» Short Story » The Boles Fire., Sonia Ferguson [7 ebook reader txt] 📗

Book online «The Boles Fire., Sonia Ferguson [7 ebook reader txt] 📗». Author Sonia Ferguson

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The word that pretty much sums up the way I feeling, is terrified.

I think that almost everyone felt that way. I can't really speak for everypne but I think I can speak for most.

Nothing anyone could have done, could prepare my cummunity for this horrible event that happened September 15th, 2014.

This is my story of The Boles Fire.



September 15, 2014.

Windy and warm.

Sunny with very little clowds.

I still remember the day like it was yesterday. The day where my life changed, in good ways and in bad.


It was warm and windy. It was like any other day in September to me. I woke up got dressed brushed my teeth and went to school no big deal. I was wearing my favorite pair of running shoes, favorite jacket. Before I left home I gave my cats kisses. One for Samson, one for Rodney, three for Misty, four for Macy, too many to my cat Luna, and a lot more for Jake, the one cat in the neighborhood that everyone loves. I walk to the bus stop, seeing the stray cat I take care of and tell her I love her. I arrive seeing my best friend Liz, my three friends that live near me and a little girl that loves me with her mom. I turn to see my sister Taylor and my next door neighbor with his mom and dad walking up. I wait just talking. 

When we arrive at school everyone is happy to be out of that uncomfortable bus. The mood all around was not mixed up and all over the place today so I though that it's gonna be a good day, little did I know that theory would be proved wrong.

We start class. Same old thing. We had ELA, then History, then Math. ELA, easy. Math, easy. History, easy. School comes to me very easily like most things. We go to lunch after math, then I go to Choir. Happiest mood ever. Then I go to P.E. We stretch, then a lap, then we do what ever the teacher has planned out. when we were finshing up, we went to line up where we normaly do. But It was then, getting out of P.E. where everything changed. I walk outside enjoying the fresh air and I see a huge clowd of smoke comming from behind the hill where my school is located. I run back inside and tell a few kids what I saw and other kids go to investigate. We all walk outside seeing this smoke clowd become bigger and bigger within seconds. With the stong wind, it wasn't long till the school premises is filled with smoke and ash.

We walk to computers and on our way the smoke became thicker and thicker as we walked. The smoke was not bothering everyone but it was bothering the kids with asthma and bad lungs. Then you had me. I had a cough and I had been recently been coughing up blood, and this was not making my breathing any better. I started coughing and on my way up the small hill to get to the computer room I was being followed by a boy who had a crush on me. He was annoying but I had to put up with him or I'd snap. We get up the small hill and there he is saying he would be happy if the fire reached the school because he didn't want school anymore. I kicked him in the leg and he almost fell. I continue walking and the smoke becomes to strong I can't hold in the coughs I take off my jacket realizing it's cooler with my jacket on and I bundle it up and start coughing into it. Using it to breathe clearly, I hold it to my face never letting go.

Leaving The School

We get into the computer room and I rush to my seat and go to google. I search up wildfire in northern California and typed in the date. It brought me to a page with a picture off al the fires in northern California that are around us. It has nothing nothing about it. Suddenly on the intercom I hear my principe saying that we are to evacuate to school to the high school calmly. We all get up turn our computers off and walk out. I get my jacket and go. The kid who has a crush on me says that this is the happiest day of his life. Then he said something that made me hate him and lose all respect for him. 

"If the school burns down, I'll be happy. I'll be that happiest boy in the whole state if the school burns down. I hate it here. It's discusting." He didn't really mean he hated it here, he just hated school; but this school is where i had most of my best meomories at. I mean there were some bad ones too, but still, if it were to burn down, the memories would just go from good, to bad.

I froze. I stand there with others passing me, tellin me to move. I can't believe him. Out of all things he did this, I though to myself. I turn to him with tears in my eyes and he looks at me shoked. I punch him in he gut and walk away. I take my jacket and cover my face with it to cover my tears and the blood that I'm coughing up. There were small embers coming to the school and I got hit by about five leaving small burns on my arms. And one landing in the boys hair. I laughed.

I walk and I bump into him. I make the tears go away and he stays at my side no matter what I do. He gives me a hug and I push him aside and I go to the third grade class. Seeing all my little friends. I find one that's my favorite girl in he world and pick her up and hug her. She is crying which causes me to cry. I tell her everything's gonna be okay and that she needs to calm  down and just listen. She does but she continues to cry. She lives near where the smoke is coming from. She was scared. I hold her untill her teacher orders me to put her down and go to my class. My class is kinda evrywhere. I'm in the eigth grade, and our responcibility is to guide the kids and show them how to act, so we were helping all the classes. There are already some at the high school. I go to my teacher. I turn around not seeing my friends. They were still inside when I left, they were with the teacher. I get worried, thinking only the worst.

At The High School

When we arrive at the high school, there is no sight of the annoying kid with a crush, or my best friends. I turn my head and see a little boy walking in the street. He is going g from one side to the other crying. I see a car on the wrong side of the road and it is coming to the boy fast. There is a woman inside, on the phone crying. If I'm gonna help this boy I've gotta move now. I start running. I am about five feet away from the boy when the woman finally sees and presses on her breaks. She is too close though and even if I do get to him on time she will have either hit my leg or hit me. I lunge myself forward and I grab the little boy, grab his head and pull it close to me so he'll be safe. I land on my back. The little boy is just panting. I unwrap my arms around him and he gets up. I am up, ignoring the pain from my foot. I walk to the field where I was headed before I saw him. I look back and the little boy smiled and look confused. No one else saw me, that's the only thing that confused me.

I spot my class and run to them. I hug my friend Amber and I do the same to everyone else. I look around for my two friends. No where to be found. We stand in line for two minutes befor i see my teacher. The smoke there is getting heavy and it becomes to much. I get dizzy and fall to my knees with my vision blurry and Amber at my side. I turn and see Liz's mom. My eye's shoot open and I get up stumbling a little and run to her. She offers me a ride and I accept. I go to her van and I see Liz. I run to her, rapping my arms and round her. She says my sister RaeAnne and Taylor are both looking for me. I see them give her one last hug and go to them. We go home, worried. My dad drops us off and goes to the store to get gas.

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