» Short Story » Crazy Love, S.Dickerson(: [i read books .txt] 📗

Book online «Crazy Love, S.Dickerson(: [i read books .txt] 📗». Author S.Dickerson(:

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"Hey sis! Get your lazy ass outta bed!" I opened my eyes to my older brother Zander leaning over me. "Good, your awake." I looked over at my alarm clock sitting on the stand beside my bed, and it read 2:34 am. "Why the hell are you waking me up at this time in the morning?!" I asked as I pushed him away from me. "Sis.." "Get outta my room Zander." As he was walking out, my other older brother Zavier walked in. "Hey you lazy ass! Get outta bed!" he hollered at me. "And who is gonna make me?" I asked with loads of conifidence. Zavier walked over to me and scooped me out of my bed. "I'm gonna make you." he said with a smile. "I need you to close your eyes and don't open them until you are told, alright?" I looked at my older brother, who's gaze changed in an instant. "Alright." I replyed, having full trust in the brother as I closed my eyes.
We started walking down the stairs and into the kitchen, at least I thought. He walked a little and stopped. Then he handed me to somebody else. I tensed. It wasn't Zander because he didn't have enough strength to hold me up and when he did, he struggled. Then Zavier spoke. "Sis, the past four years have been hell for all of us. With mom passing away and everything, she didn't leave us with a whole lot." I could hear the cracking in his voice. It made me want to jump out of this person's arms and give him a hug and tell him he didn't have to say anything more. But I couldn't, something was holding me back. He continued, "The biggest thing she left us with, was you. We were just teenangers at the time, we didn't know how to raise a child. Hell, we barely knew how to take care of ourselves, but that didn't stop us. We couldn't let it. We made a promise to mom that we would do anything to keep you safe. If that meant taking our life to save yours then so be it, that is what would have happened." he stopped speaking. Then I heard Zander's voice. "He's right sis, we made a promise and we tend to keep it all the way to our graves." Tears started rolling down my face. I couldn't help it. Then the person who was holding me spoke. "Hey there, no need to cry." Then it hit me. That voice, those arms, that bare chest. I knew exactly who it was. It was Shasta.
"Open your eyes sis." I opened my eyes and I was right, it was him. I threw my arms around him never wanting to let go. I stayed like that for what seemed like hours then I finally pulled away, looking him over. He had his same old silky, long black hair, his eye's were that same color blue they always were under those tears that were starting to show. Then I saw it, the only thing I dreaded about him. On his left shoulder, was a seven and a half inch scar. I looked at it and slid my fingers as lighty as I could over it. Apparently Shasta knew what was going on. The tears came streaming from my face like rain, they wouldn't stop. He told Zavier and Zander that he was going to his room. He took me with him.
When he walked inside his room, he kicked the door shut with his foot and layed me gently down on his bed, laying right beside me. I was still crying, wanting the tears to stop, but they wouldn't. I curled up to him my head laying on his chest and my hand covering the scar. He lay one hand on top of my hand that was covering the scar and with the other hand he lifted my chin up and kissed me. The tears had suddenly stop coming and he looked me in the eyes. "Hey sweetheart," he kissed me again. " I have missed you like crazy. I thought I was never going to see you again. I'm sorry for leaving. I'm sorry for..." I interruppted him with a kiss. "Shhh," I said to him. "no need to appoligize. Your here now and that is everything I ever wanted." He gave me that gentle smile that he always gave me and kissed me as light as he could. We stayed up in his room all day, just talking about anything we wanted, catching up to what we losted the past year. I finally fell asleep, in the arms of the man that I loved.
I woke up about 10 the next day. It took me a second to figure out where I was, but when I looked up to see who I was laying on, I remembered everything. "Your awake." he opened his eyes and kissed my forehead. "Yeah." I said with a laugh as I laid my head back down on his chest. We stayed there for a little longer until he got up and picked me up and took me down stairs.
"Hey sista!" Zavier squakked when Shasta and I walked into the living room. He came up to me and picked me up. "How are you feeling today girl?" "I'm great actually. I have the three most important people in my life here, I'm set." "I'm glad, but no matter what you say to try to suck up you will not intimidate me. So are you ready to get your ass whooped?" I looked at him then at Shasta, then back at him. "I'm more then ready bro, where's my controller?" he handed me my controller that had a camoflauge cover on it. "Bring it!" We played Call of 'Duty: Modern Warefare 3' pretty much all day until dinner time came around.
"Hey guys, I think I'm gonna take Starr to dinner tonight. Don't mind waiting up for us because I don't know what time we will be back." Zavier stood up out of his chair and Zander sped out of the kitchen. "We won't sleep until she is home Shast, you know that." Zander said still eyeing Shasta. "Don't worry, we will be back by midnight, alright?" Shasta said grabbing my waist. "Trust me, if anything happens then we will call you." Zander and Zavier stood there a moment looking at Shasta. Then he spoke up. " Alright, but if anything happens get ahold of us A.S.A.P. okay?" Zavier said with his voice packed with worry. Then Shasta and I went, got in his truck and were off.
"So girly, where ya wanna go?" he asked me, giving me that innocent smile of his. "Hmm, I'm not quite sure. Anywhere with you has to be great." I said back with a flirty kind of voice. He chuckled. "That helps alot." I laughed along. "How about Pizza Hut? You still have that appitite for pizza and breadsticks?" "You crazy? Of course I do!" he threw back. "Then Pizza hut it is!" That's when it happened, a car hit us broadside. All I remember is looking beside me and seeing Shasta's eyes closed and blood everywhere.
I could hear screaming down the hall. I looked out of the doorway when I saw Zander and Zavier, they saw me. "Oh my god sis, are you okay!?" asked Zavier as he wrapped me in a hug. "Zav. My arm." I squeesed out. "Oh right." he appoligized. Apparently he saw the fear in my eyes. "How is he?" Tears came flowing like waterfalls. "He has a broken leg and a couple broken ribs. He hit is head off the steering wheel and.." "Starr!" his voice interrupted me. I ran into the room he was in and ran to his side. "I'm here Shast, and I ain't going anywhere." He smiled and locked his eyes onto mine. I leaned down and kissed him gently. He pulled away just a little. "I'm not gonna break Starr." He laughed. Then I locked back on to his lips and kissed him more deeply. "That's better." he laughed as I pulled away. "Lets get outta here girly. I wanna go home." I smiled at him.
At home things went back to the way it always was. Zavier and Zander took one of the old army cots we had in storage and cleared a spot in the living room for Shasta. I never left his side. Everynight, we would stay up talking about our future together. One night, it got bitterly cold. I was laying in the chair next to him, talking to him. "Hey, come here." he said to me. I leaned closer to him. "Get under the covers before you get sick." he told me as he lifted the covers, giving me a spot to snuggle in. I did as I was told. His bare skin was really warm, but I was still shivering. He adjusted himself, making noises trying not to show the pain he had. He layed on his side, put his arm under my head, and pulled me close to him. I looked him in the eyes, seeing the pain he was holding in. "Shast, your in pain, maybe I should..." I began to say when he kissed me. "No, I want to feel your breath on my chest and your soft hair in my hands." he kissed me gently, running his hands through my blonde hair. "I want to make sure your warm and safe. I don't care how much pain I am in, you come first." he looked down at me and kissed my forehead. "Your my life, I need to keep you safe." I looked up at him, I knew no matter what I would say, I wasn't going to be going anywhere, neither was he. He lifted my chin up and kissed me so passionately, squeezing me tighter and tighter. Then he whispered into my ear, "Go to sleep my little angel, you need rest to stay strong. I will keep you safe, every angel need's her warrior." That's all I remember from that night, so I must have fallen asleep.
I woke up the next morning, the same way I did every other morning, my head on his chest and my hand over his scar. "Good morning Sweetheart." Shasta said kissing me gently. "Good morning, warrior." I said as he pulled away. Zavier and Zander were playing Call of Duty like always. “Hey sis.” Zander said after noticing I was awake. I looked up at Shasta who was laying there with one arm around me and the other behind his head. looked at him. “Shasta?” He looked down at me and smiled that smile that he only gave me. “Yes my angel?” he asked kissing me on the forehead. “ I love you” chuckled. “I love you to babe.”
As the years went on, Shasta, Starr, Zander and Zavier never left each other. They were always together. Zavier and Zander never dated, they always said that they already had their love of their lives and that was their little sister. Zander and Zavier were killed protecting Starr from a drive by shooting. Starr was destroyed. She did have Shasta but he wasn’t her brothers. She ended up dying of cancer at the age of 23.
Shasta had lost his two best friends and his love of his life. About a week after Starr had pasted away, police found him at the town park, where him and Starr first met, dead. He lay there on the bench with a dozen roses upon his chest, and a ring nest

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