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When Aaron Smith gets tired of living he's prepared to give up on life. He has one week to see if life gets better and if he decides to go on. He knows nothing will change that choice, that is until he meets one of Kaceys' friends. Ever Weaver is a typical teen. Dating the wrong guy, making mistakes and falling in what makes Aaron so attracted to her?

Well, first I must say read 58 by angamonkey. She gave me the idea so she deserves more credit since a story always needs to start with a thought. Now this is just a little thing about how sandy was for me. :) Enjoy! Tell me if you want the age moved.

Only his footprints in the sand were my clue. They led along the sea, as if he had trampled a path for me, I just needed to follow. He had told me to come here, but still I had nowhere to discover. Him! My brother!

When curiosity is sided with indecisiveness, one student contemplates whether or not to do something new to them. First-person perspective.

Very Short Story, with a bit of a twist...Written from a first person point of view...The character is dark indeed. Read and see what you think....

I was in my room, studying for my exam, to get into collage and get a job to pay for my family. I studied all night and day but I have trouble concentrating.

Three moments in the lives of different people.

Society often serves the solitary notion of setting ones vision askew. The following prologue serves as a build up to the final novel.

The story takes place in 3030, in New Moo. His name’s Well Jr. He has an angelic face with a good nose. Nature has cursed him with a good nose. He comes from a very poor family. At the age of seven, something caught him on the nose. He’s ruined his olfactory system.