» Short Story » Ending at the dot, Dain [best beach reads of all time .txt] 📗

Book online «Ending at the dot, Dain [best beach reads of all time .txt] 📗». Author Dain

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"Do you remember when we were little and how you always wanted to pretend we were a family with two kids and a German Shepard?" His crystal blue eyes slicked over the greenish blue lake that captivated most of the small town of Nosawl.

I smirked, looking down at my reflection in the water. "How could I forget?" I skimmed my hand over the surface delicately. "You made the best dang mom I've ever saw." I peaked through my hair watching as Damian's face turned a light shade of red.

He leaned back on the palm of his hands, letting his head fall lazily back. "You played the dad; always firm, but fair." He gave a pointed look my way, but I just smiled cheekily.

"Hey, If not me, then who?" I let out a care free laugh. "I always did like to take charge, didn't I?"

Damian smirked, his eyes squinting from the hot blazing sun. "Yes, you piratically took advantage of me and my shyness." He held his right hand over his heart. "Even now it still scars me forever."

"Yeah," my tone lowered to one sadness. "forever." I slipped off my baby blue flip-flop, sticking my big toe into the cold fresh water; the small temperature change sending a shiver down my spine.

"You know I didn't mean to s-" I cut him, holding up my hand for him to stop. The pleading worry look in his eyes made me feel worse then better. I plastered a fake smile on my face, titling my head a little.

"It's okay, really." I held my tong and waited for Damian to look away first. He did and I silently let out a sigh.

"You know you can talk if you wa-"

"Yes, I know." I stated a little bit to harsh. His eyes harden a bit, but slipped into one of knowing.

I started to ground my teeth in anger. I hated it, any time it was brought up, any time someone decided it was okay to judge me because of it. "You know what sucks the most?" I narrowed my eyes at a piece of drift wood that was simply just drifting in place. I watched closely as it would create riffles in the water when ever a small wave came by, but then settle after a few seconds.

"What?" Damian's voice came out in a soft whisper, mixing with the slight cool breeze that was starting to form.

"No matter how hard you could try, no matter how hard you believe, or even wish; nothing will change." I brought my legs to my chest, using my arms to hold myself together. "I don't even have a say in what goes, my life is chosen."

"Only if you look at it that way." I could hear Damian shift my way. "Maybe, just maybe we could do something to change it. You know, make people see things as they really are." excitement leaked in his voice.

"Only if it was that simple." I let my head go lack, a stray tear drifting down my snow white cheek.

"So your going to give up even before it started?" My head whipped to Damien's face. His eyes were blazing with anger, his brown hair flopping in the wind. I could see his jaw tighten and slack over and over as he sought out my feelings through my eyes.

"What am I suppose to do? You don't get it, not anything."

"So what? Just because I don't exactly know whats going on, or how you feel all the time, I can't help? I can't be an asset?"

"No, it's the fact that it was over even before it began no matter who or what someone thinks. I know, you know, we all know what the outcome is." Damian stood to his feet, both his hands in fists. "I never got a fighting chance; I will fall like the others before me and those after me will fall all the same. It's a cruel cycle of lies and betrayal." A bitter smile crept on my face, tears stinging the edges of my eyes. "And you want to know how I feel?"

Damian stood still, his look of anger turning to one of hurt. "Please, no. You don't have to." his voice cracked.

"But I want to, I want you to understand, to know what I'm feeling." I said mockingly, using his words against himself.

"But please, I-"

"I feel like the world is ending, and I'm the only one that sees whats really happening. I feel like it's every ones fault for the way everything turned out, but instead of facing it head on, they blame someone innocent like myself to purify whats left of their consciences."

"Really, I just th-"

"I feel that even though the only family I will ever have, the only family that I always thought would stick up for me against the bad guys and nightmares; gave me away in a blink of an eye just to save their own skin. I feel no matter what they do, even something like this, I could never hate them. Like I said, their my only family, their all I really have." I waited for Damian to cut in with some nonsenses.

"You have me." He told with such determination, I wish I could believe.

"I have no one. In the end of the day, it's just me against the world." I let my angry face disappear into one showing nothing. I looked at the yellow ball of fire in the bright blue sky. "Not much of a fair fight if you ask me."

"It doesn't have to be."

I rolled my eyes at him. He always did say everything had a purpose and mine was going to be to stop people like me from going through what I'm about to."Your a dreamer, like me in a way."

"No, we are both fighters." He tried cracking a smile, hoping to lighten the mood a little. "I believe you, really." He let out a loud stressed filled sigh, shoving his hands in his pant pockets. "I just wish I could take your place instead."

"At times, so do I."

Damian sat back down next to me, landing painfully on the pointed rocks. He brought my hunched over form to his warm body, wrapping a protective arm around my shoulders. "Your the best friend I have."

"And your mine, the one and only." I pictured us together, old and grey sitting on two different rockers; hand in hand. We were happy, married, and didn't care what others thought. We were in love and nothing could stop us, not even death itself.

"Remember how every time I came over to play with you, you would punch me in the stomach demanding why I came back every day?" His chest rumbled in laughter.

I fought a smile and lost. "Yeah, you always said,'becaus I like you to much to keep myself away from you." I playfully punched him in the arm. "You could make my day better just by your I'm-better-then-everyone act. It was so simple back then."

"It was, wasn't it? I think the thing I'm going to miss most is the little things that seemed so incompetent at the moment."

"Like right now?"

"Especially right now."

I leaned my head on his strong broad shoulder, my blond hair falling in waves around us both. "If you could change anything, what would you change?"

"Would I be able to change your outcome?"

"No, that's the one exception."

He gave a brief chuckle. "Then I would change the way people see things. I would make people see those who have been pushed, more then a fallen, but as themselves. I would give back those people their identity and show everyone, even though it was forced upon them like you, how brave they were no matter how they took it." His arm tighten around me, laying his head on my own softly. "I want them to know your name, Emma."

My heart started to beat a mile a minute at his sweet words. "I would change how I never told you."

"Never told me what?" I could hear his spark of interest at my choice of words.

I breathed out a laugh, hoping to cause him some pain with all the wonder probably going on through his mind. "If I told you, then I would have nothing left to change; nothing left to regret."

"Wouldn't you want to go on without regret?"

"I would rather go on with regret then pain. It just seems like a better excuse in life to me."

"Why would you be in pain?"

"From all the glares I'm sure to get. The stares from my neighbours and kids I grew up with as they say,'I remember her; always knew she was going to be a fallen from the begging.' With regret still in my life before it ends, I have something else but that pain to hold onto."

"What about love? You know, family love and stuff like that."

"They never really even liked me." I let out a wishful sigh. "I held onto the dream of them one day being able to look at me without disapproval in their eyes, but it's a little to late now. Thats why they gave me away so fast. Not only where they saving their own skin, they got rid of their burden."

The sun that used to be set high in the sky, now was deceding into the lake. The colors swrived in mystery and wonder, and I became hipnotized from the beauty.

"It's almost time." Damian noted. I nodded my head in agreement.

"Yes, it is."

"Are you scared?" I could hear the doubt in his tone, but I shrugged it off.

"A little, but who isn't afraid of death? It's like another gateway to a whole another place no one knows or understands."

"Where ever you do end up, I will miss you." The corner of my mouth started rise in a smile.

after a moment of silence, I couldn't help but not talk to him with my time ticking aways. "You know what I love about us?" Damian turned his head to stare at me, his blue eyes swirling around with feelings of all kind. "I love how we can be together like it was nothing at one point, then get in a fight in another. At the end of the day, we both are different people and we both are still the same as ever: best friends."

"Even on the day of your sentence." He said bitterly.

"Even then."

"I wish you would make this easier."

"Make what easier?"

"Saying goodbye." I took in a deep breath and let it out of my nose.

"Your not being so much help either."

"I'm sorry."

"I am too."

A distant sound of hooves and a chanting crowd started to come closer and closer to the lake Damian and I where both occupying. "There coming." fear was evident in his voice.

"They are, arn't they?" I closed my eyes, taking in Damian's heat and shacking form. I breathed in his scent and put it to my memories. Everything that happened in my life, the good and the bad, flashed behind my eye lids. All my thoughts, the riveting feelings. The one thing

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