The Lakota Nation 1800's, Whitney Shaw [books suggested by elon musk TXT] 📗

- Author: Whitney Shaw
Book online «The Lakota Nation 1800's, Whitney Shaw [books suggested by elon musk TXT] 📗». Author Whitney Shaw
"What are we going to call her?" asked Little Creek.
"Her name is going to be Maya Doo Rider," said the grandmother.
So Katie accepted the name that was given to her. She is now called Maya Doo Rider. So they walked out of grandmother’s house and went on their way. Maya Doo Rider went with the women to clean the buffalo meat. As Maya Doo Rider was cleaning the meat she looked up and saw her husband playing with the boys and teaching them along the way. As "ozuyes" (warriors), came back from the stream, one of the warriors nearly fell off his horse; Talking River ran towards the warrior and caught him before he hit the ground.
Talking River helped the warrior to his "tipi" (house), the warrior was bleeding badly, and he had been shot in the "tezi" (stomach).
"What happened?" asked Little Creek running inside the "tipi" (house).
"Tohan" (when) we were hunting near the stream some "wasicha" (white man) came after us and shot at us, hitting him, then more of them started to chase us," said the "ozuyes" (warrior).
Little Creek and Talking River looked at each other and nodded their heads; they both got up and went outside.
"So were going to "kte wasicha" (kill the white men)?" asked Little Creek.
"Hin" (yes)," said Talking River.
"Takula nunwe, tokhiya la hunwo" (what is it, where are you going)?" asked Maya Doo Rider.
"Kte wasicha" (kill the white men)," said Little Creek.
"Ohan, I yotan chila" (alright, I love you)," said Maya Doo Rider.
"I yotan chila" (I love you to)," said Little Creek.
"Let's go," said Talking River.
So Talking River jumped on the warrior’s horse and Little Creek jumped on his horse and rode to the white man’s camp. They stopped and saw smoke, they knew they were close. So they rode some more and got off the horses and crawled on their bellies, they looked down and saw the white men, so they crawled back to their horses. They jumped on the horses and yelled they rode down the hills towards the white man’s camp. The white men looked and saw Talking River and Little Creek, so they got up and started shooting at them. Little Creek rode his horse and jumped off and landed on a white man killing him and then the other white men were all dead and scalped. So they took some things and went back to the village. When they rode up to the village Maya Doo Rider was waiting for Little Creek.
"How is the man doing?" asked Talking River.
"Washte" (good)," said Maya Doo Rider.
"Good, you’re learning fast" said Talking River.
"Are you both alright," asked Maya Doo Rider looking them over.
"Yes we're fine," said Little Creek.
"I have to tell you something," said Maya Doo Rider with a smile.
"What?" asked Little Creek.
"We're going to have a "hoksicala" (baby)," Maya Doo Rider said with excitement.
Little Creek yelled with joy and picked her up and twirled her around. Then she went about her day. Little Creek walked towards the grassy hills of the Great Plains and sat down with a smile on his face. Talking River came walking up from behind and sat down next to Little Creek.
"Toka he hwo" (what's wrong), why are you smiling like that?" asked Talking River.
"I am going to be a father," said Little Creek.
"Ate, washte, lila washte, hokahey, anosoptan" (father, good, very good, pay attention, and listen), you tell him our stories, teach him or her our ways of living and surviving, for there will come a time when our ways of life will disappear," said Talking River.
"I will," said Little Creek.
"Washte" (good)," said Talking River.
So they both went back to camp and went inside the "tipi" (house) and it was getting dark, so they went to bed and fell asleep. When everybody was a sleep Little Creek was dreaming a bad dream and he was talking in his dream. Maya Doo Rider woke him up and he fell back to sleep. Next morning Little Creek woke up and went outside and sat down on the grassy plains on a hill looking out on to the plains. "Unci" (grandmother) followed Little Creek and sat down next to him.
"Tell me about your dream?" asked Grandmother with a soft voice.
"I had a dream about our child, and it was a boy. As he got older and strong he became a man and had a child of his own, but I was not there to see it, something happened," told Little Creek.
"What happened?" asked Grandmother.
"The white men came to our camp and took our strong warriors away; they started shooting at our camp. Children were running and some children got shot along with their mothers and the old ones. Next thing I know they are taking the survivors to a fort, they put us in cages like animals. Then the whites grabbed me and threw me into a black hole, then Talking River was covered in blood, I don't know what happened after that," said Little Creek.
"You will know when that day comes," said Grandmother.
They both walked back to the village and Maya Doo Rider was really pregnant she looked like she was going to have twins. She was preparing food with the other women. As the food was done they all gathered and ate, Talking River had something to say.
"Today our chief is very sick, with these feast we will honor our chief," Talking River sitting down and eating.
Chief EE-Shah Konee asked for Talking River and Little Creek to come to his "tipi" (house).
"Tokeke ya un he" (how are you)?" asked Chief Ee-Shah-Konee.
"Lila tanyan wa un nis tok" (I am fine and you)?" asked Talking River.
Little Creek walks inside.
"Little Creek my son, I want you and Maya Doo Rider to have the best times and years while you can," said Chief Ee-Shah-Konee.
"What do you mean?" asked Little Creek.
"Unci" (grandmother) came to my "tipi" (house) and told me about the dream you had. Talking River my son, I want you to become Chief of the Lakota people," said Chief Ee-Shah-Konee.
"I would be honored," said Talking River.
"Now go, I have said all I needed to say, I will see you on the other side," said Chief EE-Shah-Konee.
So they turned around and walked outside.
When the time came Chief Ee-Shah-Konee died, he is now with his ancestors. The next night Maya Doo Rider gave birth to "cincala" (child), a "hoksicala hoksila" (baby boy). As he grew, Little Creek taught him everything. He hunts "tutanka's" (buffalos) with the other men. As Little Creek was inside his "tipi" (house) he got up and called for his son. His son came and went inside.
"Son, I had a dream long ago, which the Lakota people were happy and prosperous, but then change came to the Lakota people, the “wasicha were “sota” (white men were many). I am glad that I lived this long to see you grow up into a man, and may you have many children," said Little Creek.
Grey Eagle just looked at Little Creek with confusion and walked away outside. Then it started getting dark and everyone was asleep. As they were sleeping Grey Eagle was woken up by a noise outside, so he quietly got up and poked his head out and looked around. He saw "sota waschia" (many white men) on horses, Grey Eagle grabbed his knife from behind; Talking River grabbed his arm gently and shook his head. Talking River went outside then all the women, and children and men came out.
"What do you want here?" asked Talking River.
"Were moving injuns to our forts," said soldier one.
"We're not going anywhere," said Talking River crossing his arms.
Some of the "akichita" (soldiers) were looking at some of the "wasicun women" (white women) they had and started smiling at them. Talking River whispered into his wife's ear telling her to take the women and children and the old ones to the hills before the fight started. One soldier was looking at Maya Doo Rider, Grey Eagle stared at the white man and so did Little Creek.
"What's wrong red man, afraid I'm going to steal your woman?" asked a soldier getting off his horse.
Little Creek got his knife out and threw it into the soldiers face. Then guns started to go off. The "winyan" (women) started to scream and run with their children. As Little Creek was fighting he saw his son fight as well, when the battle was over Little Creek looked up across the plains and saw many more whites, he quickly looked at his son and nodded telling him to run and go with the women and children. The warriors fought again, this time many Native Indians were killed.
The soldiers gathered the wounded and left the dead, and tied the wounded up behind their horses and made them walk to their fort. All the women and children looked back and saw smoke, but no more guns firing, so they all came down from hiding.
"Mother, they are gone, we have to go after them," said Grey Eagle franticly.
"How, there are too many?” asked an old Indian man.
"Slol wa yea shnee" (I don't know)?" asked Grey Eagle.
So as some of the Lakota people were at the fort in cages. One of the soldiers asked Little Creek to stand up and come with him. But Little Creek would not listen, so the soldier opens the door and starts beating him, Little Creek finally got up and went with the soldier. They untied him and threw him in a pit with a bear, a grizzly bear; it was tied up to a post, a strong post. Little Creek looked at the Grizzly bear; the Grizzly bear stood up real tall and roared.
"I will not fight the bear for your amusement" said Little Creek.
The bear stood real tall then came down on all fours and tried to run but could not reach Little
Creek, so Little Creek got close to where the bear could reach him. The bear attacked him, Little Creek was on the ground and the grizzly bear was on top of him, clawing at his chest and stomach, an Indian scout quickly shot the grizzly in the head.
"Why did you do that?" shouted the soldier.
"There is a story behind the grandfather bear to the Lakota people, if he would have killed that bear, the bears body would go up and become a mosquito, but I am not a Lakota so I shot the bear," said the Indian scout.
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