» Short Story » For the Love of Wolves, Faith Gunter [new reading TXT] 📗

Book online «For the Love of Wolves, Faith Gunter [new reading TXT] 📗». Author Faith Gunter

> "Goodnight mommy, I love you from the bottom of my heart."

"Sleep my child. Get all the rest you need.Beleive in your dreams.I'm here for you whenever you need me. The little princess I hold close to my heart. You light a forever spark in my heart. Tu es mi corazon. I love you. I love you. You are the child I carried in my womb. A love deeper than that besides the Lord is an unjust love."

"I love you to mommy.You're like the Queen of the house.If I'm the princess then your the queen. You lead me by example.I follow in your path. You keep me safe from all the world's wrath."

"Sleep my child I love you you must get the rest you need. So you can keep up your hopeful life filled with happiness and energy."

"Goodnight mommy I love you."

"Goodnight my child. As of I love you.

And as my mom got up to walk out of the room, She blew me a kiss just as my father walked pass the door to my room in our small cottage. She walked out the door shut it silently and in that same moment I whispered one smll sentence. Corazon a Corazon; Forever. Then I was out like a light on New Years night.

All Good

I woke up to the sun of a beautiful fall morning. It was September. September eleventh to be exact. In other words it was my birthday.The best one yet. I was seven years old. That may not seem like a big thing to you ,but I looked the age of seventeen or eighteen. My vocabulary skills could pass for the age of at least 40 years old.

The minute I stood up from my bed my parents gave two little knocks then the door flew open like a huge gust of wind had just past by it.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY RENESMEE!",my mother and father cheered from the door.

"Thanks" I said staring at the floor then up to my parents."But you really didn't have to get me a cake. I would have been....."

"Bella!Edward!Let me in or so help me I will break this door down!" my aunt Alice yelled from outside,cutting me off.

"Edward can you please go let Alice in before she breaks my house." My mother said with a little giggle slipping between her lips every other word.

In that same minute my dad ran out the door and was back with my aunt Alice right on his heels.

"Let's go." she said grabbing my hand pulling me towards the door.

"Alice,remind me why I areeged on letting you dress my daughter for her birthday."my mother said sarcasticly.

"Because you love me. Now come on Nessie."

"Okay.Bye mom by dad see you in.... well knowing aunt Alice I'll se you in the minimum of five hours."
"By sweetie."they said together letting a full blown out laugh exscape them.

As aunt Alice dragged me through the forest, I was wondering what she had waiting for me at the main Cullen home.The minute we reached the house and opened the door She picked me up and sped up the stairs to her huge batroom with a small closet space attached.She set me down and closed the door behind her. Then she turned around to look at me with huge grin.

"Happy Birthday Nessie!"she exclaimed.

"Thank you aunt Alice."I stared at her for a moment."Your not going to go overboard with this are you?"

"Your mother has been telling you stories of how I used her as a dress up doll hasn't she?"

"Yes she made it seem horrible.But its not that bad, well I don't think it is."

"It's not just lay back and it will all be over in no time."

It took aunt Alice six hours to get me ready.I woke up at six this morning she took me to the main cullen house at six thiry,and she wasn't done until twelve thirty.I'm sure if she didn't have to still hang up two very important decorations,I would have been there a whole lot longer.I really didn't care.I was more enthusiastic for my party later.Jacob, my Jacob was coming to my party along with Seth,Quil,and Embry.I was okay with the fact that Leah didn't want to come.My parents and family didn't smell very pleasent to them.

"Reneesme, Nessie, wake up I'm done."My aunt whispered into my ear.

"Finally."I said with a yawn."What time is it?"

"Twelve thirty"aunt Alice said."And the wolves are here. But first I want to show you how you look."

Aunt Alice walked me over to the full lenght mirror in the bathroom.She put me in a beautiful turquiose and darker blue dress that continued about five inches onto the floor.My mom was right Aunt alice is an unstopable force of nature.She put me in stilletos.I'm only seven. I maylook eighteen but still.She straighted my hair so it hung all the way down on my back.

"Wow"I said amazed at how I looked.

"I know now I'm going to go to the bottom of the stairs and call your name. That will be your cue to come down."

"Okay."As she turned I stopped her and said."Wait, thankyou so much aunt Alice. I love you."

"I love you to Nessie."
Then she hugged me then ran down stairs and assembled every one down there. So that the momtent that I reached the bottom of the stairs and turned the corner you would see me.

I counted my breaths as she got them ready down stairs.By the time I reached 37 she called my name. I turned from the mirroe walked out of the huge bathroom and down the stairs the minute I turned around the first persons face I saw was Jacob. I never really noticed how much he took my breath away before until now.

While everyone was cheering around me and running over to hug me I couldn't help but notice Jacob frozen in the same spot he stood when I first got down here.

Then ,in three huge strides,I was wrapped in one of his big bear hugs.

"Oh my God!For the love of wolf Alice she's stunning . Beautiful simply beautiful."

I touched his face and showed him an image of me telling him to shut up.

"I was going to wait"he continued,"but for get it."

Then he got down on one knee and took out a black and gold tiny box and said.

" Reneesme Carlie Cullen I love you and Promise to love you forever. Will you marry me?"

I stared at him for a second and whispered the word "Yes." Then he swooped me up again and kissed me.

'For the love of wolf ' is a correct stament in this case. I did love a wolf now and forever.Until the end of time I will always love my new fiancee,Jacob Black.


Publication Date: 10-10-2010

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