» Short Story » The Lakota Nation: Friends Gone Bad part 3, Whitney Shaw [books like harry potter .TXT] 📗

Book online «The Lakota Nation: Friends Gone Bad part 3, Whitney Shaw [books like harry potter .TXT] 📗». Author Whitney Shaw

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Chapter One

“What are you doing here?” asked the storekeeper.



They were off the reservation they were on a trip and they stopped at a convenient store.


“Just looking, I’m getting a few things,” Running Water said while getting a few things off the shelf.


“Well we don’t serve your kind here, so get lost,” the storekeeper said in a rude voice.


“I’ll go to a different store where they do serve my kind,” Running Water said in a polite voice.


“You go do that,” said the storekeeper.



So he left the store and saw his wife Angel, walking up towards him.


“Did you buy anything?” Angel asked.


“No he wouldn’t let me, he doesn’t serve my kind,” Running Water said in a troubled voice.


“Dad this is not right, I thought things have changed?” asked White Hawk.


“I know son, but the whites today are the same as they were long ago,” Running Water said as he was starting the car.


“Let’s go home,” Angel said buckling herself in.



As they arrived back on the reservation they drove up to the driveway and went inside the house. They sat down and started watch television. Then there was a knock at the door.


“Who is it?” asked Running Water.


“It’s me, Jimmy,” Jimmy looking through the screen door.


“Haw kola” (hello friend) what brings you hear?” Running Water asked in the Lakota language.


“Nothing just stopped by to say hello, and ask how was your trip,” said Jimmy.


“It was fun, we had a great time, come on in,” said Running Water.


“Haw kola, toeke ya un he” (hello friend, how are you)?” White Hawk asked in the Lakota language.


“Washte” (good),” said Jimmy.


“Washte” (good),” said White Hawk.


“I was wandering if you would like to go catch some fish by the streams with my sister and I?” asked Jimmy.


“Sister, you have a sister,” said White Hawk.


“Yeah,” said Jimmy.


“I didn’t know you had a sister?” asked White Hawk.


“Well at that time she wasn’t thought of yet,” Jimmy laughing.


“Oh,” smiled White Hawk.


“Come on lets go get some fish,” said Jimmy.



So they fished in the stream and caught a few fish and threw them back in.


“Wow we caught a few, yeah, my sister she probably could catch more than we caught,” smiled Jimmy.


“Hey Jimmy,” said Lisa holding her tackle box and fishing pole.


“Hey sister,” said Jimmy.


“Hey,” said Lisa.


“Sis, come over here, I want you to meet a friend of mine, White Hawk this is my sister Lisa,” said Jimmy.


Lisa looked at White Hawk and fainted. It was like she has never seen a Native before, and she lives on the reservation.


“Oh jeez, uh, sister, sister wake up, hello,” said Jimmy.

White Hawk got some water and sprinkled it on Lisa’s face.


“Huh what happened, all I remember was seeing a Native,” said Lisa


“You did, he is my friend, you weren’t born yet, so you’ve never seen him,” Jimmy picking his sister up off of the ground.


“Hello, I am White Hawk,” White Hawk about to shake Lisa’s hand.


“Lisa,” Lisa shaking White Hawks hand.


“I’ll take you home,” said Jimmy helping his sister to the car.



White grabbed their gear and looked across the stream and saw the figure, White Hawk closed his eyes and opened them again, and the figure was gone.


“White Hawk are you coming?” Jimmy asked.


“Yeah,” said White Hawk walking towards Jimmy and looking back.



They got into the car and drove to Jimmy’s house. When they arrived they helped Lisa up to her room where she can rest.


“Wow, I can’t believe she fainted, I must be that cute,” smiled White Hawk.


“I know, that’s funny, what is it with women and long hair?” laughed Jimmy.


“I don’t know, I guess it depends on who has the long hair,” laughed White Hawk.


“Well lets go do something while its still daylight?” asked Jimmy.


“Okay lets go for a walk,” said White Hawk.



So they started walking together around the reservation.







Chapter Two

“Why do whites and Native’s hate each other so much?” White Hawk asked.


“Well I wouldn’t say hate, I think it’s because we are different,” said Jimmy.


“Oh, but were friends right?” asked White Hawk.


“Always, friends forever,” said Jimmy.


            Then a couple of men by the name of Victor and James and came walking by, there were supposable friends with Jimmy, but Jimmy didn’t know who they were.


“Hey Jimmy,” said James walking up to Jimmy.


“Who are you?” asked Jimmy.


“I am James and this is Victor,” said James.


“This is my friend White Hawk, it’s nice to meet you both,” Jimmy putting his hand out to shake.


“That’s nice, were going to hang out, do you want to come, you can but leave that Indian here?” asked Victor.


“I am not going to do that, he’s my friend, and Indians come from India, the Lakota’s run this place,” said Jimmy.


“You’d rather hang out with him than with your own kind,” said Victor.


“I am a half-breed, I don’t have a kind, he is my best friend,” said Jimmy.


“I am also a half-breed but you don’t see me hanging out with Indians,” said Victor.


            White Hawk looked past Victor and saw the figure standing there with hatred in his eyes, then he looked at White Hawk. White Hawk shook his head and said.


“I am leaving before I do something stupid,” said White Hawk.


“I am coming with you,” said Jimmy.


         So they walked away.


“Alright half-breed you do what you want, but when that Injun turns on you, you know where to find us,” said James.


“Whatever man, I don’t even know you guys, I’ve never seen you before,” said Jimmy walking away.

           So they both walked home.


“See you tomorrow then,” said White Hawk.


“Yes see you tomorrow on the bus,” said Jimmy closing the door.


           White Hawk was walking across the street to his house, when a white car drove up and grabbed White Hawk. He looked and saw Victor and James. They drove to an old abandoned house; they dragged him inside and started beating him.


“Jimmy doesn’t like you, he can’t stand you, you make him feel weak, powerless, he told us himself,” said James kicking him in his ribs.


   White Hawk looked out the door and saw the figure again he was walking up to the house.


“How could he tell you that when he doesn’t even know you,” said White Hawk in pain.


“He knows us, he did tell us that,” said Victor.


“He wouldn’t say that, you’re just trying to get me to fight him, and I am not going to do that either,” said White Hawk.


“Whatever, come on James lets finish him,” said Victor.               


 White Hawk looked at the figure standing above his head and then looked back at Victor and James. So they started kicking him on both sides of his ribs and his stomach and on the back, throwing him around up against the walls, and punching him. The figure ran up and started talking to White Hawk in his head, White Hawk looked up and was looking right at the figure in his eyes, Whit Hawk got up and he had hatred in his eyes, he turned around and smiled, he fought Victor and James, he started kicking them and punching them, then he threw them out the window, breaking the windows and leaving them there on the ground moaning. Then White Hawk looked up the figure raised his arm and vanished.


  White Hawk stumbled back to Jimmy’s house, he knocked on the door. He didn’t want to go        home. Jimmy opened the door and saw White Hawk.


“White Hawk, hurry come in,” said Jimmy in a shocked voice.


“Jimmy, oh my goodness, White Hawk are you okay, do you want me to call your father?” asked Jimmy’s mother in a worried voice.


“No I’ll spend the night,” said White Hawk.


So Jimmy helped White Hawk into his room and laid him down on his bed.


“What happened, who did this to you?” Jimmy asked


“It was Victor and James, they grabbed me and threw me in their car and drove to an old a banded house and started beating me. They said you hated me and that I make you feel weak and powerless,” White Hawk said in pain and anger.


“Whoa, White Hawk, you know I would never say any of those things, you are my best friend, they want us to hate each other and fight,” said Jimmy getting a warm cloth and wiping his face. 


“I know,” said White Hawk.

Chapter Three

So when it was morning, White Hawk woke up to Jimmy applying ointments on his sides to make the swelling go down, he was very sore and his sides were tender to the touch. Then Jimmy helped him up slowly out of bed and over to his house and helped him inside and sat him down on the couch.


“Son what happened?” asked Angel.


“It’s my fault, I should have walked him home, a couple of guys beat him up last night,” said Jimmy.


“That’s why I didn’t come home last night,” said White Hawk in pain.


“Do you want to go to school or stay home?” asked Jimmy.


White Hawk looked out the window and saw the figure standing there in the street.


“No, I am going, I can’t miss anymore,” said White Hawk getting up slowly from the couch.


      Big Ben walked over to the window and looked out, but nothing was out there.


“What is it?” asked Nuka.


“White Hawk looked out the window for a while, but then I looked and saw nothing,” said Big Ben.


               So they walked out of the house and walked to the bust stop. When the bus arrived Jimmy looked at White Hawk with a concerned look.


“Are you sure you want to go to school today?” asked Jimmy.


“Jimmy I’m fine, it only hurts when I move a certain way,” said Whit Hawk.


               So they got on the bus and walked all the way to the back of the bus, Victor stuck

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