» Short Story » Love In The Most Dangerous Form., Kerry Elisabeth(: [ink ebook reader .TXT] 📗

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"psh! Amber!"

I turned gravely to my best friends voice.

"What is it, Alexia?" I whispered back.

"It’s Mason!!" she squealed loud.

"Alexia, good lord! Stop squealing like that you're going to bring my migraine back and i just got rid of it!" I exclaimed.

Don't get me wrong, I love Alexia with all my heart, she's always there for me, but she has that kind of voice that makes you want to cringe and blast music in your ears. She's just too hyper at times.


I heard her finish before she sighed and realized I was paying attention to her anymore.

"Amber!" Alexia practically screamed.

I turned to her with anger in my eyes. she knows i hate when people pay attention to me, and with her shouting my name like that, it's nearly impossible not to.


"Good morning class." Mr. Chrever says smiling as he walks to the front of the room. "Alexia, stop bothering Amber and turn around in your seat."

I smirk as soon as I see the displeasure in Alexia's eyes.

"Ok Mr. Chrever." Alexia says bluntly.

He smiles and moves to sit down, "Amber, did you have your homework already don-"

I raced to the front of the room and cut him off before he could finish by shoving a piece of paper in his face. "Yup!" I screamed before he had a chance to grab the paper and recover from his shock.

He smirks. "Amber, you're screaming. I think you're hanging out with Alexia too much."

I glanced behind myself and moved my eyes to land on Alexia. She did not look happy.

"Mr. Chrever." Mandy called from behind the desk. "Can I talk to you, alone?" she added at the end.

He frowned. "certainly." he ushered me back to my seat with a wave of his hand. I sat down as soon as Mandy began walking up to his desk. I glared at her in disgust. If there was one name, which came to my mind about her, without it being her actual name, Mandy. It would be whore. She throws herself at every person.

I watched as she flaunted herself all the way to the front of the room. Shaking her hips. all the boys stared in awe as she walked past them, her high heeled stiltoe's, with her black mini skirt that cut off just below her upper thigh, her long wavy blonde hair, that cascaded around her shoulders, and her pink shirt.

Let me just say, Mr. Chrever was young and, I don’t mind saying so but he’s' hot. All the girls want him. Especially Mandy.

I scowled in disgust as he followed her out into the hall. I was positive I seen him glance down at her ass.

The rest of the class sat there in silence as they stared at the door waiting for them to come back. I heard Mandy giggling repeatedly in that flirted way she does.

The two of them walked back in, just in time for the bell. Everyone in the class gulped as they noticed Mr. Chrever had a piece of paper sticking out of his pocket, with a number on it. Mandy’s' number.

She walked back to her seat, with a huge smile on her face, knowing, we all know.

Mason, Mason Brun.

"Amber! Did you see that?" Alexia asked me in shock.

"Yah, I know. Mr. Chrever totally has the hots for Mandy, and it's disgusting. Just imagine how many STDS' Mandy has. There’s like no boy in this entire school that Mandy hasn't screwed, i don't even think that we could ever find out who the first one was." I laughed at her, full of pity.

Alexia looked over at me, her mouth wide open. "You really don't know?"

I smirked. "Oh no, I do know... Cause you know I walked on over to Mandy and asked, who the first person she slept with was. I take it you know?"

Alexia pursed her lips and nodded.

"Nice to know." I said with a grin on my face. I couldn’t even of begun to care.

"Don't you want to know?" she murmered not hiding her curiosity.

"I really don't." I glanced towards the front of the room. Mr. Chrevers', eyes kept roaming back to Mandy. Oh ya, he really wasn’t being discreet about checking her out.

"Ok class, homework tonight is number 1-25 in your books."

Everyone groaned as Mr. Chrever released our homework assignments, besides myself. I honestly like school. I know, it's not normal but I don't care. I do. I’m great at it and the idea of homework pleased me all the time. Sometimes I suspected that’s' why Mr. Chrever gives us so much homework.

The bell rang and everyone rose from their seats, as Mr. Chrever had his last attempt of explaining what he wanted from us when we came to class tomorrow.

I made it too the door way and glanced behind me. Was I shocked with what I seen? No. Mandy was sitting on Mr. Chrevers' desk as she laughed.

"Alexia, Hurry up!" I spit out as she made her way to the front of the room. I just wanted to get out of this room. You could almost feel the sexual tension radiating off Mr. Chrever.

I smirked as I thought of something clever to say. "Mr. Chrever." I whispered in an innocent tone.

He looked over at me, excitement in his eyes. Yes, Amber, What is it?"

I glanced between him and Mandy. "Tell, Mrs. Chrever I said hi when you get home, and give little Zachari a hug for me."

I smiled in pleasure as Mr. Chrevers' eyes widened and laughed when I heard the sharp intake of breath from both him and Mandy.

"Tootles." I said with a flirty wave as I pulled Alexia out of the classroom.

"AMBER! I can’t believe you just did that!" she yelled, filled with shock.

"What? he shouldn’t be whoring around with whores."

Yes, Mr. Chrever is married. He has a son named Zachari and he claims to love them more than life. However you can tell from the way he watches Mandy’s' ass, that that is a load of shit and would cheat any second, given the chance.

"Was wrong." she finished as soon as I realized she was talking to me still.

"Whatever." I whispered knowing she was going to lecture me, later.

I emerged from Mr. Chrevers room and ran face smack into, Mason. Mason Brun.

"H...-hi." I stammered going red from head to toe.

"Hey, Amber." he says. His voice cool and relaxed. "The whole schools' talking about what you said to Mr. Chrever. Some people are pretty pissed about it. I think it was pretty amazing. Can I text you some time?" he smiled, showing his pearly white teeth.

"ok." I managed as he handed me his phone.

"Just save it under baby" he said, a smile reaching his eyes.

I hesitantly grabbed his phone and saved my number under Amber, slash baby. It just felt too weird being in his phone under baby. I handed him back his phone, with a warm smile on my face. "there." I whispered as I turned away with a wave.

The waves are crashing down,
The sky is caving in and everyone's sleeping
But we can close our eyes
Just hold on to me tonight

I glanced down at my phone as the ringtone went off. A smile crept on my face as I seen an unknown number. I knew who it was.

"Hey, Amber. I seen you saved it under Amber slash Baby, I made sure to delete the Amber part. I won't forget who I want my baby to be. We should hang out sometime."

I smiled. This could not be happening. I looked around the hall until I seen Mason leaning against his locker, his eyes locked on me.

I smile and nodded my head.

And then, Mandy and Mr. Chrever walked over to me, and lets' just say...they're expressions we're not happy.

Dream come true, turned to nightmare

“Amber, mind to tell me what that was about?” Mr. Chrever asked, masking the anger in his voice. “Because I don’t very much think that was appropriate to be said in school, let alone at all.”

I stood there in mock horror. “Excuse me?” I asked Mr. Chrever trying not to freak out. He opened his mouth to talk and I hold up my hand shushing him. “Mr. Chrever, I’m afraid that what you are doing is not appropriate. You have Mandy’s’ number. She’s your student! Need I remind you that along with you student, she’s’ a minor. Say any of the children who were in class today decided that they witnessed something criminal, which in fact they did; however that’s not the point. Say they decided that it was inappropriate to take Mandy’s’ number, as it was but they also decide that something needs to be done about it and they contact either the principle or the school board. Must I remind you what lay in store for you?? Pedophile.” I shouted, outrage blinding my conmen sense.

Mr. Chrever strutted forwards in less than a second to my horror. “Amber what goes on between me and my classmates is no concern to you. I assure you, Mandy’s’ and I relationship is strictly student teacher.”

Mandy reacted as if someone had just slapped her. God, I wish I could.

“Whatever Mr. Chrever. As I said. Someone could explain it to the principle a different way and then there’s no getting out of that. Surely youll not only lose your teaching license, but you’ll be put in jail and then marked as a pedophile for the rest of your life, what happens to you is no concern of mine. If you want to risk your job, wife

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