» Short Story » Heartless This HATE, Amber [book series for 12 year olds txt] 📗

Book online «Heartless This HATE, Amber [book series for 12 year olds txt] 📗». Author Amber

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{{{You are the kind of girl, That has the chemicals, to make me stir at night- (Partly) from ETF "Beautiful"}}}

I smile up at Eli. He looks at me weird. "Will you marry me?" I ask. He laughs, horrified, "NO!" WHooaaa. Thats not what the boy says. I fall off my swing. I stare at my skinned knees. "Owww..." I mutter. He doesn't move. I gulp. I laugh it off.

I gasp for air. That damn dream. I look out the window, to find that his yard now has no swing set. Okay, it was just a memory. I'd been having dreams of him alot now. Which was very, very unfortunate.

I grab my books and run out my front door, only to slip on the ice and hit my head. I let out several curse words, some I made up. "Gawdnuggit!" I yell. I don't like swearing in puplic. The dirty looks I get in school are enough. I just lay there, like I mean't to do it.

"Are you okay, Brandy?" Eli's mother asks, as he stands awkwardly by her. At least you remember my name. I nod. "Sure, Fine." I say, closing my eyes. Okay, I'll get up and walk away... wait, I'm really tired. Great. Moo! Just fricken Moo! Now that I'm uncapable to swear in my head with the pain, which is making me weak, I think I'll just sit here. Maybe they'll just go away-"Brandy?-Eli, go get her parents, NOW." His mother says. I stir.

Dark. It's now dark, but I can hear voices. Yeah, there are voices. "Brandy, answer." I hear. YEah, YEah, five more minutes...

Wait. Where am I? This room is too bright. I open my eyes and immediatly shut them. "Owww..." I groan. "Where am I?" I ask. I hear my mom laugh, releived. "Your at the hospital." My dad answers. I groan. "Pain?" Some man asks. I shake my head. "No, Just being myself. Attracking attention when I really don't need it." I say. "Can I go back to bed, now?" I ask. I hear a faint laugh..and I'm out.

I sit in my old classroom. Middle school. Ah. How I hate it, except the boy I like is correcting my paper. I smile sweetly at him as he smiles back up. After awhile he taps my shoulder. "Your middle name is June, Really?" He laughs likes thats the most stupidest, obvious thing. "Were your parents drunk when they named you?" He laughs. I laugh along with him. Ha. Ha. I try to smile. It fools him. "I know, right? I think they were." I turn and blush, but not with the same feeling. Ass. Just like Eli. Every boy.

I open my eyes. I was in my room again. "You feeling okay?" My mother asks. I shrug. "How'd I get here?" I ask. I'm going insane. So insane. I groan. "You probably were still asleep when we brought you home." I smile inspite of my inside joke. I'm not insane?!? Yay!!!! (Question mark) "When do I get to go back?" I ask. "Whenever you feel better." My mother says. I nod and she excuses herself. I sit up. I turn and grab my garbage can. I wretch really loud, which is very embarrassing, but helpful. My mother hurridly pulls my long black wavy hair back. IT feels soft against my cheek. I'm going to have to take a shower. I groan when I stop. I hurry to my shower. "I'm going to the store, you'll be alright alone?" My mother calls. I yell, I reply near Yes. I hear the door slam. I start the shower and get in.

I'm standing in my yard. All of my friends and people who aren't strangers stand in a group, watching me. I squint at them. I see Eli. He comes up, and hugs me, sending a big fresh hair to me. I breathe it in. AHhh. THis is nice. They watch and smile. I hold him tighter.

I wake up. Am I this suicidal? I get out of my tub in time to hear a knock at the door. I swear and get a towel on. I open the door. Cold air. "I-I-Hi, Jun-I mean, Brandi. I just brought you your homework." The first thought in my mind was-he looks better up close. Wait, What? I gulp. "Thanks, Eli." I sound better than him. Thats A plus. He doesn't know what to do, either do I. "Come in..." I say awkwardly, avoiding his eyes. I hear my phone ring. "Crap! Just a sec-" I run to the phone.


She looks different up close. All of her baby fat is gone. Her cheeks arent very boney either. She looks different. I can't explain this to myself, of course. Shes not younger than me. She looks like the playful soul she was when I didn't try to get rid of her. Hey, I was a boy, what the hell did I know? I hear her coming back, still in her towel.
I try to look in her eyes, avoiding any other areas. "Sorry." Shes flustered. "Thanks, though-you didn't-" I wave it of, like a complete weirdo. "It's fine. Look-I have to go-" "Fine-fine." She says, blushing when she finally looks at me, looking at her up and town. Damn curiousity. Soical suicide.

I run across the street to my house.

Well, That wasn't weird. But, I don't feel hate... Yes you do! You have for two years! or were you lying to yourself? Maybe... Oh, great. silently losing insanity as my mother makes arrangements for her to take me to school, personally. Then my mind drifts to the dream. HE was so different. He was nice. Good. Beautiful. The way I use to think of him... I shake my head and finish my homework.

. . .

I go carefully down the steps and smile at Eli's mom. I get into my Mothers car and close my eyes. When I get into the school and my friends rush up, I feel way better. I smile, but when Eli passes me in the hall... I feel confused, stupid, ugly. I do something even stupider. ((I know thats not a word, but that explains me every minute I'm alive)) I wave and smile. he almost trips and waves back. Crap.

Someone, Give me a reason why I just did that. Please. I'm not my own self anymore.

I continue to turn and hopefully have a normal face. I walk down the hall to my first class.

. . .

I yawn and fall on my bed. Tired...


I open my eyes and I'm in a forest..with waterfalls and everything. I sit up. IS this a dream. I pinch myself. No feeling... I've had weird dreams like these. I stand up and walk towards one of the streams. I see something move. Another chase dream? Well, here I go.

Another chase dream? Great. I never get tired, but it gets annoying. this place is pretty. Who would think I'd like to look? Of course not! I mentally sigh. I trip. I've never fell down before. I never got to see who was chasing me ,ever.

She stopped. I'm positive that its a girl. But she never stops. I've never been able to see who it was, because the chase was endless...

She stays down, I see her bare back. She is afriad. I bend down. "Who are you?" I ask. She turns, surprise on her face. I turn, surprise on mine. "Your-your-Eli?" She says. "I'm dreaming of you?" I ask. "No I'm dreaming of you." she says. I argue.

I stand up. "Maybe this is my dream...dreaming of you...becuase I dreamed of you last night..." I say. He laughs. "I'm dreaming. I am." "Lets not waste the dream." I say suddenly. Why waste a good dream? "Lets go do something and stop arguing." I say, getting up. If this is just a dream, I can jump off of this waterfall. I smile. I start to run. Waterfall....Waterfall. I stop and look down. I look over my shoulder at Eli. He tries to stop, but he can't. we go down. I scream. we rush down to the water...

I sit up in bed. Holy crap. another dream, and he's actually acting like himself? I get out of bed. It's late. I might as well go out to eat. I get out of my bed and walk to my car. I get in and hurry to somewhere. AS I'm driving I see Eli Running. I go to hit the gas, then wonder, why not? I slow my car. "Want a ride?" I ask as my window decends. He stops. He stares for a second and shrugs. "Yeah, sure." He gets in the passanger seat and I can feel the cold radiate off of him. "Jeez." I mutter and turn up the heat. He smiles a thanks and looks out the window. "Where to?" I ask.

I can't breathe, and I can't help myself when I gasp out, "Food." She laughs. She finally stops at a resteraunt. We go in and The lady accidently seats us at a table for two-the lovers seat. I just laugh it off, but I'm not really here. I'm in my dream. I look back up at her. I want to ask. "What do you think of dreams?" I ask. She looks startled. "What kind of dreams?" She asks. I shrug and smile. "Their pretty cool, I guess." She replies. I laugh. It's not funny, but her answer is not different from mine. I do something that startles both of us.
I reach over and grab her hand. "Guessing is a form of unsure-ness." I say. She pulls away, trying to hide her red cheeks. I smile, brushing it off. "So, what do you do these days?" I ask. She shrugs. "Nothing important." She says. "C'mon. You can't hate me forever." I say. She looks up. I can tell she doesn't mean to say such hurtful words when they come out, but it still hurts when she makes my guessing final-"I have for, like, three years, what would change that?" She covers her mouth. "Eli-" I shake my head. Ow. "You still hate me, Juno?" I ask, serious. I know I used her nick name. Crap.
She stares at me. "I-I-I don't think I do. I don't need to, but I sure as hell feel like it." She says. I laugh. "Your pretty when you stutter." I say. SHe gulps. "Shut up, ELi." She says. She's blushing. Okay, I'm totally flirting, but its damn fun. "Alrighty, then." I say, sitting back. The fries we ordered come and I'm the first one to dig in. I groan in happiness.
"Hold on kid, no need to have an orgasm." She mutters. I laugh. "Alright, tell me about Juno, I mean, BRANDY." I say. She smiles in an evil way. Oh uh. "Well, personally-" She gives me a wink. "I fell, and I have a bruise the size of your dick on my ass-it's very small." She says, blushing. I freeze. She startes giggling. She tries to have a striaght face but she can't. I throw

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