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the thoughts of an escaped young slave girl as she crosses the bridge to freedom

Kyle is a boy with a very sick father who he does everything he can for, but sometimes it's just not enough. See what will happen when all the pieces are there but he does not know what move to make.

Dedicated to my best friend, Meggan Welch, it talks about what has happened to us over the years at Greenwood School here in Midland TX. We are always going to be best friends no matter what. She is my childhood bestfriend, and I am hers.

Three Drabbles designed to probe and poke the reader's inner being. Notice the serene picture on the cover, a ruse, a distract from the author's real intentions. Unsettlingly dark. And light.

Watching owls at night can be a scaring experience when we are children. Now for me its face resembles a human face as a symbol of wisdom and knowledge.

Always get to know somebody well enough before judging them-which is exactly what Margie learned about a certain Suction-cupped sea critter...

Anne se muda a vivir con Johnny en su casa de la colina.

The fire licks at the sky, it’s long tendrils of red flames cascade down the wall. Started on the roof the fire must only come towards me.