» Short Story » Escape, Aigner Isabella [read me like a book TXT] 📗

Book online «Escape, Aigner Isabella [read me like a book TXT] 📗». Author Aigner Isabella

One week passed by since Nerleen and Sorda abandoned their home. After the big catastrophe of 2376-07-13 and the collapse of the energy reserves of 2394-03-01, the city has been attacked several times by strange beasts, which were known as animals in former times. All thanks to the 7th world war no one would be save ever again.

Everything escalated when the tactical aircraft army dropped new kinds of biological bombs. At this time no one could have imagined what that kind of action would cause. Every living being, which has encountered with the gas of the bombs after this, mutated to strange creatures with less sense of morality. Even their sensation of pain was gone. The government decided to activate the global energy reserves to maintain the cities’ protective shields. After this life had been like a prison. Every city was cut off of the other living places. People lived the same flow day after day without hope to see anything else but their home town. Years passed by and the landscape outside lost every living source. The wide green fields became dead land and the beasts, who were reaching for meat, devoured their kind. It seemed that even the sun didn’t want to return anymore and hid her skin behind big clouds of dust and poisoned air. In this time, when mankind lost every intense it had left, the twins Nerleen and Sorda were born into the first generation after the big catastrophe. They brought back a little bit of hope to their parents. Their early childhood was save and they never lacked food, due to the biological research center. Nevertheless their childhood was monotonous and they soon became bored with their daily flow. They were even tired of the stories of former times, where the sun shined every day, beautiful landscapes existed and animals were kind and loving beings. After the twins' 11th birthday the whole energy reserves of the city collapsed. After the first relief – people found out that the poisonous air was gone – passed panic spread out. They realized that it was only a matter of time till the beasts' quenchless demand for meat would bring them to their place. The adults decided to leave and fight against the monsters in order to protect their children which stayed in the nearly deserted city. Three weeks passed and the adults hadn’t returned. It became more and more dangerous to stay at one place for long because the monsters had reached the city. This was the reason why Nerleen and Sorda left their home and tried to hide at several places.

The two children were tired. They searched for three long days without rest for a hiding place where they could sleep safely for a while. Even though it seemed that they outdistanced the beasts they had no place to return to. The whole city was crowded with those intimidating monsters which only waited for dinner to come. Nerleen was scared. She knew if they didn’t find a place to rest soon her twin brother Sorda would be in great danger. His health wasn’t very well to begin with and after some days sleeping rough and wandering around his health got worse again. They even had spent their last drop of water. Soon the evenfall would come and with a limited field of view it would become even more dangerous. The little girl nearly lost her hope when they found an old degenerated, half destructed and rusted building on which fragile and odd sign was written: “Hotel Bristol”. She took her brother’s cold and shivering hand and both of them went inside. Once inside they felt more save and could relax for the first time since the day they left home. After they looked around they had found some blanket, a little bit of food and luckily some drinking water. Tired and leached out both of them cuddled up to one another, wrapped in some blanket.

Startled out of an unsettled dream Nerleen woke up at dead of night, realizing that Sorda wasn’t with her anymore. Wide awake and sorrowful she searched through the building. Losing her sense of time she somehow reached a room flooded with water, her brother standing on dry stars which trailed off into the dark and deep liquid. It seemed like it came from an underground sea which broke through the fragile floor and walls of the building. It appeared like a miracle that the hotel hadn’t collapsed. When Nerleen tried to call out for Sorda her voice broke down. “Do you know the lulluby of the lost?” Her little brother seemed far away from the place he was standing, like he wasn’t part of the same brutal and hopeless world like her anymore. From far away a voice reached their ears and began to sing a strange but also familiar lullaby.

Fragile, lonely world
Your Eyes can only see darkness
Your ears can only hear voices of times which have passed long ago
Your taste reaches only for the different tastes of former seasons
Your sent searches only for the aroma of an early morning after a lightly and unforced rain shower in springtime
Your sensation searches only for the wind which touched the flora of the early days

Long ago you turned your back to the remaining life on your shoulders
You lost yourself in remembrance of days which would never return
Selfishly you left everyone alone without foothold

Left alone they became lost
Everywhere there was only darkness and loneliness
Most of them lost their reason to live
But even in the darkest times hope remained
There were still people who hadn’t given up and believed in their whishes
Those wishes became a light deep down in an unknown forsaken darkness
This light had the power to allow life to gain new strength
It created a place which only those who believed could reach
Many tried to find it, trying to reach the miracle, but in this brutal and fragile world their failure was promised

After having lost many of their beloved, there was no reason left searching for the light again
It became lost like everything else
But remaining in the darkness it wished to be found
Even there was little chance it never gave up
Remaining lonely and lost
Resting till maybe one day there will come down someone to the forsaken land

The forsaken land which could only be found through a light
The light deep down in the dark, cold shadow of the fragile and lonely world...

Still the lingering sound of the words in mind Nerleen went to Sorda. Knowing what to do, they slowly went down the stairs into the cold and dark water. Side by side they swam to the center of the sea, taking a last deep breath and diving down, reaching for the light of the forsaken land. Deeper into the dark and cold water. Deeper… Deeper… Deeper… Deeper… Deeper…Deeper…



Publication Date: 03-22-2010

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