» Short Story » Love In The Most Dangerous Form., Kerry Elisabeth(: [ink ebook reader .TXT] 📗

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and family, for Mandy. Whatever. But I just hope your able to forgive yourself when you realize she’s nothing more than a whore throwing herself at you. Honestly, I think the term whore may be too good of a term for her. Perhaps to nice.”


I cut him off before he could continue. “Look you make me sick, I’m late for class and I would rather not waste anymore breath. As I said what becomes of you and Mandy is nothing for me to be bothered with.” I turned to walk away as I felt a hand grab my shoulder and steer me in the opposite direction. “What are you doing?” I stammer, completely scared.

“Just shut the hell up and listen, Amber.” Mr. Chrever yells. “I’ve had enough of your smart ass mouth, and this is a new thing what the hell has gotten into you?”

I tried to shrug but I could feel his hands clasp tighter around me.

“Now, no one is going to believe what you say if you decided to tell them that Mandy and I are having an affair. All I need to do is give you an F and simply tell them you were upset by your low grade and decided to take it out on myself for not studying.”

“You wouldn’t!” I screamed positive that he would.

“You know damn well I would.” He muttered.

I glanced over to Mandy. She actually had fear in her eyes.

Before I knew what was happening I seen a shadow over take my vision and felt something hard like rocks break on my skull. I staggered to stay standing. I felt the warm liquid flow down my cheek. I looked around not sure what had happened. Until I realized; Mr. Chrever punched me.

“Now listen here!” he yelled directing his anger at Mandy this time. “If anyone asks what happened to Ambers’ face, you will tell them that you were the one to punch it and make it bleed like this. And if anyone sees us all walking out of here, you are to both say that I heard Ambers pitiful cries for help and rushed in, only to break up the fight going on between you to. Is that understood?” he asked sounding like a drill sergeant.

I merely nodded afraid anymore movement would affect me forever.

“good.” He muttered. “Mandy please, step out a moment.”

She glanced towards the door and back at him before nodding and walking away.

After she left Mr. Chrever turned all his attention towards me.

“Well well well.” He muttered pursing his lips. “You couldn’t have just gotten over it, could you have??” he asked, disgust riding his voice.

I sat still without moving, unsure of what to say.

He moved towards me and yanked a hold of my hair. “Amber!”

I looked up at him, trying to fight back the ashaming tears. Why should I be crying?

He pressed his lips against mine. I could feel all his evil coming forth. Not caring what he was doing he pushed his lips against mine, harder with more strength.

What an odd twist. I’ve fantasized about kissing Mr. Chrever since I first met him and now that I have the opportunity right in front of me, I just don’t want to, it disgusts me, just thinking about his greedy cheating lips against my soft, gentle, pure ones.

He tightened his grip on my hair and pulled me near him as I attempted to pull away. “You obviously don’t know what’s good for you, do you amber?”

I nodded. He pulled farther away and wiped my tears away muttering something about being weak.

He smirked evilly and pushed his face up against mine again. Grinding his lower half up against me.

I cried out in protest but he kept doing it urging my legs farther apart.

running his hands over my legs bitting my lip trying to force his tongue into my mouth. "amber" he growled. i kept my mouth closed fighting harder. he ran his hand from my knee up to my thigh stopping just below the bottom of my skirt.

i watched with fear as his other hand slid up my shirt and underneath my bra cupping my breast.

"Mr. Chrever get off me!" i yelled. evident that i was terrified.

"shut up, Amber" he muttered as his hand started kneading my breast and his other hand continued to slowly make its way up my skirt.

i felt as his icy cold fingers brushed against my inner thigh trying to move my underwear away.

"sit down!" he ordered.

i stood shocked.

he shoved me back on the desk. my ass landing there with a thud.

"i told you to sit down. should have just listened." he whispered nonchalently.

his hand reappered from under my skirt. i sighed with relief until i realized what he was doing. he was readying me.

He tugged down his fly and his member popped out. i shivered with horror.

Bang! Bang!

"shit" he cursed under his breath reaching back under my skirt and fixing my underwear, tucking his member back in his pants and fixing my bra with a smirk.

“Wipe your eyes Amber. Mrs. Grandel is here to check on you.” He muttered already knowing before she spoke.

I did as he instructed and waited, as the nightmare replayed in my mind, over and over again.

The Pain...the Pills...the problem solved

I rolled over and landed face first in my pillow. I opened my eyes and I tried to forget what happened.

I sat up, my hair a bloody disaster, knots everywhere, hair sticking up in all places.
I looked down at my tear soaked pillow and ran my hands over my face, wiping away my smeared makeup.

“Amber, Mr. Chrever…what are you two doing in here?” Mrs. Grandel asked in her sweet voice.

I opened my mouth ready to explain when Mr. Chrever shot me a warning look. I quickly clamped my mouth shut and looked at the ground.

“well, I was walking past the hall, and I heard some screaming and inappropriate words being thrown back in forth in here, so I busted in here only to see Ms. Sand & Ms. Noel Fighting.” He replied his voice calm. Urging her to believe him. But why wouldn’t see? I would have if I didn’t know the truth.

She pursued her lips. “Ah, yes I do see her face now...” she glanced around at the dark room. “Where is Ms. Sand?”

Mr. Chrever paused, no doubt making it more believable. “I sent her out into the hall so I could calm down Ms. Noel.”

“Well we’re going to need to make a case to the principle, why don’t you escort Ms. Sands, and ill escort Ms. Noel.”

He shook his head. “Non sense, Gloria.” He murmured tossing her a fake smile. “Ms Sands & Ms. Noel understand that what they did was wrong and have promised never to let a boy get between them again.”

Ms. Grandel shook her head. “Her bloody face, over a boy?” she asked in disbelief.

He nodded.

“Well ok, I suppose you’ll be taking her back to her class shortly?”

He nodded. “Yes ma’am however we haven’t finished talking yet. She’s still feeling very upset, aren’t you, Amber?” he glanced over it, silently pleading me to tell her I was fine.

I gathered all my strength and muttered “Yes… I nee…need someone to talk to.” Tears threatening to spill.



I opened my eyes and peering at my cat, Anthony. “Hey baby” I sniffled. “You knew mommy was upset, didn’t you?” I asked as Anthony curled up in my lap and fell asleep.

I was mesmerized by his sweet purr and black and white fur. My little savior.



I stifled back more tears as the door slammed closed behind Ms. Grandel.


I looked up silently pleading to see anyone but Mr. Chrever. Hell I would rather see Mandy. But

I already knew who it was.

“That was smart, you know. Listening to everything I told you to do, why don’t you do stuff like
that more often?”

I cried as he reached for my shirt yanking it up over my head and pulling off my skirt. I stood there frozen having no idea what to do. He unclipped my bra and removed my last remaining clothing item, leaving me standing there before him, my body, vulnerable to his eyes. Every moan that slipped from his lips as he took in every last inch of my naked flesh.

“Please…no” I cried as he again pulled out his member and growled.


I glanced down again at Anthony as I recalled how quickly I sprinted out of the room after throwing my clothes back on. To the moment when I walked into my English class to the moment when I walked out in the middle of it and ditched school, for the rest of the day, spending it in the bathroom showering all my disgust.

I picked up Anthony and set him beside me as I jumped up and ran towards my dresser. Grabbing
some fresh clothes and another towel making my way to the bathroom for another shower.

I stepped out of the shower going to the mirror and looking over my body. Spotting all the bruises’ on my body from him constantly pounding his fists into me, each thrust. I opened my medicine cabinet and grabbed a bottle of pills pouring then in my hand.

Popping one in my mouth as I remember the cries of begging him to stop. Crying as he laughed glancing down at me. I filled up a cup of water popping one more in my mouth. He wouldn’t stop. He kept going until I bled. Popping in another pill. The pain I endured. My innocence he took all for nothing. I couldn’t take it anymore. I popped the last ones in my mouth gulping down the water. Instantly blackness took over.

I woke up something furry lying on my stomach. I half smiled as I spotted a preview of Anthony’s black head laying down resting on my stomach.

I fought with all my strength to lift my arm and pet him before I glanced around and felt the cold hard tiles of the bathroom floor. My gaze roamed all around the room until I seen the bottle of pills spilled all over the floor.

I took a deep breath…what did I do? I kept asking myself.

I picked up Anthony and set him on the floor. As I stood up and made my way to my room, anguish
taking me

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