» Short Story » Love it, Live it, Want it, Luke Scholey [book club reads txt] 📗

Book online «Love it, Live it, Want it, Luke Scholey [book club reads txt] 📗». Author Luke Scholey

Chapter One:
Love It

I remember when I was a kid. Just so young I couldn't care less about anything. I just wanted to be at home and enjoy everything. I remember when I started school, every morning I use to cry because I didn't want to leave her. She was the most important person in my life. Every time I cried she was there to make me feel better. Every time I fell over, she was there to comfort me until the cut disappeared.

This is going to be a story of Mothers. I know it isn't the most interesting thing in the world, but its the most disrespected person in your life. She is the person who gave birth to you. She created you- you wouldn't be on this planet if it wasn't for her. Not all Mum's are perfect, but that isn't because their a bad Mum, that is because they're a bad person.

The first day I met my Mum, she was holding me.
The first day I met my Mum, he eyes lit up with joy
The first day I met my Mum, she said she loved me and always would
The first day I met my Mum, she chose a name for me
The first day I met my Mum, was the best day a kid could wish for.

Chapter Two:
Live It

As we grow older we grow further apart from our Mum's, some days we swear we hate them and don't want them in our lives any more. Some days we don't even want to speak to them, and all the time we are ungrateful for the things she does for us. She spends hundreds of pounds on us for Christmas and on our Birthdays but how much do we spend on them? They seem like the meanest person in the world but at the same time are the nicest you'll ever meet. You know you can trust your Mum and you know you can always talk to her, but most of the time we choose not to. She doesn't really care how you turn out: Gay, straight, bi-sexual, smart, dumb, boring or funny. You will be her precious child and will love you no matter what.

We are so mean to our Mum's to say all their life they live to give you nice things: nice clothes, a nice house, And all we do is shout and argue at her. Thinking she is the worst person I'll ever meet. I guess its a different meaning to love our Mum's when we're teenagers. We just don't see them as we use to.

We grow old and forget the things you do,
we don't mean too. It's the code of growing up
We will always love her and cherish her more
but the days of having a Mum
doesn't last as long as we'd hope.

Chapter Three:
Want It

One day you get older and the only thing you have left is yourself. Your Mum is now gone. All the years you wished she was dead, and you wished she wasn't your mum you now regret. Your Mum should be the most important person and your life.. ALWAYS.

Don't be mean to your Mum, you never know how long she is going to be there, or how long she isn't. You don't want your last words to you Mum being: “I hate you”. Do you? Treat her in the best way you possibly can. You may hate your Mum sometimes. But if it wasn't for her, there would be no you to hate her.

Love you Mum!


Publication Date: 07-31-2011

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