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A Christmas disaster at the North Pole is averted by a long-held elfish secret. Will it cause the barer more trouble than the Christmas disaster?

Hi! I wrote this story for my NAPLAN test. It's all pretty much how i wrote it for the test, I just edited a few mistakes. I also planned a different ending but ran out of time so I did this instead. It's pretty short but I hope you enjoy it. Please comment and give me feedback/tell me what you think. Thanks! :)

This is chapter 3 of my new novel "The Shepherd". Please leave comments and message me what you think of the novel so far. I really do appreciate it.

As you sow, so shall you reap, though in some cases nothing grows at all but the satisfaction of knowing you planted it.

Just a short of Enak's past life. Characters are from my current book I am writing titled 'Burning the Witch'.