» Short Story » And he flies to a place...<3, kerry boo [best beach reads txt] 📗

Book online «And he flies to a place...<3, kerry boo [best beach reads txt] 📗». Author kerry boo

“Hey Troy!” Gabby yells skipping to me.

“Hey Gabbs.” I smiled at her.

“How is everything today?”

“Everything is….” I stop and think how is everything? “Everything… I love it. It’s amazing. Mom
makes me happy… She’s always there for me…”

“I’m so glad to hear that.”

“Ya…Gabbs, Me to.”

“So do you want to come over today??”

“I would love to... But mom says I have to come straight home after school everyday…She says she misses me when I go to school and anxiously waits for me to come home to her everyday..”

“Oh. Ok!” Gabby smiles. “I am so glad that your life is so perfect Troy.”

“Me too...”

I waved goodbye to Gabby and walked home alone. I glanced around me at all the happy children with their mothers and fathers. Holding they’re hands and dancing. Smiling and laughing. Why can I not have that? Happiness.

I walked through the front door and before I even had a chance to breathe, I knew what was coming. I covered my face with my hands as I got slapped. “TROY WHAT DID I TELL YOU ABOUT TALKING TO THAT GABBY GIRL!? I SWEAR IF SHE FINDS OUT ANYTIHNG, YOU WILL REGRET IT FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE!!!” the tears begin pouring down my face.

“I’m sorry momma….”

She rolled her eyes and got close to my ear and whispered. “You’re not sorry.” And walked away.
I fell to the ground and cried. Why did my father have to leave me here alone? Why was my life so miserable?

I pulled myself, up off the ground threw on a smile, to show around…No one knew the silent pain I endured, and I just wish I was never born.

I laid in my bed, till I could close my eyes for the night, and escape all the tortures. At 11:11 I decided upon a wish; the same wish I made every day.

‘Oh please, god I’m begging you… I know you love me, just end the pain…’

I wake up in the morning and throw on my sweater, hiding away the secrets my mom prevails…Every one watches and I smile back, they all think my life is so perfect.

“Mom please, I am begging you… Please stop doing these things to me!!!” and the tears pour as I launch for the door… “Please momma, what did I ever do?”

She grabbed a hold of me and shook me till I couldn’t breathe, gasping for air… She’s laughing she doesn’t care….

“Oh my god!” they all mutter as I walk past them. Black eye, bruised arms, smiles gone… My mother mighta pushed it too far. Just like me, nobody understands how she could do these things to me.

I beg for someone to help me… With tears in their eyes they all shake they’re heads and walk away from me… Nobody cares…

I get home and my momma’s there waiting for me… “Momma please…just let me be…” I cry and I cry hoping to soften her stone cold heart. She doesn’t care she pushes me up the stairs. Face first I plow into them, Now I can add a cut on top of my head…I begin to run and she chases after me…”Please mommy….please…”

“SHUT UP!!!” she spits out at me… “I DON’T WANT TO HEAR ANOTHER WORD FROM YOU!!”

I get up the stairs and back against the wall… “Please….” My final and last word before she launches me down the stairs… I look around and I see light….

The next day my momma cries… she walks to my burial to say her goodbyes. Everyone’s there with guilt on their face… “We should have called someone” they all whimper.

I look around and see Gabby stepping towards me, “Congratulations Troy… You’ve escaped the pain.” She grabbed my hand and everything was ok <3


Text: ima be completly honest. i was listening to like the only country song i like "Concrete Angel by Matina McBride and this is basically that song, turned into words and about a little boy. Comment, Fav, Thanks<3
Publication Date: 12-15-2011

All Rights Reserved

Tooo Luke <3

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