» Short Story » I Died Yesturday, Amy Harlow [best free ebook reader for android .TXT] 📗

Book online «I Died Yesturday, Amy Harlow [best free ebook reader for android .TXT] 📗». Author Amy Harlow

That shouting WOMEN

Authors Note

I just want to say thanks so much for reading my other books!!

I truely love this website, i can't live with out it!

But please i just ask you to comment, because i want to know if you want ME to continue! ^_^ thanks bye!


"Melody" mum shouted "You're going to be late"

"No mum" i said "I'm never late"

Then i heard the school bus honk,

"Come on darling!" shouting mum once again

Then as she literally stepped out the door the bus strode away into the distance

"MUM!!!" i said

"Now what? let me guess....." said mum

"I missed the bus" as i replaced the word she was aiming towards

I knew i was going to be shouted at, but i sat in the car looking like a right old melon, as mum started the car, i looked at all the little kids with there mums,i wondered why couldn't my mum be like that! I saw one mum so kind she held the little girls hand and gave her a massive hug and a little lunch box. i remember when i was about 5ish, i never got hugs because mum and dad broke up at that time, and also I experianced shouting too when  my auntie died , so i never got that 'special time' with her, she spends more time with Issy, my older sister because she is taking her GCSE's, but i know thats inportant,  so i don't argue with her,

"I told you would be late!" shouted mum

"Yeah, but that driver is new, he doesen't know i take 2 minutes to get to the bus" i said

"It shouldn't take even 1 minute to get to the bus" she shouted

I got out of the car and went into school with no turning back- 

School Time Rush

The school started terribly, i had to sit by Peter NewBerry, the nerd of this class, i was cool, i never wore my tie properly and had back leather boots that look like moterbike boots, although sometimes they didn't match with my brownish jeans.



Shouted the teacher







Publication Date: 11-12-2013

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