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this is the first book i have ever written online.It is a story about how when UFOs land on earth and what happens when they do

Loni Rearden is a 34 year old wife and mother who has come to a crossroads in her life. A child bride, she is struggling to keep her marriage to her childhood sweetheart strong. What she doesn't realize is how far she'll have to look into the past to grasp the future... and how much her grandfather can help her on this journey of discovery.

Timely suggestion not to invest money in the new venture has become a good lesson. .

A true short story of what it was like to work as a preneed funeral sale insurance agent for one wicked summer into the the following spring.

3 mysterious stories of a puzzling lunar event written for the drabbles contest on

He walked out of the jail after paying a long penance for his crime.Time had made him emerge into a better person.

The story of Greta a real little minx with a lust for murder