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Growing up together in the 60's sets an early stage for excitment, but when one sister decides to settle down, will she risk her own security by allowing her wild sister to seek refuge in her home? One phone-call says it all...

For the Drabbles competition, a story of Honest Dan Hughes and his attempts to ensure runaway slaves taste freedom.

The night is the worst time, the time when Jimmy feels the most helpless. As he watches everything crumble around him the question that he's left with is 'Am I strong enough to save those I love?'. My entry into the Beat the Clock Contest

A Kill Order is never to be taken lightly. It allows the chance to end your life before being forced into a lifetime of agony.

The year is 1941 and the Jameson family in Waxhaw, NC gathers around their radio to hear 'The Mystery Creeper' show. The harrowing tale they hear pales in comparison to the horrifying news they learn following the words 'We interrupt this program...' (Beat the Clock Contest Entry)

Hello friends and readers!!. This book is all about my personal experiences and learned things from the girls who ever came trough my life. Life gives so much but the same time it asks so much from us. All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

Being the first of my spontaneous combustions on BookRix, Stacked Deck takes three drabblistic views of death: natural, forced and la petite mort.

A fun Christmas tale about Santa and his famous elves, or Elegant Little Fellows, as they are known at the North Pole. Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.