» Short Story » My Auntie Holly, Chloe O'Mahony [nice books to read txt] 📗

Book online «My Auntie Holly, Chloe O'Mahony [nice books to read txt] 📗». Author Chloe O'Mahony

My Auntie Holly

A couple of days ago I was your average teenage girl. Nice house, loving parents, annoying big brother. My biggest worries were what I was going to wear to next disco or if I would pass my maths test. But now it's all changed. My biggest worry now is if I can stop my aunt and that demon dog of hers from destroying the world. I guess I should start from the beginning.


My mouth was dry and my heart beat so hard in my chest I thought it would burst out of my chest. I could hear the floor boards creek. Horrible thoughts of monsters and axe murderers flashed through my mind. The door swung open and there standing silhouetted in the doorway was the most horrible thing I had ever seen in my life. My brother Tom.

"Boo!" Tom shouted.

"Haha. Hillarious." I remarked sarcastically as I threw a pillow at him, missing and knocking something off the dresser by the door.

"Goodnight idiot."

"Night stupid." Tom said as he turned around closing the door as he left.


I had a weird dream the night, more like a nightmare. About a monster as big as a jeep and as black as the night. Its eyes burned as not and as bright as the sun but despite this coldness radiated from it unlike anything I have ever felt.
The following morning I woke up. Images of my nightmare flashed through my mind. I tried to put it out of my mind. Today wasn't the day to get freaked out by stupid nightmares. I washed up, got dressed and headed downstairs. Today was a big day for my mom. She had won some kind of award or something at work. The ceremony was on that night. Dad was going to show his support. They would be gone for one or two days. So they didn't want tom and I to be alone in the house. This meant that we would have to stay at my Auntie Holly's. She is the only one who is able to take the two of us on such short notice.

My Auntie Holly is my dad's aunt. To be honest I don't know what age she is. I don't think dad even knows. Nobody really knows. She's always just kind of been there. My cousin told me once that her mother had said that even when she was younger Auntie Holly looked the same as she does now. She looks like an average 50 year old woman. However that's not the only thing that is peculiar about her. There is just something about her that I cannot explain. I only saw her once during a family reunion. I hid behind my mom when I saw her. It was one of those times where you know you should look away and that something bad might happen if you don't but you just can't look away. She has this way of making you feel uncomfortable without even looking at you.


"Good morning sweetheart." My mom beamed jolting me back to reality. "How did you sleep?"

"I slept great mom, thanks." I smiled back. I wasn't going to tell her about my dream. Anyway who would want to know that their daughter was dreaming about a beast from hell. Created for the sole purpose of bringing an end to mankind.

"That's good love." Mom said as she handed me a plate of scrambled eggs. "Are you sure you have everything you need for the weekend?"

"Yea mom." I mumbled as I stuffed eggs into my mouth.

"Well are ye all packed up and ready to go?" Dad asked as he walked into the kitchen.

"Yea just put the last bag in the car." Tom said as he strolled in behind dad. "Its lashing outside, best wear a coat."

We finished our breakfast, cleaned up and headed out. Auntie Holly's house was a three hour drive from our house. The rain only got worse the closer we got. Dad said that it could turn into a storm soon. I fell asleep watching the rain worm its way down the window.



"Hey! Wake up! We're here." Tom roared in my ear.

"I'm up! I'm up!" I repeated, sitting up slowly. I was still a little groggy. I had had the dream again. Everything was the same except this time there was someone there. I didn't see their face but something about them seemed familiar but I couldn't remember why.

"Come on you're going to make us late." My dad told me as I got out of the car.

"Alright. I'm going!" I replied as I got out.

"Don't forget your coats and be careful." Mom shouted from the front seat.


Tom and I got our bags and headed up the long drive. It was about a ten minute walk from the road to the house. It was more like a thin passage then a drive so the house was only accessible by foot. It was surrounded by a forest packed with long dark trees with winding claw like branches. The branches made the whistling sound of the wind turn into howls and moans.

As we walked the temperature began to drop. Tom dismissed it as the effects of the weather but something about it just didn't seem right.
After what seemed like forever the house finally came into view. It was one of those old houses. Like the ones you see in the horror movies. It was white but had become a dirty grey colour over time. The windows were covered with old and weather battered shutters. The shutters over one of the windows upstairs were nailed shut. The steps leading up to the porch were black in colour and there were large holes in places where boards had broken nor come off. There was slates missing off the roof and enormous amounts of water gushed down out of the gutters on either side of the house. This is not the place I really wanted to spend the weekend.

As we walked up the steps they creaked and moaned under our weight. Tom moved towards the door dodging the holes scattered around the porch. I waited near the top of the steps it was even colder now that we were closer to the house but the wind had died down and there was only a light mist. I could hear and see the storm going on around the house.

The hairs on the back of my neck stood up. I tried to blame it on cold but something just felt off about it. It was like the house was at the centre of the storm. I glanced around the porch looking for an explanation, but found nothing. Then I looked at the forest. I couldn't see that well but I wasn't about to stroll down and take a look. I could hear the faint sound of leaves and sticks cracking under something.
Suddenly there was a loud thud from behind me. I whirled around to see what had caused it when I realised I was now standing on the bottom step of the stairs. I climbed the others quickly trying to put as much distance between me and whatever was moving around it the forest as possible. The loud thud I had heard was my brother falling over. He had gotten his foot stuck in one of the holes and was in the process of getting it out when I reached him.

"Are you ok?" I asked, my voice shaky.

"Yea. I'm fine." Tom grunted as he got back on his feet. He turned around and was just about to knock on the door when we heard the sound of shoes on hard, wooden floors. A sudden feeling of dread came over me. I released a long breath I had not realised I was holding in to try and calm myself down.

The door creaked open slowly. My mouth dropped open and I almost let my bag fall. The only light from inside was coming from somewhere behind the figure in the doorway. They stepped forward. The dim light from outside casted just enough light over their face. It was in this moment I realised who the figure in my dream was. In the doorway stood the person who had summoned the beast. The person who wanted to bring an end to mankind. What the hell had our parents gotten us into? I wished with every fibre of my being that the dream was only a dream and would never come true.

It is only now hiding here in this old, damp basement that I realised the dream wasn't a dream. It was a vision of what was to come and it was down to me to try and stop it from happening.


Publication Date: 01-26-2016

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