» Short Story » The She-Warrior, Kendra Hefting [macos ebook reader TXT] 📗

Book online «The She-Warrior, Kendra Hefting [macos ebook reader TXT] 📗». Author Kendra Hefting

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Don't Give Up

“Is Peleus here?” Fenston stood awkwardly in the doorway of his friend Peleus’ house as they were heading to their first gladiator lesson just like all the other fourteen year old boys in the village. They lived in Athens, a city named after the goddess Athena since it was said she had contact with a villager who was so grateful he named the city he later founded Athens.

“He is gone with his father but he will be here any minute. Come in Fenston!” Peleus’ mother opened the door allowing him enough room to enter their house and sat on the carpet sitting in the middle of the floor.

Once Sineta was gone a tiny voice came out of nowhere. “Is she gone?”

Fenston had never met Peleus’ sister nor had Peleus ever mentioned her name but Fenston knew as soon as he heard that voice he knew it was her. Fenston nodded since it was against the law for female and male children to communicate but as soon as she saw his motion she stepped out from behind the ladder that had prevented him from seeing what she looked like.

“I’m Hindle.” The girl spoke with cool and confidence as if she wasn’t breaking the law. She had on a long white toga, making her look like a goddess with her fiery red hair and blue eyes. Fenston couldn’t help but notice she looked like what he always thought a female warrior would look like.

“Fenston, my name’s Fenston.” He couldn’t help but notice that she seemed much surer of herself than he did and it made him uncomfortable. Woman were supposed to be the shy people of the village tending the home while the men were supposed to be the brave and courageous ones who went off to war but something about her attitude and confidence called to Fenston and he knew he would do anything for her.

“Oh, so you’re my brother’s friend. Shouldn’t you be at gladiator practice?” Fenston had a moment of panic but then remembered Peleus wasn’t there yet so he still had time to talk to her. Hindle developed a faraway look in her eyes, a sort of longing look and Fenston could just hear her mumble, ‘lucky’.

This caught Fenston off guard, as she blushed realizing he had heard her. “Why would you wish that?”

“Would you want to stay in this house all day cleaning just so your parents can prepare you for your future husband whom you don’t even get to choose?” Hindle snorted, “I think not. I would much rather be out there fighting for our village, for mom.” Although she said the last part under her breath but Fenston still caught it.

“What do you mean your mom?” Hindle blushed furiously before moving to sit beside him.

“Can you keep a secret? I need you to promise!” Hindle seemed to be playing with something. As Fenston shifted to see what it was he was slightly disturbed to realize it was a knife. Immediately Fenston nodded not wanting that sharp object near his throat.

“My mom isn’t Peleus’ mom…” she trailed off for him to put it together. Suddenly Fenston seemed to understand, Peleus was older than Hindle which meant that sometime during his marriage ten years ago her father had found another woman.

“W-who is it?” Fenston stuttered, still not comprehending he was breaking the law to talk to a girl about marriage problems.

“Athena!” Fenston stood there shocked before his scientific side acted up.

“Not possible. Athena wouldn’t commute with humans, plus you don’t look like an Athena child!”

“But I don’t look like my mother either!” Fenston couldn’t argue with that, but he still didn’t understand how she could be the child of Athena while looking nothing like Athena.

“But Aphrodite and Artemis blessed me. Athena said it was because I would need those gifts for two reasons,” Fenston started to understand but was still shocked that Artemis would bless a baby child who had been seered because of a man.

“One, because if I looked like Athena suspicions would be taken and I would be either expelled by the town in case monsters came or locked up inside a cell and two because I would need the talents to escape the trouble I’ll get myself into!” Hindle scoffed as if she couldn’t fathome her mother saying that she would get into trouble yet here she was breaking the law. Fenston couldn’t help but admire her confidence. But he soon got over it once he heard what she said next.

“Hey, you’re a guy right?”


“Yeah I guess. Can you help me get out of here? To Olympia, because every year they have gladiator competitions and there village is rewarded greatly!” As she spoke Hindle’s eyes lit up with every word making it harder and harder for Fenston to ignore her and her request. When she had finally finished she stared at him hopefully and he felt his willpower crumble.

Then the door opened and Fenston felt relieved that he didn’t have to answer her. But right before Hindle dashed behind the ladder she whispered, “Great I’ll meet you on the street tonight, after everyone’s asleep. Don’t chicken out!” She gave him a playful punch to the shoulder, which slightly hurt before she was gone leaving Fenston slightly confused.

Hindle had been waiting there for 20 minutes and was starting to get impatient. When she met the guy, Fenston, she knew immediately he would help her and he was not one to be late so that left two options;

One, he was hesitating,

Or Two, he was caught. But Hindle wasn’t about to give up this easily; even if he didn’t show up she would still be able to escape; it would just be harder and more lonely. Hindle decided that he had two minutes before she left but not longer had she decided that a lone figure formed out of the shadows. Hindle could feel a smirk grace across her face as her hands fell on her hips.

“Well, looks like you showed up after all. I was starting to have doubts in you Mr. Fencer. Come on we have to hurry.” Hindle grabbed Fenston’s hand and drug him along veering in between houses until they finally reached the village borders.

“Are you really sure this is a good idea?” Hindle rolled her eyes at the boy’s idiocy but she couldn’t help but admit that he was handsome. He had shaggy, messy black hair and eyes that couldn’t decide between blue and green. He was strong and well muscled but he was timid, proving to Hindle that he would only fight for what he thought was right.

“It will take us one day to reach Corinth then another two days to reach Olympia, so we had better get started!” The first step outside of their village did feel different as if Hindle’s mother had put a blessing on the village which would no longer protect them. Realization dawned on Hindle as she realized why she hadn’t been attacked during her thirteen years of life. These next three days were going to be hard.

It hadn’t been all that hard; Hindle and Fenston had almost reached Corinth as they only had another hour to go and they had only been attacked by the Minotaur which, in Fenston’s opinion, wasn’t much harder than wrestling with the bulls back on his cousin’s farm.

“There! There, I see the lanterns! Come on Fenston, we can probably find somewhere to stay!” Fenston shook his head as Hindle dragged him into the village.

“It’s pointless Hindle, no one has the kind of hospitality you are asking for… it is silly to expect people to allow two strange children into their home!” Hindle rolled her eyes at his logic but refused to give up. They tried at every house always receiving the same answer every time. Apparently the townsfolk believed it was against the law to board two strange children.

They had reached the edge of Corinth when Hindle finally crumbled in defeat.

“I give up! This was all a big mistake; no woman should be seeking power and expect hospitality! I should never have left.” Fenston felt sudden guilt and was contemplating putting an arm around Hindle to comfort her but suddenly, within the dark mysterious woods, something snapped bringing both children to attention.

“Who’s there?” Hindle demanded standing with her knife held out in the direction of the noise. The sound of light laughter was heard and out of the woods stepped a young girl with auburn hair and silver eyes. Her physical appearance was young, making Fenston believe she was no older than twelve but her eyes told a different story. She seemed to be thousands of thousands of years old, making Fenston suspect she knew much more than any elder in their village.

“Ah, Hindle. You have grown with beauty and grace. I can just see the bravery and confidence radiating off of you!” The girl beamed. Suddenly, a group of another ten girls stepped out of the woods as well. To Fenston, he had no idea what any of it meant but Hindle seemed surprised and honored at the same time.

“Lady Artemis!” With that Hindle bowed as Fenston raided his brain for any information on the goddess. Suddenly small facts started pilling in his brain; her hate for men, her female group of hunters, her oath to be a maiden forever. Fenston decided bowing wouldn’t be such a bad idea and quickly joined Hindle.

“I see your quest isn’t going as planned.” The way Artemis said it made it clear she had been observing everything, which undoubtedly included Fenston almost draping an arm over Hindle. Just the thought of the maiden goddess witnessing that certain period made Fenston’s face heat up, not going unnoticed by the goddess herself.

“My Lady, I was expecting kindness of the heart, bravery and hospitality. I was not expecting such cowardess from people who must dream of seeking what I am and yet they fear the king and his law!” Artemis nodded and looked, for the first time, at Fenston.

“And you boy? What are you doing here?” Fenston knew Artemis hated men and as soon as she asked the question, he knew he was no exception. But before Fenston had any time to respond, Hindle answered for him.

“I asked him to come, Milady, since if we were caught I would not be punished since I was in the presence of a man, no matter what the man’s age. He may not be a great fighter but he is diplomatic and he was the first to warn me that such hospitality did not truly exist anymore.” Artemis’ gaze towards him seemed to soften.

“I don’t usually allow men to stay amongst my hunters and I, but this time I will make an exception.” Artemis turned her back as if to lead them away, but not before mentioning one last thing. “But never give up dear child since there will always be hospitality where you expect it least.” Fenston had a feeling she wasn’t only talking to Hindle but to him as well.

Artemis had led them into a small clearing with polls and cloth hung over top making a type of shelter. Artemis pointed to one that was larger than the rest.

“That is where I shall be sleeping. Fenston your

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