» Short Story » The Murder of Calamar, Dee Neel [easy novels to read txt] 📗

Book online «The Murder of Calamar, Dee Neel [easy novels to read txt] 📗». Author Dee Neel


It was a cloudy morning and Calamar was walking through the plain of Alabama, When he falls to the ground gasping. A sudden pain had tore at the back of his skull. He grunted and reached back, when he looked at his hand blood covered it.

Ronald walks out and stands over the body... his mouth was open as he looks over at the blood covered gaping wound on the back of the head of Mr.Calamar, his boss...

Then Dean Trickwood walks over and sees Ronald standing over the dead body... He cackles, and says "wow Ronald, I didn't think that you were like that... hahaha, i guess this means your getting fired."

Ronald looks down at the body and curses realising how this must look. Him standing over the body of a dead man.

Dean reaches to his mobile phone and dials the number of the police department.


"What has happened here??" says Detective Solarii looking at the two men and the dead man laying between them.

Both men start talking at once. Detective Solarii shouts "Settle down!! you talk when talked to! you answer all questions truthfully!! i will not rest until i figure out who has murdered this man."

The Detective walks over to Dean and starts asking him questions.

"What were you doing out here?" she asks him.
"I was out here huntin deer, an' i look over by the bridge The sun was in my eyes i couldn't see very well but i see one. I shoot an' it drops dead. I walk over here and I see Ronald here standing over Calamars body. Meh Deer was gone! He stole it... i know he did."
"Don't go off topic."
"Alright anything else you would like to know?"
"Yes, why would anyone want to kill Calamar?"
"Well Calamar wasn't a very like' man, he stole and lied, but we were business partners. Heh... He owned his own business, Ronald over here worked for him also. But i was his favorite, them too they didn't like eachother very much... in fact i think he was going to fire him today, maybe Ronald found out somehow, that would give him a reason to kill em' now can you please juss' arrest Ronald an' let me go home? I have a thing, to get to."
"What kind of thing?"
"It's none of your business what goes along in my personal life!! you just stick to your business ask all the questions you want about Calamar and the murder but i'm tellin' you Ronald over there is limping... suspicious isn't it?"

The Detective walks over to Ronald to question him.
"Tell me your side of the story" She says.
Ronald starts with his story.
"Well i was out on my morning run, yes i run mind you... and i see Calamars body Just lieing there, i come out and look down at it astounded that my boss was dead and i see Dean over there come out holding a pistol laughing, then he called you..."
"Your limping, are you hurt?"
"What? Uh hurt? Nahh... nope not at all... i heh... mean i might have sprained my ankle a little bit on the way over here but nothing to serious."
The Detective looks at Ronald sternly then says...
"Your boss was going to fire you today... you wanted to kill him because of that?"
"What?!? he was going to fire me? well i guess i saw it coming, I mean i would punch his face in if i got the chance but, would never even think of killing him. Er... i hope you don't take that in as a reason to kill him."
"Why would you want to punch him what did he do to you?"
"Well you see Calamar wasn't a very good guy... I've heard that he lies, and steals, and smokes and is just plain bad but most of all. The reason i despise him, Hate his guts would fight to the death because of is..." he sighs... "Okay fine... my wife was having an affair with him. Right in the same house.. right under my nose.. I'd Knock his block off if i could but never would i kill him... but you see Dean over there they were business partners Dean was his second hand man. they relied on eachother.. but i heard that lately Calamar hadn't been paying him what he had promised i heard that Calamar had cheated him out of 2 million dollars! now if you ask me.. that would be a reason to kill somebody."
Solarii runs over to Dean.
"You killed Calamar because he cheated you out of alot of money..."
"Noo i wouldn't kill em' i was going to quit today though... me and 'im actually got along pretty well together.. but i mean i would never kill em'"
Solarii takes out her notepad and starts writing notes down 'this is what i know' she tells herself.
it was cloudy, Dean shot a deer, walked over and saw Ronald who was on his Daily run standing over the body...
'it is possible that Ronald might have accidentally shot Calamar thinking that it was a deer... but that seems too easy it is more likely that one of them is lieing.'
Then she remembers something... 'It was cloudy!! there was no sun this morning!! looks like we have caught Dean in a little lie.' she thinks to herself then announces "I'm going to scout around the murder scene to try'n find the murder weapon everyone just stay where you are."

Detective Solarii goes and looks around the body to try and find something suspicious she looks over at some bushes and see's some blood. She walks over and looks more closely
There hidden in the brush was a pistol, covered in blood. She puts on her plastic gloves and picks it up she takes it over and calls her manager.
"Yes solarii?? have you found anything out..?"
"Yes Kendall the murder weapon has been found.."
"thats great!! why don't you ask the suspects about it lets see if you can find anything out else out, Why don't you scan it and send the sample to me we'll send it in to be tested lets see if the DNA matches the victims."
"okay goodbye"
she hangs up the phone and walks over to the pistol she uses her digital scanner scans the pistol and sends the analysis to her manager then she walks over to Dean
"Do you know anything of this pistol??" she asks.
"no i've never seen that before" He says my pistol is right over there you confiscated it before you started the investigation.
she wrote this down in her notes and turned to Ronald,
"Hey, that's my pistol! that was stolen from me last week sometime i reported it but they never got back to me.."
"She jots this down in her notes thinks... then she goes back to the car and pulls out her laptop she logs onto the police site and logs in she searches through the reports for stolen weapons but did not see the report that Ronald had said he made. the site never makes mistakes, so she had caought Ronald in a lie also... things were starting to add up.

Then her phone rings her manager was calling back she answers. "Hey Solarii??"
"your not going to beleive this but the blood on the pistol is not Calamars!!" he sounds excited."That means it has to be one of the suspects.."
She walks over to Ronald "Ronald i've noticed that you are favouring your right side not putting to much pressure on it, your limping.."
"What? no... it's fine see i can put a-all the p-p-pressure i w-want on i-it." He pushes his right leg into the ground and winces in pain.
"Don't do this to yourself Ronald just tell the truth..."
"okay, okay.. i was out to kill Mr.Calamar for having an afair with my wife, i spotted him by the bridge, i got ready to shoot him then fumbled with my gun and accidentally shot myself in the side. I dropped the gun in the bushes and looked behind me i saw Calamar drop with a yell, i went and stood over him that's when Dean came out.. but i'm telling you i didn't kill him!!"
Solarii stands inbetween the both of them and calls her manager Kendall.
"i've found out what has happened"
"okay explain i'll record it and play it for the police."
"Alright, Ronald was on his Daily run so he says but truly he had his pistol out and ready to scout out Mr.Calamar to kill him he spotted him fumbled with the gun and accidentally shot himself, he hid his blood covered pistol in the bushes turned and saw Calamar drop dead. mean while Dean as what he says was out shooting deer but truly he was out to kill Calamar also He found Calamar shot him and walked closer to hide the body When he saw Ronald standing over Calamar hoping that it would look suspicious he called 911 to try to get Ronald into trouble.."
"wow! i'm impressed Solarii!! i knew you could do it!!"
"so they are both guilty... Dean actually shot Calamar but Ronald would have if he had gotton the chance."
"right me and a few squad cars are on our way"
Then Dean makes a dive to try to get away
"sTOP RIGHT THERE!" solarii yells holding up a gun.
"YOUR NOT GOING ANYWHERE!" She can hear sirens going off in the distance.
two police cars pull up behind her and hold up guns also.
they walk up and handcuff both Dean and Ronald.
you two are going to be in the house for a looongg time...


Publication Date: 01-22-2011

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