» Short Story » Preceding Events, Mey Rayna [epub ebook reader .TXT] 📗

Book online «Preceding Events, Mey Rayna [epub ebook reader .TXT] 📗». Author Mey Rayna


he war had begun.

And he was sad. Sad about to leave his wife. But he had to save her life and the life of their daughter, because they weren’t of his folk.

He was a proud and honorable Elf, and he would always take his sword to safe his people or his family.

But this war was different.

He was frightened of this war, because he and hundreds of his folk had to fight for their families and against their own folk. Nothing on it was honorable.

These Elves who wanted to keep the elf-blood pure and don’t interbred it with human- or faeblood, wanted to chase out or even kill  all the wives, husbands and children who weren’t Elves and would debase the blood........But these Elves who loved a human or a fae resisted them. Now there was no way out.....

One week ago, he sent a bird to his druid-friend who was living in a little human village far away, and yesterday, finally, the druid came to help his old friend.

The Elf was standing at the edge of the wood; his heart was broken as he saw the old druid with his a lot older carriage, drove away back home. And the Elf´s little family with him.

The Elf’s wife was a human, a witch maybe, and he loved her like nothing else before. He had never asked her, why she was alone in the forest, all bloody and crying, as he found her. And he had never asked her about the two big wounds (and later the two big scars) on her back along her spine. She was grateful for this.

A few years after he found her there they got a sweet little daughter and he loved his wife and his daughter everyday more.

Now he had to leave them for a dishonorable fight against his own blood.

He was sad as he turned back to the forest and begun to run, back to his folk and the war.....


he was happy, when she found this proud Elf that she had seen in her vision every night since her 24. birthday.

A few days before, she had fled when the people of her village found out her secret.

She was an orphan and grew up in a dragon’s lair. The dragon helped her to learn about her magic that she obviously possessed and to hide her more obvious wings. He always said: “Humans are a young folk, they will learn, but it needs time. And most of them would be afraid of a woman with wings. So you better hide them, if you will visit them ...” And she did. But one day the old dragon said: "It´s time..", left the cave and he never came back. She wouldn’t stay alone in the lair, so she left too.

She went to a village near the dragon’s forest after she hid her wings with a glamour-spell. For getting a house and something to eat, she worked as a medicine-woman for a long time. She never got real friends but the people respected her enough to let her live in peace. Occasionally they tried to ask about her family or invited her to the village-gatherings. She always answered politely that she had no one and sat back in the last row of the gatherings.

One day, she had an accident and needed a healer by herself. The only one, who could help her, was this wicked and jealous old man. He hated her since she came into the village because of her talent and the easygoing with the villagers. And he used this opportunity and betrayed her. He saw her wings and told it to everyone. He told them also that she must be a daemon and would eventually cause the villages downfall straight to hell. So the scared villagers cut down her wings and chased her out with nothing than her bloody dress.

She stopped in the old dragon´s forest  and fell into a deep sleep of regeneration so her wounds would heal a bit. There she got this vision of her soulmate again.

Four days later, she found him and followed him to his home in the City of Elves.

They lived there in harmony for a long time and finally she got pregnant. They, their friends, Elves and Non-Elves were happy about it, but some Elves of the council of elders distasted the debasing of the proud elf-bloodlines. They didn’t want to tolerate this and so, a few month later, they begun the war against their own folk...

Now, she and her daughter were sitting in an old carriage with an old druid and a very old brown-white donkey. She looked back to her beloved husband and she knew that she had to be strong for the following days, moths and perhaps even years...but a little teardrop ran down her cheek. She wiped it away and turned back to the old druid as she couldn’t see her husband anymore....

For whole three days, she said nothing, just cared for their daughter, but the druid was talking a lot. At the end of the third day, they finally  reached the druids village.


She and her daughter lived a few years peaceful at the druid’s house and helped him to care for the villagers needs, the harvest, the animals and a lot more. Sometimes at night, she had a dream, and then she woke up, left the house and sneaked off to the edge of the woods behind the village. And her husband was waiting there. He always looked sad and tired but he was there, for half a night, and they talked a lot about him, her, their daughter and the war....when he left after these rare hours, she stood at this place until dawning...........


he daughter didn’t know about these secret meetings and was growing up like a normal human child, with one difference: she learned early how to hide her wings and to color her hair with magic. Because she had wings and hair in every shade of green. Mother told her, that no human child has wings and green hair.

Sometimes she asked about her father, but her mother would always get sad and never answered...finally she never asked again. However, there were some wonderful evenings where her mother told great stories of a great proud Elf and the also proud Elf folk. She loved these evenings with her mother, because then her mother was happy for a few rare hours.

One day she asked her mother about the two big scars on her back, but her mother just waved her hand as to wave the question away and answered. “It was an accident, nothing more.”

After a while, the druid got older and older and her mother cared more and more for the villagers and their problems. Sometimes with hidden magic but mostly just with her mind and knowledge. Finally the druid died and she did her best to do his work like he did before.

One year, the villagers lost the harvest because of a drought and she couldn’t help them. At the same year, an inquisitor came and told the them, that a witch must be the reason. They tried to find out which women could be the witch and they found the only nonnative and her daughter.

Her mother sensed the danger and hid her daughter with a spell behind their home, but there wasn’t enough time to hide herself too, so they got her. The inquisitor burnt her on the stake. But while she was standing there she saw her daughter hiding behind a tree. The mother prayed to the old dragon, her husband and all other known and unknown magic creatures and deities to safe her daughter from the pain to see her burning mother...

And it worked. The daughter saw all details, but felt nothing, for the moment.


he turned around and walked into the forest like in trance; stopped walking one day later and fell into a coma. When she woke up for a short moment, she was in a cave. Outside was a noise of battle and there was an old dragon next to her straw bed, talking to a man with pointed ears, an Elf maybe; she couldn’t see him exactly in the darkness of that cave. But she could hear them talking. It was a language that she recognized, her mother had sung her a few songs for to sleep, but she could understand these words. “My mother...” she thought and suddenly all the memories came back and the dampened pain of seeing her mother burn hit her with the full force. She cried in agony as she remembered the pain in her mother’s face, the flaking, black skin pealing back under the heat and the smell of burnt skin and hair.

The last thing she saw was that the Elf and the dragon turned their heads to her, then the Elf said a strange word and she felt again into a deep sleep. This time it was a healing sleep.

She woke up a few times, just for short moments until she remembered again and got lost in the agony of these memories.

One time she was laying on the dragons back, flying high over the clouds, and behind her was sitting: the Elf. As he recognized her awakening he smiled to her. It was a very warm but sad smile. And for the first time, the memories didn´t hurt so much. Then she was sleeping again. Next time she woke up in a flower at night, and the Elf was gone, but the dragon was still there. He told her, that this flower is a part of Avilion, and that this will be the place where she can be herself and where she will live in peace. And she trusted in him.

Since this day she lived in Avilion. She grew up there, found friends and had a lot of fun. A few decades long until these days. But sometimes in very lonesome nights, Tiana Tizona is thinking about her father, and hopes to meet him one day………….


Text: G.C.I.Mandel
Publication Date: 10-25-2010

All Rights Reserved

Für Kirsten, die immer für mich da war und immer da sein wird. Für meinen Mann, der es wirklich nicht immer leicht mit mir hat.

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