» Short Story » Oh Daddy!!, Debbie Lacy [books suggested by elon musk .txt] 📗

Book online «Oh Daddy!!, Debbie Lacy [books suggested by elon musk .txt] 📗». Author Debbie Lacy

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and the baby needs.  Travis didn't have much education and dropped out of high school to go into the army and I believe something seriously happened to him when he was in there, like some kind of trauma of some kind.  The only thing he seemed to know how to do was to charm the panties off the girls and fight.  One of the things I remember most about him other than fighting was that he drank a lot of milk all day long.  He did get a job at the local grocery store as a stocker, which helped out but he was so devoted to training at the gym during the week to prepare for his next big fight until eventually, he stopped working at the store.  Finally, Rodrick was born and he became a proud father showing everyone he knew his new baby boy.  The three of us were so happy.  I loved that man and things were good between us for the next four years.  All sorts of programs opened up for us, we got better housing, food and I went back to school and got my degree.  After I graduated from college, we got married and it wasn't long before I became pregnant with you and that's when he changed.  He became violent and he used to hit me just out of rage.  I remember when I was seven months pregnant and I was in the kitchen preparing a meal for us when he decided that he didn't want what I had prepared and would try to dump the hot food on me or on the floor. 


“Oh, mom!  So what did you do!”


“I decided I wasn't going to take his abuse anymore and when I dashed into the bedroom to pack up our things he became enraged. “Where do you think you're going?  You're not leaving me!”  He threatened, throwing me to the floor and he went to kick me in my stomach, Deja everything in me came out and he saw the look in my eyes.  So instead, he grabbed me by my long hair and pushed my head against the wall before leaving the room.  Rodrick had just turned five years old then and he was crying quite terrified of what his dad was going to do to his mother.  At that point, I hated him and while he was gone, I hurried to pack up some of our things and we left. I never saw him again.  As far as I was concerned, we were homeless and had nowhere to go.  I was so distraught I didn't know what I was going to do.  I remember being in a lot of pain and I had hoped I wasn't trying to miscarry.  We were sitting on a bench at the bus depot, I guess I was hoping someone would be kind enough to buy us a bus ticket away from there when a very compassionate and generous man approached us, he helped us and took us in.  It was Teddy.  He had a very nice and decent place on the south side.  I had gotten so sick he took me to the hospital and I had gone into premature labor but thank God you were alright! You were raised in a nice home and when you turned 6-years-old we placed you in the“Breyer StoneKids Academy” for intellectual and skill development.  He was so good to us in so many ways, his friend helped me get a fantastic job at a law firm.  Soon I was making good money and I divorced Travis then married Teddy.  He was lonely and had fallen in love with me so I felt grateful and obligated to him but I never loved him.”


“Okay so daddy isn't my real daddy...and!”  I quoted.


“No, but he raised you and Rodrick up like you were his very own,” Mom added.


“Well, the way I see it, if he raised me then he is my daddy!  He's all I know!”  I snapped.


“That's right.  He is!”


“Did Rodrick know all this because he never mentioned anything about it!  I mean he had five years to acquaint with him where I never cared if he existed and neither did he care about me!”


“Yes, he knew enough.  But it was my responsibility to tell you when I felt you were old enough to understand and the time was right.”


“Well, thanks for telling me mom but all of this isn't really hard to understand, I'm just glad that daddy was a kind and decent man and came through for us when he did!”


“Yes, he did!  I must say you're handling this quite well!  I thought it was going to be a bit difficult!”


“Mom, you were pregnant with me and you took the initiative to get yourself and your child out of harm's way and I consider that imperative!  Oh my God!  I mean, our lives were in jeopardy so I'm overjoyed to have not been raised in that type of environment!  Besides, my real dad sounds like he was crazy!”


We both laughed, “Yes he became a madman!  And I believe his insanity progressed from being in the armed forces.”


With all things considered, there was more I wanted to know.  Not all the cards were laid out on the table as for as I was concerned.  So what's going to happen between mom and daddy now and who was this other mystery man she was seeing?  There was silence for the moment, I guess she's waiting for the information she'd told me to seek in but I was mature enough to understand the situation, so I was okay! So I eased into gathering more from her.


“So mom, how did you get involved in becoming a real estate broker and all?”


“Well I worked in “Real Estate Law” and I learned a lot about the real estate business over the years.  A broker within the firm helped me develop my skills and to excel on the exams.  So I started selling real estate on the side and after I sold several homes, I decided to become a licensed broker and establish my own business!”


“I remember some of that but I never knew all the details.  That was very smart move mom!”


“I like to think so!  There are some advantages to being in this type of business.  One advantage is that's how I stumbled upon our beautiful home at a great interest rate.”


“So did you meet a lot of clients?”


“Oh yes!  Some of my clients are millionaires!  In this business, you run across all sorts of prominent people who don't mind sharing what they know and that's how I got involved in the organization I coordinate, the proceeds are great and I truly enjoy it, sweetheart!”


“So have you met anyone significant?  You know, someone you're interested in dating maybe?”


“Oh yes!  I have indeed!  And he's a wonderful man sweetheart?  He's so good to me and I do believe he's good for me too!  We've even discussed marrying someday.”  She smiled.


“Oh, mom!  Is it that serious?”  I quizzed.


“I think so Deja!  But you'll get the chance to get to know him.” She smiled again.


“So what about daddy?  When will you tell him?”


“We've had our discussions but don't worry about that sweetheart, I know this is a lot for you to handle right now.  But when the time comes, you'll know.  Now it's getting late, get some rest.  We have an early start tomorrow.”


“Really!  What do you have planned?”


“Let's get out and do some sightseeing!  Have some fun!”  She smiled climbing back in bed.


I smiled laying back on my pillow as my mind drifted to what it must have been like for her back in those crucial times with my real dad. But she survived it all and some really good things developed from it.  I just feel blessed that daddy came along when he did and saved us.






Three days later after mom and I arrived back from Orlando, I invited Nick over to meet mom and dad since they both just happened to be home at the same time.  Nick wanted to take me out to eat Chinese then to a movie afterward.  Mom liked him right from the start and had no reservation but by all means, daddy did.  In fact, he was outraged and voiced, “She's not old enough to be going out on any dates Shelia!  Young man, I'm sure that there are plenty of girls your own age that you can take out on a date.  So I advise you to find one and leave my daughter and my house right now!”


“Yes, sir!”  He sadly glanced at me and said, “Good-bye Deja!” With hast, he was out the door.


“Daddy!  Why did you do that?”  I quaked.


“Ted!  You were awfully rude to that nice young man!  What's wrong with you?  There is nothing wrong with them going out on a simple little date!  What's the harm in that?”  Mom spoke loudly.


“She is just fourteen Shelia!  That boy is far too advanced over her!  These young boys have ways of persuading these young girls to do what they want them to do!  There will be enough time for her to go on dates!”


“Oh stop treating her like she's an infant Teddy!  She is a very mature and responsible young lady so let her have little fun!”  Mom explained.


“Deja, I don't want you to see that boy ever again!  Is that clear!”  He demanded.


“But daddy, he's my boyfriend!  Why can't I see him again?”


“Because you know nothing about dating or any of that nonsense!” He barked at me.


“Oh but I'm old enough to have sex with my daddy right!”  I blurted out in anger.


He was spellbound!  Caught up, offended and ashamed.  But now the cat was out the bag and there was no need in denying his actions besides, the guilt was written all over his face.  Mom was highly upset with him and was about to walk away from all of the turmoil when she heard my outburst.


“What did you say!”  She quaked with a disapproved grimace.


“Deja, you are lying!!”  He thundered rushing over towards me as I quickly moved away from him.  “What kind of accusation is that to make about your daddy, huh!  Haven't I been good to you?  Haven't I!!”  He yelled.


“You sick son-of-a-bitch!!  Don't you touch her!”  Mom rush over to me.


“Shelia she's lying!  Don't you see that!  That's just her little way of striking back at me because I won't allow her to see that boy!”


“Oh mom, I'm so sorry!  I didn't mean to hurt you!”  I confessed.


Mom scowled at him then voiced, “You touched my baby!  How could you Ted?  How could you pull something as sick and perverted as this? But I sensed it a long time ago, I've seen how you stare at her, I've heard the comments you've made towards her and those long amorous embraces you give her.  But I couldn't allow myself to think that way about you, after all, you've done for us over the years but for some reason, those bitter thoughts lingered in the back of my mind!  Something I should have addressed a long time ago!”  She glanced at me.


“Okay, I'm a man and I can handle it but you should know that your daughter is a little freak!  She wanted me Shelia and she pleasured me better than you ever could and the best part about it all, she enjoyed it!  I'm not proud of what I've done, but I wasn't disappointed either and I loved her for it.  Hell, you weren't around, what was I suppose to do huh?  You are my wife Shelia but you rather spend all your time traveling and doing who knows what than spend some quality time with your husband!”


“And I wonder why Ted!  Obviously, there is something not right about you!  I was trying to plan the right time to tell you but you've just made it easier for me!  It's over Ted and I can't stand the sight of

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