» Short Story » Bloody Hell, J. M. Rivers [interesting books to read for teens txt] 📗

Book online «Bloody Hell, J. M. Rivers [interesting books to read for teens txt] 📗». Author J. M. Rivers

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Lucy’s POV.


Hunger. It’s the only thing that I can think about. The urge to feed is so strong that it makes me want to burst. Every fiber of my being is craving it. The one thing that could eventually save my life. Yeah, more like seal my doom. I have to feed but I made a promise; an oath that I wouldn’t do it.


“You have to feed Lu. The sooner, the better.” A tall figure stood looking down at me with concern.


Shaking at the thought, I answer. ”No.” It’s more of a growl.


He glares down at me as I sit huddled in the corner. I look back at him defiantly or tried to.


“Lu, so help me, I will shove it down your throat.”


“Lucy, you have to feed. It is not an option. Why are you reluctant anyway-” Marilyn stopped abruptly then narrows her ruby eyes at me. “It’s him isn’t it? All this,” she throws her arms in the air, “is for him?! That man, that animal-”


Before I realized it, I am halfway across the room, my claws deep in her throat. I can feel her windpipe. My left hand is in her chest inches from her heart. I hiss with fangs out and look her dead in the eye beyond her shocked expression.


“Don’t you ever call him that to my face because I will not be responsible for what happens.”


She can barely nod so I let go and I am back in my corner. Just on cue, I hear it. A howl. I rise and scowl at Marilyn who is still on the ground. Everyone in the room had heard the howl and knew what I was about to do. She was in front of me in a blink of an eye.


“No. You are not going anywhere. We are not done here!” Her wounds had begun to heal and her shirt was drenched in blood. I had no intention of killing her but hurt her I would. A lot. I would have replied coldly that I had no intention of asking for permission but I was really pissed off. I walk past her, bumping my shoulder against hers, and out into the night. The night air is cool and I inhale deeply feeling rejuvenated almost instantly. There’s a full moon and the night is full of noise from chirping insects and rustling leaves as nocturnal creatures move about. I bolt into the woods and come to a stop when it becomes unusually quiet. Too quiet; save the light breeze. I accidentally step on a dry branch breaking the silence as the noise returns. I realized immediately that it was my own undoing.








Seth’s POV.


Pain. I feel it everywhere. When the wind blows, it feels like a million tiny needles piercing my flesh. The pain comes and goes like a tidal wave. Right now it is at its highest intensity and I know that it’s almost over. Blood starts rushing through my veins and my breathing becomes rugged. Almost there…almost…there… The pain stops and my breathing becomes even. A howl pierces the still night and is followed by a rushing of feet is heard. I rush in pursuit of it. The race is on.


The hunt was successful. The howl alerted all the hunters of the hunt. Using a V- Formation tactic, we were able to secure game to last us through the next couple of days.


“Seth, my man, on point as usual.” Joe patted me on the back as we returned to the den after the hunt.


“It’s all in the timing, Joe, you should pay more attention during pouncing lessons.”


He grinned broadly. A short guy, hazel eyes, short dark brown hair. Masculine as befitted his nature and a scar running through his left eye on the left side of his face. A battle scar. A battle of life or death. He had been running in the woods with his mate when a cliff had seemingly appeared out of thin air. A construction site, a recent one. They had been unaware and she was determined to beat him in the race. As Joe had tried to grab her in human form and she in wolf form, she had scratched him on his face, unaware he tried to lift her up but he slipped and they both fell. She died due to cuts and internal hemorrhage from the fall. Joe broke a few bones but survived. His mate had been pregnant and this was a great loss to the pack and an even greater loss to him. No one spoke of the incident openly but we supported him.


“Speaking of pouncing lessons…” he said breaking my reverie. It was too late.


“Hey Seth!” a shrill voice proclaimed. It was Paton. I automatically rolled my eyes before facing her and faking enthusiasm.


“Hey, how are you?”


“Seth, don’t patronize me. We have a meeting in twenty, be there please?” I shrug. “Good enough.” She walks away. My escape is now. I leave the den and go to a clearing in the forest in my wolf form. My presence causes a silence to fall over the night. I sniff the air and know that I am not alone. I hide in the tall grass. A branch breaks. The intruder is near. I hold my breath ready to pounce.










From the woods, Lucy could see the yellow- green eyes and was quick enough to avoid the pouncing animal. They stood face to face as he watched her waiting to make a move. She’s paler than I expected, he realized. She eyed him blankly, a poker face, but she was taking him in. His black fur was glowing in the moonlight, beautiful eyes piercing her very soul as if revealing all her secrets. She made the first move and he leaped in the air to catch her but she spun and, arms wide open, grabbing him around his abdomen and they fell to the ground while rolling. He took advantage of this and managed to pin her under him. Fangs out, she hissed and slid out of his grip by kicking then punching him on the jaw. Shaking away the sting, he lurched at her and clawed at her hands and stomach and she began to bleed. They were now on their feet and were a few feet away from each other. She was angry and so was he. Running towards each other, they delivered their last major punches mid air. This created a force that threw them apart. They lay unmoving as the last blow had acquired its target. She got up first groaning as her body was still feeling the effects of the last punch.


He was in human form and he also managed to get up. Both were covered in blood and their wounds were yet to start healing. They walked towards each other. As the distance between them decreased, their pace increased and later turned into a full on sprint which ended in them embracing passionately.


“I missed you so much, you have no idea-” He shut her up with a kiss.


“The feeling is mutual fox.” She smiled up at him as he held her gaze.


“How was it?” She asked breaking from the intensity of the gaze which held so much promise. Realizing this, he played along.


“It was the same; only the scenery was more welcoming.” He replied emotionlessly.


She knew he left out a lot of information. The fights for survival and subduing of other packs


“That’s nice.”


She felt like an imposter standing there awkwardly acting like it was perfectly normal for a wolf and a vampire to be standing in a clearing talking. Perfectly normal, she thought. He turned and began walking away and she followed him in silence. The sky was blanketed with stars as the wind would occasionally blow gently. She watched his retreating back, one that radiated strength, both physically and emotionally. Well muscled, as his right, and ear-length dark glossy hair. She realized that he had not shaved and concluded that it matched his rugged exterior. He could feel her eyes on him practically boring a hot narrow hole through his back. He smiled absently to himself. They reached a cliff and he stopped suddenly and she almost bumped into him. At first they just watched the scenery, mainly the sky, but they had heightened vision too.


“You need to feed.”


“You need a shave.”


“Fox, I’m serious”


“So am I Sly, so am I.”


“Fine. I’ll shave.” He waited expectantly.




“You don’t want me to shave? Then again, you always had a thing for rugged exteriors.” Her face fell and she felt like she had been smacked across the face.


“You sonofabitch!” She turned to leave when she realized it was all a trap. He grabbed her and wrestled her to the ground, her arms behind her and her face on the ground.


“Stop struggling! We both know that I will win because I am bigger and stronger than you.”


She knew he was telling the truth so she stilled and blankly stared ahead. She had felt eyes on her and was not surprised to see Marilyn stepping out of the shadows, sporting a clean shirt. The other vampires, who were in hiding, stepped into the moonlight. Jack approached them as Lucy was helped up. Jack held a bottle in his hand containing a dark liquid.


“Like I said, I will shove it down your throat.”


Lucy felt cornered. Seth sensed this and instinctively knew she was hurt, no bruised, by his betrayal and backing her into a corner. He had been in a similar situation before. They both had. Yet it seemed so long ago. He knew that she could and would fight but he had worn her out purposefully unlike when he would do so to train her and prepare her. If she ran, he would easily catch her especially since she had not fed. She was also outnumbered. She looked at the bottle then at Seth. He held her gaze and in her swift movement, she grabbed the bottle and drained it hungrily as everyone watched. All the while she maintained eye contact with him. She threw the bottle at his feet and stood in front of him, eyes red like flames.


“You did this,” she told him in between clenched teeth.


Before he could understand what she meant let alone answer her, she was gone. He stared at the bottle as the vampires wondered how she had left without them noticing. Then realization sunk in on Seth. All he could think was, Shiiiiiiiiiiit!








Lucy’s POV.


My senses are awake. I had repressed them for too long because I had almost forgotten the feel and rush of feeding. However, I need to feed, that was just an appetizer. I arrive at the road that divides the territory between the creatures of the night. Without hesitating, I leap and stick the landing on the other side of the road. I see him on the other side of the road and instantly remember how he just betrayed me. I feel so invincible and what he just did does not bother me as much as it probably would. I have been to cloud nine and right now I’m heading there. That is if I feed. I see the anger he cannot hide all over his face and I smugly smile. He shakes his head slowly trying to stop me but I take a step back, into the shadows and head into the city. I know he’ll send someone after me but until then…


I can only think of one place where I can find an all you can eat buffet. A club. Not just any club but one that is popular for some reason. I’m not new here and can easily tell which one I’ll go to. There’s a long line as party goers try to get in. Some are underage but

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