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Genre Short Story. Page - 176

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Brandy pushed a boy away, not knowing he was THE boy. He grew up with her. He pushed her away first, and she just made it final. One dream messed with that. Certain she likes him,clearly loves him. Their bonded through their dreams.

In the year 2020, things have changed. The atmosphere outside is toxic, and people are forced to reside in a complex where they are allocated jobs. When they can no longer do these jobs, or when they are judged to be too much of a tax on the very limited resources left, they met the Keeper. One man decides to make a stand.

Crystal and Steph have the hots for members of a band.The Band holds a dark secret they are waiting to reveal to them.

this is a story about a young girl who his stuck in a situation that her family wont let her out of.

For the Disaster Relief Charity Campaign. Bethany and Josh were just sitting at school, like they would any other Tuesday, when they heard the sirens. That same deafening screech that was bound to end in death. Will this be their last storm?

A motivational story which is a must for people who all crave for recognition and end up dejected to the core at times, because of not being recognized.

A short story based on my poem-Lying In A Tub Full Of Blood. Warning: No suitable for people who get scared too easily and who throw up at the sight/hearing of blood and screams.