» Short Story » We Interrupt This Program..., L. Avery Brown [english novels for students .txt] 📗

Book online «We Interrupt This Program..., L. Avery Brown [english novels for students .txt] 📗». Author L. Avery Brown

We Interrupt This Program...

Beat the Clock Contest. We were given this nifty prompt:

It was dark in their parents’ walk-in closet; the only illumination was the daggers of light coming through the slatted double doors. Jimmy and his sister huddled together in the farthest corner, away from the menacing light. The screams for their parents as they raced up the stairs had gone unanswered—the strange sounds from downstairs growing ever louder. Their terror filled eyes were riveted on the closet entrance, the only thing standing between them and the unknown. Their stares were slowly drawn to the pile of clothing at the other end of the closet...

Then we were told to write something no longer than 950 words (not including the title that captured the heart of the prompt. Most people chose the 'scary' story. But I decided to go a different route and to use the prompt as a backdrop for the truly scary story...the story of a family who realizes something terrible has happened.

I'd love to hear your thoughts on my little divergence from the path when you've finished reading!



Text: L. Avery Brown
Images: L. Avery Brown
Publication Date: 02-12-2013

All Rights Reserved

An entrant in the 'Beat the Clock' contest (2/2/13) which did not meet the judges' mark. But I'm fairly proud of myself for thinking outside of the box!

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