» Short Story » Bella's Diary, Erica M. [i like reading .txt] 📗

Book online «Bella's Diary, Erica M. [i like reading .txt] 📗». Author Erica M.

Dear Diary,

I can't believe how big Renesmee has gotten. Shes already 18, it seems like just yesterday I was cradling her in my arms. Now shes older, much much older than what she seems. Edward asked her the other day if her and Jake were getting serious and of course she had to say "kinda" to him. He went on forever talking and talking. I decided to jump in and ask when we were going hunting next. He told me not right now honey I'm in the middle of something can't you tell. So obviously that didn't work how I planned.

Dear Diary,

Edward took me to the movies, which by the way was fantastic! Anyways the phone kept ringing and ringing today non-stop basically. I finally answered it and the whole time it was Jacob wanting to talk to Renesmee. I just still can't believe they are ya know a thing now if that's how you put it these days. He bought her a promise ring, so sweet. I had to tell her it wasn't a proposal ring because she literally flipped when she received it. Now everything's fine, perfectly fine.

Dear Diary,

I'm starving, we "forgot" to go hunting yesterday or that's what Edward and the clan (rest of the Cullens) said. So Renesmee and I went. It was nice to actually spend some quality time with her. I accomplished to find out some things like if they plan on getting engaged any time soon, she told me soon I hope. I'm gunna try talking to Jake about it and see if I can convince him on proposing to her on her graduation. Also to let me go ring hunting with him! We are still good friends I guess but not as much.
Bella Cullen

Dear Diary,

I talked to Jake and he agreed! So this Saturday I know what I'm gunna be doing on that beautiful day. Helping Jake find the perfect ring for my Renesmee. Oh my gosh I just thought of it, Jake is going to be my son-in-law. Kinda creepy but as long as my girl is happy I am.
Love Bella

Dear Diary,

Alice took me shopping in her yellow porsche that she didn't return on that day when we visited the Volturi. It was still funny though. Jake, for some odd reason decided to stay home with Edward and talk to him about something. Probably about Saturday and the wedding and yeah.

Dear Diary,

It was a little awkward picking out rings with him because everyone thought we were getting married so they said such a cute couple and good luck on the big day and stuff like that. I told Edward that when I probably shouldn't have done that.

Dear Diary,

It's Renesmee's graduation day, Jake has the ring in his coat pocket waiting to say his speech about her then call her to the stage and propose in front of millions and millions of eyes watching them like a hawk. The principal went up there said some things and then Jacob Black please come to the stage to say your speech about Renesmee Cullen. Now I would have been pretty embarrassed if Edward did that, Thank god he didn't. So he said his speech and called her up, she looked so confused but yet had a smile. He got down on his knees and she put her hands over her face and laughed. "Renesmee Cullen will you be my wife, marry me?" she responded saying, "Oh my god! Jake, yes, yes I will!" They hugged and she laughed and cried at the same time well at least that's what it sounded like. Everyone clapped and cheered. A beautiful graduation.

Dear Diary,

Renesmee, Alice, Esme, me, and Rosalie (I had to bring her) went dress shopping because Alice and Renesmee insisted on it. I swear they are like sisters or they love to spend time together. The whole time in the car we had to listen to Renesmee talk and talk about how she felt and how excited she is and what she wants to name her kids. I'm kind of happy I brought Rosalie only for one reason she told Renesmee she was getting to ahead or herself like what if he doesn't want kids right away. That kinda shut her up a little until we reached the store.
Love always,
Bella <3

Dear Diary,

Well after yesterday I'm so shopped out. A big white dress with jewels, layers, ruffels, and strapless for of course the bride to be. This might end up being my last diary entry because I'm like so running down to my last page, I'll just have to buy a new one and soon! When I got home yesterday Edward came up to me and kissed me for atleast 2 minutes. I really needed that. So I figured to ask him a question pretty serious to me. I asked if he would take me to the new book store in town to buy a new diary, I know pretty serious. He said yeah anything for my girl, he's so sweet, cute and just PERFECT.

Dear Diary,

Jake took Renesmee shopping, Jasper took Alice to the movies, Emmett took Rosalie to well I really don't know and don't want to. Carlisle took Esme to some book store so she could get her favorite author to sign her book I guess she was there for a signing. That meant me and Edward were the only ones home. We watched Romeo and Juliet cuddled up on the couch, like every 5-10 minutes we kissed or looked at each other. Alice and Jasper came home spoiling it though. I told Renesmee that and she said I'm glad they came home early rather than late, I think I knew what she was getting on to. She's so funny. This is my last entry for this diary I think Edward is taking me either tommorrow or sometime this weekend to go get a new diary. I'm just happy Renesmee got what she wanted.
Bella not Isabelle Cullen, man that sounds good Bella Cullen :)


Publication Date: 06-08-2010

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