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Professor Hans reminisces. What has become of Aldo, the young Italian Jew he had met once during WWII in his SS uncle’s attic and whose face will forever haunt him? The story is recounted as a monologue, with flashbacks between Germany, during the Second World War and Venice, in the nineteen-eighties.

A teenager learns a lesson in giving and receiving

Hannah prays everynight to Goddess Pavarti to find true love, her soulmate,her beloved, the one that is in her heart and deep within her soul. She knows he is somewhere and all she asks the Goddess is to find him.

A girl awakens, oddly in her closet, the day starts off weird from that point... But it gets even weirder as the story continues.

THE DEEP. From beauty I have derived a type of unloveliness – from the covenant of peace, a simile of sorrow - Edgar A Poe.

He was always making comment ‘interesting.’ “Keep quite; it will be ‘interesting.

He was expecting good news of his promotion. He became sad to receive regret letter.