» Short Story » the apocolyptyc, Leighton Sealeaf [best color ebook reader .TXT] 📗

Book online «the apocolyptyc, Leighton Sealeaf [best color ebook reader .TXT] 📗». Author Leighton Sealeaf

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episode 1

The apocolyptyc

Episode 1

Part 1

The blue jeep pulled up in front of the forgotten church. A stern, anxious man hopped out of the car. He walked to the door and knocked 3 times.

No answer.

The man, who’s called Raven, stepped back and prepared to kick the door in.

“AHH” a small man, with a hunchback screamed.

“Who are you?” Raven angrily asked whilst putting his boot down from the door. The man who answered the door was too shocked to even move, nether less reply.

Raven sighed before looking cautiously around himself. “Crap” Raven whispered as he noticed some zombies strolling their direction. Without second thought, Raven grabbed the small man by the wrist and pulled him inside.

When the small man finally come-to, Raven had already locked the door and was watching the outside.

“I’m going to ask you again…” Raven said before he was interrupted,

“M…my name is the hunchback priest. Or Monty.” The man said whilst shaking.

“So Monty, what are you actually doing here?” Raven interrogated,

“Spreading the words of God.” Monty replied nervously.

“Well, we’ve lost you” Raven whispered quietly under his fishy breath. Monty got up slowly and used a key to open a chest that he was sitting on.

He approached Raven and handed him a mouth cleaning kit. Raven looked at him confused until he eventually took the hint and grabbed it.

“What are you doing?” Monty asked Raven,

“Making sure, you don’t visit your pal God. Any time soon.” Raven sarcastically replied whilst looking out a little hatch in the door.

“Follow me,” Monty said as he began to walk “Come on.”

Raven sighed before following Monty through the main body of the church. “So, friend who are you?” Monty asked whilst they strolled to a candle lit room with dim corners.

“Raven. Is who I am” Raven replied whilst taking every dim detail down into a mind-notepad.

Monty walked to the door they just walked through and put a bookcase in front of it. He then jumped to try and grab a rope. Raven approached him and looked down at him.

After a brief sigh, he reached up and pulled it. He jumped back as shutters came down to block all the exits, or entrances.


Part 2

Raven felt hungry, like really hungry. “Any, sort of food” Raven asked Monty as he sat down on a cold chair. Monty nodded before going into a side room labelled ‘PANTRY’

2 starving minutes past until Monty re-emerged with a green packet. Monty picked up a crow bar on the floor and stabbed a floorboard with it.

He then put the floorboard to the side to reveal a cooker. Whilst Monty stirred up a ‘holy’ chicken noodle soup, Raven reached in his backpack to grab a picture of his family.

A tear rolled down his scarred face. Raven began to day dream of their last adventure together. In the jungle.

Monty walked over with a bible and the soup. He pulled a chair out and after placing the soup on the table, he put his warm hands on his leg.

Raven woke up out of his trance and thanked Monty for the soup. Monty got up and left the bible next to Raven before vanishing in a back room.

Whilst Monty was gone, Raven finished the soup and dismantled his silent pistol. He had all the weapon parts on the table when Monty reappeared.

“Let’s… not resort to this.” Monty said before watching Raven pack his gun away. After he had finished putting his gun away, Monty dragged his hand to the back room he had vanished in.

They walked down a corridor and into another room. “Welcome home,” Monty said as he revealed a room for Raven. A tear rolled down his face.

“Thank you.” Raven said whilst taking Monty’s kindness in. not into the mind-notepad but into his heart.

The bed was soft with springs and he had a wooden desk in the corner. He also had a bookcase and a rope connecting to a set of shutters both next to the door.

The carpet was unusually nice and he had colourful pictures. A schedule hanged from the wall next to his desk.

“That’s not it” Monty said before taking Raven to hatch which led to a hatch. Monty pulled the hatch to reveal Ravens private bathroom and toilet.

Raven knelt down to Monty and gave him a fresh hug. He also had a clock dangling from the wall in the main room and 13 packs of batteries for the clock.

Raven walked over to the red couch and sat down firmly. He grabbed his back pack from his shoulders and began to unpack whilst Monty walked elsewhere.

Raven got all of his family photos and placed the neatly on a bed side table. Whilst scrummaging through the backpack, he pulled out some torn newspapers of him.

He looked closely and whispered “new friends=new life.”

He then put them back into his backpack and laid on his bed.

He fell into a quick, but deep, nap.

When he awoke from his sleep, he looked at the clock and noticed that it was tea time. He hopped out of bed and knocked his backpack on the way out.

He froze when he saw 4 other people sat at a table. Monty walked over confused and asked “what’s wrong?”

“Who are they?” Raven asked curiously.

“Oh their just the ‘community’” Monty replied whilst looking around himself.

Raven walked over and grabbed a tray. He picked up some food before sitting on a vacant table.

Whilst eating his food, Raven looked jealously at them talking to each over. A few mixed minutes go by until one of them approach him

It’s a 22-year-old girl who calmly sits in front of him with her legs crossed. “So… who where you before?” she asked nicely with a voice that softened the battle fields and painted all the flags with her perfect skin.

“A nobody, oh wait A dirt bag, a scumbag, an asshole” he replied angrily as the girl looked at him in shock.

“My names Rose BTW” she informed.

“I could tell that, by your cheeks” Raven flirted whilst she bluffed.

A man, who you could tell was a jock 4 years ago in high school, approached with a basketball…


Part 3

“Hey, babe.” The man said to her, “I hope my girl isn’t doing any harm to you. Mister.”

“Please… just please don’t call me that. I… don’t deserve the title of a worthy man.” Raven replied whilst looking down at his half-full plate.

The jock also sat down next to the girl and did the uncomfortable lean on the table that they do in movies. “I’m sure that’s not right,” the Jock said.

Raven opened his mouth and informed them “I result in death!”

The Jock pulled a leaflet out of his pocket with a picture of him and Rose being arrested for murder during an armed robbery.

He also pulled out a book of pictures. Each one showed someone being arrested for a serious crime in the ‘community’. Except one.

One had a black splodge on. It wouldn’t be unusual but these people seem like they wouldn’t allow an accident like that.

Raven pulled his hand out and stopped him from turning page. That upset Rose. She put her head down as the Jock sighed. “Who is that?” Raven asked as he looked closer.

“First day of the apocalypse.” The Jock replied sadly “We were escaping and, oh God a ground one reached to lay its mouth.”

Everyone looked at Monty as he walked up the steps and rang a bell.

“Okay everyone, it’s getting late. Please put your payment in the box on each table and clean your trays up.” Monty told everyone on the stage before taking a long sip of water.

Everyone began to obey Monty and clean their trays.

After everyone left Monty walked to Ravens room and knocked on the door.

Raven got up from his desk and opened the door to reveal Monty.

“Would you like to play a game of chess?” Monty asked Raven.

“Erm, yeah go on then,” Raven replied before following Monty to the games room next door.

They sat in the room for 1 hour whilst they played multiple matches of chess. After their tedious montage, Raven stood up and walked to his room for some sleep.

In the morning, Raven woke up and looked at the ceiling for a few minutes before turning around and stepping barefoot on the cold, hard, wooden floor boards.

Raven then opened the hatch to brush his teeth. After brushing his teeth, he started to climb the ladder when…

He heard a scream. Something like Monty would sound like. Wait, it was Monty!

Raven hurried up the ladder and grabbed his pistol from the bedside table.

He ran outside the room and put a bullet in the chamber whilst running through the corridor and rooms to the place where they first met.

He aimed and fired.


Part 4

The ghoulish creatures head blew off.

“What was that?” Monty asked startled as ever.

“A zombie.” Raven replied as he locked the door, “wait have you been out?”

“No, I haven’t” Monty replied anxiously.

Raven looked out of the door to see more of them zombies flourish towards the church.

A few more seconds of thoughtful looking through the hatch revealed those 4 people coming for breakfast.

“Oh crap” Raven whispered as he looked for a way out. Raven ran into the main body of the church and climbed the ladder to a ledge. He then ran to the glass window and carefully opened it.

He slowly slid down the slanted roof and he climbed down. After he quickly felt his pocket, he grabbed a flare out and tossed it into the park across the street.

Surprisingly, the zombies saw that as an opportunity and started to stroll towards it.

The four people ran to the door and Monty struggled but managed to open the door. They all ran in exhausted. Monty strolled off to the main hall to serve breakfast.

Everyone sat down to eat whilst Monty went to clean Raven’s room. He pulled a hover out and began to clean. Whilst he hummed, he noticed a piece of crumpled up newspaper.

After looking at it he walked to the hall and began to compare faces, in the safe distance. After close inspection, he walked over and grabbed the water on Ravens tray.

He then continued to throw the water at him in anger. “YOU MURDERER” Monty shouted which made everyone else shut up.

“I’m sorry?” Raven shouted before pulling a gun out of his holster.

The gun was under the table to conceal it. Monty used his bible and stretched his short arms to slap Raven. He pulled his gun and quickly placed it to Monty’s head.

“Do it, just do it” Monty ordered.

Raven looked around and slowly raised his gun in the air. Without any warning, Raven grabbed his back pack from the room and walked outside angrily.

He loaded his pistol and walked to his bloody van. After a tear slithered down his face he started to drive away. He cried whilst switching the radio channels to find his favourite static sounds.

He drove past many buildings that have a disgusting smell of decay in the atmosphere. Their where zombies strolling in the alleyways. No sign of humanity.

As he drove, he saw billboards with iconic and funny slogans printed on. However, the print was beginning to come off. He cruised around away from the city and into a sandy desert.

The sand blew freely, like never before. It was beautiful. You could see the rotting corpses stuck in the ground.

The road was baron and hard to see with sand slowly decaying the paint on the road which once guided and controlled traffic.

The petrol ran out. Raven got out of the van and sat slanted on the tire. He pulled his gun out and…

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