» Short Story » Love and Death, Cloven Love [best non fiction books to read .txt] 📗

Book online «Love and Death, Cloven Love [best non fiction books to read .txt] 📗». Author Cloven Love

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My sister Jannet

"No mom they can't take Jannet away mom they just can't mom she is still alive!" I shouted rubbing my eyes to remove the tears that were racing each other down my face. I began feeling weak and soon was bawling on my knees shouting "WHY??!!!" "Jannet don't go!!!!!I need you!!!!" I screamed my head facing the ceiling.



Now do you see why I have lost hope in everything? including promises and love? also trust? she lied....



three days eariler....




That morning I woke up excited to go with my sister, mom and dad to the beach and then to the restuarant where we always order sushi for dinner. I love sushi it was always my favourite. I packed my swim gears and made up my bed and fixed everything that was out of place in my room. I looked around the room and gave myself a pat on the back. I sighed in satisfaction at the clean condition it was in. I then headed towards my sister's room and peeped inside after I opened the door. She was still sound asleep. A wicked smiled creeped across my face as I tiptoed towards her bed. I then crawled up in her bed and began jumping next to her yelling,"Jannet Jannet time to go to the beach!!!!Mom and dad are waiting !!!!!" I stopped when she didn't seem to have heard me.


"Jannet stop being a bed potato and get up lets go!!!" I said my hands in the air like superman. My face expression turned into confussion when I then took a good look at her. She didn't move one bit. I jumped on her bed again with a littl extra force but she still didn't move. I dropped myself next to her and was bouncing with the impact. 

I paused and and looked at her and saw how pale her skin was. Her skin was as pale as a dead. Her lips where white and cracked and her face was looking like she lost all her colour. "So tired she must have been up all night." I sad gently playing with her hair. I got off the bed and searched her make up kit for her chapstick and applied some on her lip. I then got her blush and put a speck on her cheeks and then smiled. "Sorry if I mess up a little I'm only 9 years old." I chuckled. 


I got her brush and comb and neatened up her bronze hair and hooked it in one but left her bangs down to give her her pretty looks she always wears. "Smile Jannet you're never fully dressed without one." I told her. She always told me that when I was down. I then yawned and found myself cuddling up next to her. I jumped when I felt her cold body. It was ice cold. She was freezing!! I took off the AC in her room and took out two blankets from the cuboard.


I covered her with it and kissed her forehead which was also cold as ice. How long was she cold? couldn't she have felt it? I shrugged my shoulders and dived under the covers next to her meeting her face to face. Since I came in the room she was like this. I began to get a little uncomfortable but I then fell into a deep sleep.


I founde myself in a black and white polka dotted with a red ribbon tied around my waist. I looked at my feet which was in a flats that covered my toes with a little heel. I raised my head when I saw something flash and felt my hair around me. My hair was loose and had a red flower in it. I then saw Jannet in a long white gown ahead of me walking slowly with her long bronze hair just the way I combed it. Her skin wasn't pale no more and was he regular skin complexion.


"Jannet!!" I yelled running up to her when she suddenly stopped. I was frozen to the spot with her words.

"You should be worried with where you are." I looked at her with my eyes as big as saucers. She was right. Where was I? The place was a forever dimmed grey surrounding with a spot of black here and there. "Where are we Jannet?" I asked almost in a whisper. She turned to face me and gave a smile....but it was different from the smiles she gave me. "Jannet?" I said scared out of my witts. 


"I wil always remember you." she said flashing me the smile again. "NO JANNET NO." I pannicked. How could she be....?! how could she be....???!!!I just couldnt say the words. A light then was formed in front of her and was getting bigger and bigger. "Jannet wait!!!!!" I shouted reaching out to her running as fast as I could. I grabb hold of her dress before she could step into the light.


"Don't leave me you promised to stay with me and come to my auditions and dance practice, you said you will be there for my graduations and would watch me perform for yours...You also said..." I was then cut off by her touch. Her hands were warm this time. "Some things just change. I am dead Ema and you can't bring me back. Thank you for my hair and makeup sis. You're the best." I smiled faintly at her words but it quickly went. "Please don't go." I begged her tears rolling down my cheeks bluring my eye sight. I felt like a stone just consumed my heart.


I then heard faint footsteps. Jannet get alert as well and embraced me in a tight hug. I squeezed her back and felt she was real. "This is a dream right?" I asked her as my tears stop falling. I would want her to hug me all the time like this. She laughed no its reality. "Promise me something...promise me that you will always be strong and kick butts when needed. And wear that outfit to my funeral. I wil be pleased and will Rest In Peace." she said with that she began walking into the light letting go of my hand. "Jannet no!!!!" I screamed after her. I began running but I wasn't getting anywhere near her. As she stepped into the light she flashed me the brightest smile she ever gave anyone and dissapeared n the light.


I began screaming uncontrolablly and felt as if I was being pulled by something in the opposite direction.


I raised my head off the pillow screaming her name over and over. I gasped louder than ever as if I was having a heart attack..."Jannet!!" I yelled holding my face when I saw her body was gone. Where her body was on the bed left an imprint and outlined her body perfectly. I scrambled out of the sheets almost falling flat on my face as I darted downstairs. I heard sobbing and cries from the livving room and heard sirens by the doors and paramedics.


"NO!!!" I screamed. "No mom they can't take Jannet away mom they just can't mom she is still alive!" I shouted rubbing my eyes to remove the tears that were running each other down my face. I began feeling weak and soon was on my knees shouting "WHY??!!1" Jannet don't go!!!! I need you!!!" I screamed facing the ceiling. They closed the doors behind them when I was about to jump to it to keep it open. I buried my face in my hands and bawled my life out. When I saw Jannet with a glowing light outlining her body. I raised my head in a flash and saw her with that perfect smile of hers.


"Jannet" I whispered my heart racing. "Be strong....promise..." she said before she disappeared. Be strong..... The words echoed in my head and I felt something in my heart that I haven't felt before. My dad embraced us in a hug. and we all cried. That was when I realised strong. I hugged them both when dad looked at mom and I in the eye.


"Sweety I will, the hospital....and find out..." His voice was cut off by his own sobbing. Mom and dad were heart broken and I felt thier emotions. At the rate mom was going she would pass out and might even go into a coma. Dad would start drinking and going mad. Be strong. I whipped the tears off of dad's face and and mom's own too. They watched me and dad then finally finished his sentence.


"I will check the doctors about Jannet." he said. I gave him a smlie and nodded. "Honey I want you to take care of mommy from now okay?" He said tears falling and brimming in his eyes. I was still crying because of the loss of one great family member. When dad left I helped mom to her room and to her bed. When she wasn't looking I took all the pictures that had Jannet in it and all the things that belonged to Jannet or what Jannet gave mom and moved it to her room. 


I was silently crying but I kept it together. I had to keep mom and dad together and somehow I had the courage and the strength to do so. Later on that day Dad came back how with his eyes red like cherries. He dropped the papers on the table in the living room and drifted side to side as he made his way towards me. Dad hugged me and didn't let go. I hugged him and figured the results were as bad as this mess was already. The thought about it made tears once more fall like rain fom my eyes.


He kissed my forehead and took the painfull papers and headed upstairs as if he knew where mom was. I then heard extensive sobbing and sniffling from upstairs. I looked at the staircase and fell on my knees and cried too. I couldn't bare the burden of holding my cries back no longer. I let them flow like a waterfall and stayed there.




Six days after.....




We attended the funeral and it was raining pretty hard. I wore the same outfit I was told to wear when I met her. Why did you go? why did you leave? why did you cause this family so much pain and loss of love? WHY??!!

We all sang a few songs as the coffin which led her body was being lowered in the ground and was soon covered by dirt. "Her soul will be at peace and her body will go back from whence it originally came." He preached. We all said amen and left one by one from the funeral. "You lied." I whispered. "Jannet you...lied"

The preacher looked at me and then laid his hands upon my head and said, "Forgive."


Jannet lied to me...she said that she would alway be with me and come to my performances and help out with mom and dad. She would even come to my school and tell me about her day and after wo would go for ice cream or to the movies and have a girl time. All that would be gone. She said when I reach ten years old we would go shopping together and she promised. It was all a lie...because...she left. 


When we arrived home that day mom and dad went straight to bed after hugging me giving the portion of love that they had left to their one and only daughter. I made my way to her room and remembered what the doctors said about her...they said she had a heart attack and it happened about twelve to twenty four hours. What they were trying to say is that she was to late and couldn't be brought back. I looked at her room and

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