» Social Science » Pandora, John Pallister [story books for 5 year olds .TXT] 📗

Book online «Pandora, John Pallister [story books for 5 year olds .TXT] 📗». Author John Pallister

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Creation and a new beginning

Lets say 10 people land on a island that is full of food that needs to be harvested or hunted for. For arguments sake lets say for what ever reason they are never going to be able to leave this small island at least not at this point or any time in the near future.
So they must settle and form a community.
Jack said he could harvest the land and hunt. In return the others could prepare the meals. He would get the bigger portion and the rest would be shared between everybody else. This sounded great so they agreed.
So Jack worked hard most of the day gathering crops hunting the wildlife and the others took it in turn to prepare the meals which they all sat down ate together and Jack had a bigger portion.
Spike decided he would take extra food out the pot and when the food was served it was shared equally with Jack's bigger portion. Minus a little secretly taken and eaten by Spike.
Barry found out about this and Spike reluctantly silenced him by agreeing to share the spoils equally with him.
Eventually Spike and Barry found a nearby tribe of a small community of under civilised men and women. They formed up a secret trade of food in exchange for extra perks such as pipes, tobacco, small tools and other useful items.
Jack was still slugging his guts out and wondered why there was less food. The others in the community challenged his effort. Jack threatened to stop doing it all. So Thomas and Fred agreed to share the labour for the same deal. Jack, Thomas and Fred produced more food and all 3 got equal bigger portions for their effort.
They all still wanted more food though, while Spike and Barry carried on their secret deal and were always well fed.
Spike realised that if they gave the tribe more of their stock they could make them work the land for more food and undercut with less then the communities deal for the 3 workers.
The tribe was very happy with the deal worked hard and happy with their amount of food they were receiving as payment.
Suddenly Jack, Thomas and Fred were struggling to find as much food and the stock levels within the community got less again.
Oliver and O'leary joined the work force for again the bigger portion deal.
Eventually The work group all working harder squabbled about who did the most work and resented the non working group for their minimum effort into this system.
The community eventually split into 2. Spike,Barry,Kevin, Saj, Franko and Jack,Thomas,Fred,Oliver,O'leary.
Community A and Community B formed.
The problem was both had less people to split the work some need to prepare and others hunt and harvest.
It was argued which was most important the hunting or the preparing and how to get rewarded for their job roles.
Spike was really getting pissed off with having to share his stolen stock with Barry as of course the spoils were also decreased and planned to shaft or get him out the deal. Barry of course was thinking along the same lines.
Community A were really struggling because unknown to the rest of the group Spike and Barry were stealing stock.
Community B were prospering so Group A decided to make a trading pack with community B.
Community B agreed.
Spike saw Jack as a hard worker and rewards motivated him. He secretly asked if he would work for him for extra food/benefits (pipes tobacco etc).
Jack gave half his stock gathered to Spike in return for the perks.
Community B were getting concerned and questioned Jack's efforts and his poor amount brought to the stock pile.
They told him to work harder or get less food. He was angry but agreed because the perks were a good deal to hold onto.
He soon realised that the amount he was getting off Spike was outweighing the amount he was losing to the community in food. He demanded Spike take less food for the same benefits or he'd expose him.
Spike said he wouldn't as he would also be punished. Spike reluctantly agreed and Jack's bluff worked.
Unfortunately Barry overheard the conversation and he saw this as a opportunity to shaft Spike out the deal by exposing him and using Jack as a diversion to take the blame as well.
Barry exposed Spike and Jack.

The communities were duped by Barry's side of the story and decided to come up with some form of justice as well as rewarding Barry for supposed honesty on the matter.
Spike and Jack were ordered to work in community A and community B for bare minimum and to Barry's despair the spoils were now shared equally between the both communities.
Barry and The 2 accused had failed to mention the tribe's deal. So Barry was so worried with them as they were increasingly frustrated and had been working harder and demanding more and more. Which was now shared out between communities and he had no access to the bigger amounts of food in either.
Eventually both society realised the tools/spoils could actually be used as tools to increase production levels and less manual labour so new production began. They called this the tool age.
Barry was having extreme hassle with the tribe as they were upset they could hardly survive by getting less and less and the outsiders were taking more and more resources.
They decided to show an example of these intruders to their island and cut off Barry's head and delivered it on a plate to the communities.

The communities were shocked, angry, upset and scared. But decided there was no reasoning with the tribe and decided to form a small group of protectors. Nobody wanted to be the protectors all wanted to be the protected.
Eventually Kevin, Saj and Franko were bullied or reluctantly agreed to take on this roll for extra food/spoils.

The 9 remaining people in the community coalition carried on well with little or no hassle from the tribe for a short while.

Eventually a couple of people were getting worried about how to populate or the duty to keep the community alive or grow, as unfortunately they were all men.

Kevin, Saj and Franko were on the outpost of the communities and strayed further afield into tribe area. They found a group of tribe women bathing by a pool.
Kevin approached one of them and started a conversation. Kevin and Saj were both teasing the women. Kevin's women was happy to engage in this way where as Saj had now became slightly more aggressive in his approach. Franko grabbed Saj and a fight broke out over his inappropiate behaviour. The women ran off.

It was then taken back to the community and Franko had explained this behaviour was unacceptable to civilised men and nothing short of rape.
The crowd were outraged and hurled abuse at Kevin and Saj. Kevin protested and said his interaction was consented and although not through love it was decent and needed to expand and populate the future of the community.

Saj's case was slightly different and it was decided for the people to vote on a cause of action and there would be a public execution for rape and conversing with the enemy.
Kevin begged for Saj's pardon but was forced to step down when threatened with a similar outcome to himself.
Saj was publicly executed in front of the community.

Kevin was quiet and didn't mention it for days, but soon left the camp at nightfall.

Meanwhile the tribe people were just as unsympathetic to the women who were branded whores beaten and ashamed. Krisha who liked Kevin also left her camp soon after.

Kevin and Krisha found each other. Although it was hard to understand or communicate on the same level it was confirmed they both had feelings towards each other and it was all consented. Kevin promised to protect her from the community and the tribe.

So it came to be Kevin and Krisha were on the run hunted and disowned by both the tribe and the communities.

The remaining 7 in the communities who already had made progress again began to split on the future issue. Some thought it was unthinkable to interact with the savages while others were willing to consider interracial relationships and friendships with the hope of decent people within the tribe.

Of course some of the tribesman believed the same thing but they sought out the fugitives and laid down their alliance to Kevin and Krisha. They idolised them and in a ritual the two would be what we would relate to as king and queen. So a small monarchy was now formed. Kevin told them he would protect them and build a society based on peace if they followed his orders. Soon a few of the remaining community joined this monarch system too.

Spike the corrupt devious one, Franko the do gooder persecutor /stitch and Fred the doer with no opinion willing to just agree with everything to protect himself were the only people left in the community.
They decided they would never be able to live or do anything in a group of 3 and rounded up the remaining tribe with weapons as their deterrent.
It was decided that the 3 would make a challenge by setting up a system where the tribe would choose the overall leader.
This was the forming of a basic Government.
Spike wanted complete control over everybody and was strict on his approach and formed a fascist approach, fuelling his anger towards the monarch society and trying to control the tribe to prepare to convert or exterminate anybody who didn't fit into the system promising obedience with reward and opposer with worse conditions or even death.
Franko approach was that no man/woman should strive to be better then any other and took an extreme communist approach penalising again to a extreme level through punishment or death to form what he suggested be a stable one for all working system.
Fred was so weak and had no ideas that he opened up his ideas to all the people. Explaining they had freedom and power to express amongst themselves. Hence no laws or procedures were properly put in place and a lawless society would be formed and be liberated from any dictatorship.

So this is how the societies grew and eventually there was the first civil war when the Government led by Spike waged war on the monarchy.

This war waged for months and the destruction of everything seemed likely until a small girl born to the monarchs was born. Her name was Pandora.

To be continued..............

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