» Short Story » The Coffee Shop Kiss, Jessica Kelley [read a book .txt] 📗

Book online «The Coffee Shop Kiss, Jessica Kelley [read a book .txt] 📗». Author Jessica Kelley

It was 7 o'clock, Christmas morning. Snow fell to the ground and smoke rose from every chimney. Children ran through the streets, laughing and playing with brand new toys. Men and women smiled at passersby, basking in the holiday warmth. 

In a coffee shop near the edge of town, a woman sat at a table in the corner, sipping from a hot cup of coffee. She wore a bright red jacket with a white shirt and jeans. Every now and then someone would enter and she would glance up at him or her, then frown and go back to sipping her drink. No one knew why she was there, but it wasn't their place to know. It was her secret.

Two hours and three cups of coffee had passed when a man trudged through the door. There were streaks of gray in his hair and his eyes were full of sadness. His wife, Charlotte, had left him for another man three months ago, leaving him to take care of their daughter and son on his own. These past few months had left him with no sleep and no money. He was especially distraught this morning because, for the first time, he couldn't get any Christmas presents for his children. Soon they would wake up and see no presents under the tree.

Who am I kidding, he thought. We don't even have a tree.

He suddenly became aware of a woman in the corner who was looking at him. It seemed as if her auburn eyes could see right through him. Like she understood exactly what he was going through.

She stood and walked over to him, taking his face in her hands. At first he tried to pull away but then he looked into her eyes and felt an overwhelming sense of love and compassion. She gazed at him as if she was sifting through his memories. A single glistening tear fell onto her cheek and she kissed him. 

For a moment his heart was so filled with joy, he thought it would explode.

And then she was pulling away and walking out the door. He chased after her, asking for her name. She turned back and smiled, and for just a moment he glimsed a beautiful lady in a vibrant red cloak. Her hair was decorated with mistletoe and her skin shimmered like the sun.

The next moment she was gone and he had an empty feeling in the pit of his stomach. He walked home in a sort of trance, unable to think of anything but her.

He came to his house and opened the door to see a massive Christmas tree covered with ornaments and tinsel. Gorgeous gifts took up the whole floor, all signed, Dad. There was one by the door that said, From: the coffee lady. Tears came to his eyes as he cried out with joy.


Publication Date: 11-23-2011

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