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Being stuck between two girls, the one he's in a relationship with and another that solves his problems when he has them (and he always has them), Evan balances between friendship of the one and love of another. Those two sides have a strong influence one on another. Which side will Evan be on? Could he maybe stay on both sides or must he chose only one of them?

Angelica and Norbert are study partners at Pinkerton College. Angelica is the cool, confident, beautiful co-ed entirely focused on her next business venture. Norbert is the shy, awkward geek infatuated with Angelica. He would do anything to assist Angelica, even if it means assisting in her latest off-beat business venture.

The Sunshine Of A Fair Spring Morning Fell Graciously On London Town. Out In Piccadilly Its Heartening Warmth Seemed To Infuse Into Traffic And Pedestrians Alike A Novel Jauntiness, So That Bus Drivers Jested And Even The Lips Of Chauffeurs Uncurled Into Not Unkindly Smiles. Policemen Whistled At Their Posts--Clerks, On Their Way To Work; Beggars Approached The Task Of Trying To Persuade Perfect Strangers To Bear The Burden Of Their Maintenance With That Optimistic Vim Which Makes All The