking with human men butting into their love life. It was first Charites trying to get her attention "Aphrodite we have a very important question for you."

"What is it than little brat?!" As she

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