» Short Story » The world within, Alexis Greys [motivational books for men txt] 📗

Book online «The world within, Alexis Greys [motivational books for men txt] 📗». Author Alexis Greys

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The moonlight was shining through the open window of my room onto my bed, which I was lying in. A light breeze let the white curtains wave like white flags. It looked like they wanted to say to me, that I can capitulate on my attempt to get enough sleep this night. But I – Lucy Miller won’t give up on trying falling asleep. Tomorrow will be a harsh day. I must get enough energy to write the math test, to survive two biology classes in the afternoon and (instead of going to a party with my best friend) I must look after my little brother Drew. The world is so cruel. Does my mom hate me, her only daughter that much? Couldn’t dad ask her on another day for a dinner? They don’t have a clue how important this party is. Kyle will also go to the party. I wanted to ask him out. Now he will surely be taken away from me. No, I must keep on thinking positive. Sinking into depression won’t help me to get some peace. Did the knights in former times give up, when an enemy was standing in front of them? I don’t think so. Sleeplessness, I will beat you. I tried the old trick with counting sheep, but it didn’t work. I turned myself to the right, then to the left and afterwards on my tummy, it didn’t work. Thirty minutes later and my legs leaned on the wall. My feet covered a part of my Johnny Depp poster. After this acrobatic accomplishment I changed back in my first position. Lying on my back, I starred at the yellow painted ceiling. Slowly I felt so sleepy, that I couldn’t even enjoy my victory, when my eyes fell shut.

Something was wrong. I could feel that the atmosphere changed.
I couldn’t suppress the feeling of wanting to run away. I ripped my eyes open.
My feeling was manifested to be right. Something was definitely wrong. The calm dark blue of the night and the silver moonlight were replaced by a reddish fog. Okay, I got to stay calm. There is certainly an explanation for this. Didn’t mom tell me, that the reddish fog appears sometimes in the evening to predict the strong windiness on the next day? But I asked her that question on an evening. Not on one hour after midnight. So how is it possible – Wait! Why weren’t the curtains moving? Besides I didn’t feel any air draft. Suddenly I heard a scream. Without a thought I threw my blanket to the side and ran towards the door. Why did I feel like I was running in slow-motion? And why seemed the door to get farther away from me? Once again I felt like someone was behind my back. A wave of anxiety flashed through my mind. I pressed my eyes together and ran even faster than before. Finally I reached the door. I placed my hand on the door handle and ripped the door open. What I saw chased a shiver through my body. The hall looked like a crime scene. A red liquid was spread on the whole bottom and all the beautiful paintings, which decorated the walls, were unrecognizably shredded.
Is…is this blood? No, it can’t be. I called my parents. ,, Mom! Dad! Can you hear me? Are you alright? When you hear me, answer please!’’ Nobody answered. At a single blow the second door on the left side opened up. It led to the room of my little brother Drew. ,, Lucy! Help me!’’ That’s Drew’s voice. I grabbed the walking stick, which had leaned on the wall beside me and stormed into the room. What I saw made my blood boil. A black creature in the shape of a human pressed my brother with his bare hand against the wall and wanted to harm him with a short knife. It looked like a fusion between a human being and a raven. Before it could even make a single scratch on Drew’s face, I ran towards the inhuman darkness and swung the walking stick in my hands into the direction of its head. The impact of my hit was satisfying. The black creature fell to the floor, curled up in a ball and held his head. ,, That’s for hurting my brother!’’, I said. I threw the walking stick away and kneeled down to my brother. ,, Drew, are you okay? ``. ,, I….I don’t know…’’, he whispered. ,, What happened? ``, I asked him. He started to sob. I put my arms around his tiny shoulders and squeezed him to me. I tried to calm him down. Shhh… everything will be alright...’’ I hugged him tighter, while I tried to convince myself with the just spoken sentence. It must be a nightmare.’s only a nightmare. The reddish fog, the bloody colour on the floor and this raven creature must be the product of my bad ability to handle horror movies. But, why does the embrace of Drew feel so real? It… it can’t be real. A horrifying shriek ripped me of my overwhelming thoughts. Could it be...I turned myself into the direction, where the raven creature fell after I’ve hit it.
Oh crap. Just when I though the creepiness of this night couldn’t get any worse.
The creature, which I hit ten minutes ago, is standing now on its knees and pulls the reddish fog outside through the walls of the room inside his mouth. The reddish fog became a part of itself and it grew with every second bigger and more dangerous. Without hesitation I took the hand of Drew and ran out of the room. The next shock was waiting in the hallway. Paper hands came out of the shredding paintings and tried to reach us. I could feel Drew’s trembling. I grabbed his hand tighter and lead him with a walkthrough through the paper hands, which didn’t discontinue trying to reach us. My heart was throbbing in my chest as we finally reached the entrance door and opened it. The horrifying shriek stopped. You don’t have to be a genius, to guess who or what is now determinate to kill us off. ,, Drew…’’, I said calmly. ,, Run!’’
We stepped towards the reddish fog. The street lights barely enlightened our way as we ran so fast through the streets like the Grim Reaper himself is after us. The buildings we passed seemed to be abandon. I think yelling for help, would only attract more creatures. ,, Lucy…where is mummy? Where is dad?’’, asked me Drew. ,, Are …are they ...Ahhh!’’ The weight of my right hand disappeared. Drew! I’ve turned myself back. ,, Lucy…my…my hurts so badly’’…, he gasped. Behind us I could see a black mass, which was coming nearer and nearer. ,, Lucy, run!’’. Drew covered his wounded knee with his hand. ,, Are you crazy? Like I would abandon my little brother in this mess!’’ I tore off a strip from my shirt and wrapped it around his bleeding knee. While I was bounding up his wound, I made him clear that I wouldn’t allow him to be killed. ,, Can you stand up?’’. Drew tried to get up but he fell back to the ground. A shriek behind us increased my brain activity. I turned my back to Drew. ,, Climb on my back!’’, I commanded. Drew fulfilled my request without any complaints. Wouldn’t we be in such a situation, I would be surprised that he did once what he was told to. My arms enclosed his knees. ,, Cling on tight’’. He wrapped his tiny arms around my neck. ,, Ready?’’ I could hear high screams. Okay, that answered my question. I started to run. Faster …I need to become faster. Where is everyone? Are mum and dad dead? I tried to suppress my tears. I must be strong for Drew.
First of all: we needed help ….but where. The police station! Why didn’t I think of it earlier? ,, Lucy, they are coming nearer’’, Drew whispered in my ear. I tried to speed up but Drew seemed to get heavier with every step that I took. The police stations…come on brain… don’t let me down... no not the way over the heel, that would take us too long. ,, Drew, do you know - A flashback began to play in front my eyes. Of course! We could take a shortcut through the forest park. Okay, from here to the park...three avenues. My arms are getting heavy. If I could take a little rest- No! I must keep on going. For my little brother. ,, Lucy’’, Drew began. What? I said abruptly trying to coordinate my feet with my brain together. ,, The…the …the street lights are moving!’’ I looked across my shoulder. Great. He forgot to tell me that the street lights are moving right in our direction. Blessedly the park was only five steps away from us. I ran into the reddish green armed with my brother on my back. Suddenly everything became silent. That’s strange. I ran to the direction of a big tree. That would be a nice hiding place. I felt relieved. I stopped my run behind the tree and sat on the green area below me. Drew climbed off me. He looked scared from right to left like he awaits the next bunch of monsters jumping out of a bush. ,, Don’t worry! From now on everything will be okay. After my rest we get to the police station and’’- roots wrapped around my wrists and pulled me closer to the tree. I was struggling to break free, but the run through the streets took my energy away. I looked up to meet the torn open eyes of Drew, behind him I could see a blackish red silhouette…,, RUN!!!’’ , I yelled. It was too late. The raven creature looked me at me with his red eyes as it wrapped its black arms around him. It opened its mouth and released two fangs. Drew froze. ,,Lucy’’...he whispered as the creature sank his fangs into his neck.

I ripped my eyes open. The yellow colour of my ceiling confused me at first.
Where was I? What had happened? Where is Drew? A knock interrupted my thoughts. The door of my room opened slowly. I tensed myself. Drew entered the room with his blue pyjama and his brown teddy bear in his hands. He is okay. A wave of relief flowed through my chest. ,, Could…could I sleep in your bed? I had a bad dream’’…, he said as he switched on his puppy dog eyes. Okay…come here. I moved the blanket to the side. He snuggled himself near me. Suddenly I saw two black stitches on his neck. I blinked. The stitches vanished. Alright, everything was just a bad dream. My eyes fell shut.
By the way, I think I should stop watching horror movies before going to sleep.

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