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There is something strange with dreams. You dream and you know that you dream, but suddenly when you wake up you may notice that it wasn't a dream at all.

An old creepy mammoth manor sited in the frozen outskirts of an unknown city, holding a hopeless sorrow in the form of a young beauty mysterious girl, alone but for her mum, who comes home to pay her a frugal visit twice a week...

Story intros and a collection of my characters gathered from their pages on a game site I frequent.

How do you describe the pain when you lose a child?

Amber leads the life of a nerd in Muffin Massacre highschool. She's in the band, and gets all her homework turned in before the teacher can even ask. She's a teachers pet...So, what happens when Amber catches the eye of Mason? The popular boy.

The night of a beautiful meteor shower, told from the point of view of a teenage girl.

A woman shunned by society, used by men, nameless...and yet she would become one of the most famous women in the bible. A courtesan in the town of Bethany, she hears the teaching of this man named Jesus. Something pulls at her heart to go and express her belief in his teachings. But what could she bring to the son of God? Little does she know, he has something for her.

A young man reluctantly walks out into the African wilderness to see wildlife. (Travel, Comedy)