» Short Story » Oh Daddy!!, Debbie Lacy [books suggested by elon musk .txt] 📗

Book online «Oh Daddy!!, Debbie Lacy [books suggested by elon musk .txt] 📗». Author Debbie Lacy

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part of her life and as -”


“Then dammit be a part of it, Shelia!  Be home and spend some time with her!  She misses you dearly!”  He interjected.


“I was going to say that I am working on that!  We've already talked about it!  I'll be interviewing several ladies next week to see who is the best-qualified coordinator and as soon as I show her the responsibilities of this position then I'll surprise her.  So don't worry, I plan to be there for my daughter in every way possible.”  She admitted observing the waiter who brought their food to the table.


“I've been there for her too!  In ways, you'll never know because you're never home!”


“So what's all this hostility about Ted?  It's not like you didn't know of all my business activities before now!  We've had this discussion a million times and I -”


“Oh c'mon Shelia!  Is this really about this so-called position that you're so worried about or is there someone else?  I mean you're gone a lot, away from me!  And when you're home, we can't say a kind word to one another!  So what else is there?”  He interjected again.


Shelia was shocked to hear the accusation and was hesitant to answer at first then she responded, “I don't know what you're talking about Ted!”


“Oh you may not know but I do!  You see a man knows these things, Shelia!  I guess the house, the cars, the money, and the clothes isn't enough for you so you had to go out there and get yourself a man to complete your little dream world package right?  Oh, I'm sure he's a happy little puppy dog because you show him enough breast to make him bow down, roll over and bark!”  He waited for her to respond but she never did.  Suddenly silence surfaced, neither had nothing else to say and while finishing up their meal, something came to Shelia's mind when she asked, “What did you mean when you said you've been there for Deja in ways I'll never know?  What is that suppose to mean?”


In his wrath, he looked over at her seriously straight-faced and said, I will let you figure it out.”




It was a beautiful summer day in Tucson, Arizona and it seemed all of the kids in the neighborhood were out and about enjoying the summertime.  Some of my friends stopped by my house to hang out.  Josie, Carmen, Danielle, Kristen and Britney, then later Danny, Robert, and cute ass Cory stopped by on their 4-wheelers and we were all having fun just kicking it.  Cory was the most handsome boy in the neighborhood that was around my age and I had a serious crush on him and I think he knew it because I couldn't help but feel that he was truly feeling me too!  It was the way he looked at me and smiled.  Danny was quite attracted to Kristen, she was a pretty girl with long curly hair and playfully they pretended to be boyfriend and girlfriend, she had Danny eating out of her hand per se.  Whatever she wanted, Danny would do it for her and he wouldn't have it any other way because he believed Kristen was really his girlfriend, all the while she was just playing him.  The guys took turns taking us girls for a ride around the block on their wheelers, while Carmen, Britney and I talked and waited for our turn. On their arrival back Robert asked me to ride on his wheeler with him but Cory quickly intercepted and assured them that I wasn't going to ride with anyone but him and I smiled because he was right.  I only wanted to ride with him and it was so sweet that he let the others ride on ahead as we lagged behind a bit, preferably to talk.  He had a wide banana-type seat on his wheeler and preferred that I ride in front of him, that way he could compress against my butt.  He let me steer the wheeler while he held me tightly around my waist.


“Okay, now I'm depending on you to steer us so don't go running into bushes and into the back of stuff!” He teased.


“Hey, don't you worry about what I'm doing.  I got this!  You just hold on!”  I smiled.


“Oh, I got you!”  He smirked.


Those were true words because along the way, smoothly he eased his hands beneath my mid-cut teeshirt to softly touch my nipples as sensations ignited.  I was beginning to enjoy his touch and he became aroused as my butt jiggled against his manhood from the vibration of the 4-wheeler.


“Ooh wee Deja, I want you to be my girlfriend!”  He begged.


Without any hesitation, I said, “Okay!”


He smiled then quickly asked me, “Hey let's ride through the park up ahead and let's go over by that big Acacia tree.”


I steered us over towards the big tree to where we took a break from riding and I attempted to get off the 4-wheeler when he hurried to kiss me.


“Cory!”  I quaked.


“Yea girl, I've been wanting to do that for a while now!”


“Really!”  I was surprised.


“Yes really!  I have been digging you, girl and I think you're so sexy!”  He confessed backing me against the tree.


“So are we really gonna do this or what?”  He gazed into my eyes.


I was so mesmerized by him and all I wanted to do was close my eyes to allow him to kiss me again.  “Do what?"  I asked dreamily eyed.


He moved in closer, pressing me against that big tree with his hands pressed into mine until we were pelvis to pelvis and asked, “You gonna be my girl?”  Repeatedly kissing me on my lips.


In a heated passion I answered him saying, “Yes Cory, I will always be your girl.”


Instantly, his tongue was in my mouth and I responded unselfishly. Daddy had taught me many things about sex and how to tongue kiss was one of them and I was damn good at it.  Cory was feeling the passion when he quickly grabbed my waist for a stimulating grind against that tree.


“Ummm! Oh, Cory!”  I whispered in a haze of feeling excited.


“Ooh, this is so sweet!  You make me want you girl!”  He expressed passionately.


I must admit the feeling was mutual, he was hard and even in my daisy dukes I started to lubricate in that quick little grind and I knew we had to find a way to get together and do it soon.


Unexpectedly, we heard, “Hey!  We see y'all behind that tree!  What are y'all doing?”  Robert and Britney teased as they rode by.


We stole one last smooch before yelling back, “Mind your own business!”  So we gathered our composure before riding back and this time, I let Cory steer because I was happy to be holding on to my new man.


When we arrived back to my house, there were more kids in my driveway, I noticed Randy from across the street, big mouth Diane from down the street and Carlos, a good looking Hispanic kid from two-doors down, who had taken a liking to me also.  I must admit the older he gets, the better looking he's become these past few years and maybe he just might get that chance but for now, I was Cory's girl.  As soon as I got off the wheeler, big mouth Diane yelled, “It's my turn and I want to ride with you, Cory!”  He glanced at me with much regret and I smirked and walked away.  Besides, he's got his hands full now, everyone in the neighborhood will know Cory took her for a ride, she was just that loud but I wasn't worried, Cory knew who he wanted. While chit-chatting with everyone, I just happen to glance around to notice my daddy beneath the hood of the Chrysler 300 Limited Sedan, one of my mother's cars near the garage.  So I walked over to see what he was doing.


“Hey, daddy!  What are you doing?”


“Hey, sweetheart!  Oh just checking the oil for your mother that's all.”


“Yea well I guess she's getting ready for another trip!”


“Yea she'll be pulling out tomorrow afternoon on her road trip to Mesa.”  He smiled at me.


“So what's that smile for?”  I asked him.


“Can't a father smile at his beautiful daughter?”  He stated but I knew what that smile really meant.


“Sure!  I love it when you smile at me, daddy!  That means that you love me!”  I winked at him then I teased him a little when he accidentally dropped the empty motor oil container on the ground and I politely bent over to pick it up for him.  It thrilled him to pinch my butt cheeks when I giggled at his toying.


“Hey check it out!  Did y'all see that?”  Randy quickly protested.


“See what?”  They all quickly glanced.


“I saw Mr. Weaver pinch Deja on her butt!”


“Aw, that ain't nothing new!  They are always playing around with each other.”  Danielle explained.


“Nah, this was in a freaky kind of way Y'all I'm serious!”  Randy expressed.


“Yea well I heard a rumor that she lets him do it to her but I don't know how true it is, though,”  Britney added.


“Aw man, that's bad!  Not with her own father!”  Carlos snapped.


“Y'all just stop it!  Mr. Weaver is a very nice man and he wouldn't indulge in something as kinky as that with his own daughter!  I find that hard to believe and you can't always believe what you hear Britney!  How would anyone know?  Unless they are in the same room with them at the time it happened or if it even happened at all! Listen, y'all, Deja is my best friend and I'm not going to believe those awful things people say about her because it's not true!” Danielle confirmed.


“I don't know, y'all!  I mean looks can be deceiving and it could be happening!  Y'all notice her mother is never home and Rodrick is too busy making money and hanging out with his girlfriend at her place so he's hardly ever home.  I know that much because Rodrick and my brother Larry are friends and they talk.  So most of the time they are in that house alone together.  You've seen how playful they are with one another, don't you find that a bit strange?  Just think about it and you do the math.  It's possible she's been getting freaky with him!  Let's hush about it, here she comes!”  Britney concluded.


“You better stop that daddy!  You don't want to start nothing.” I spoke softly attempting to walk back out to join my friends.


“I love you, sweetheart!”  He spoke softly and smiled.


“I love you too daddy!”  I smiled back.




Things were good between Cory and me, we would go 4-wheeling and hang out at the park, we went to a carnival together at the mall one evening, we went to big mouth Diane's birthday party together or he'd often stop by to talk for a little while and just recently, he took me to meet his parents.  They were very nice to me and that was special.  A couple of weeks later on a Thursday evening, daddy called to say he had to pull a double shift at the airport and that he wouldn't be home until around eight or nine the following morning.  That meant I would be all alone in that big house and I wasn't sure what I was going to do with myself.  Around six o'clock that evening, I decided to go outside to sit on the porch to read a book.  It was rather quiet in the neighborhood, not much was stirring and to my surprise, my man Cory stopped by.  I was so glad to see him, we became playful with one another when a half hour later it started to rain. As the nice cool shower poured, Cory asked me to go walking in the rain with him, so I did.  The rain felt so good, as we stopped to hold one another and tongue kissed.  We were soaked and I

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