» Sports & Recreation » Mikkah Stronge, By: Sarah Hill [reading eggs books .txt] 📗

Book online «Mikkah Stronge, By: Sarah Hill [reading eggs books .txt] 📗». Author By: Sarah Hill

Dear Diary,
My name is Mikkah Stronge.I'm not sure how to write in one of these. My mom is making me write in one because she says that I'll be glad when I'm older because I'll be able to tell my children about my life in high school. Today is my first day as a "freshmeat" as they call us which means first day of soccer practice! I love soccer! I also play basketball but really my best sport is soccer, I think. I'm really nervous though because I am on the same team as the seniors so I probably won't be able to play that often. At least I have Mikayla with me so it'll be easier around the older girls. I hope the coach pays attention to our talent and not our age. Well it's time to get on the bus, umm..bye diary?

Dear Diary,
Today was terrible! All of my teachers hate me because of my older brother Marshall! He was always in trouble so that gave me a bad reputation. I don't really mind him getting in trouble because they were always dumb reasons, it just makes me mad that the teachers don't like "Me" for what my "brother" did! So it was pretty rough, plus I have a BUNCH of homework! Not to mention at soccer, the seniors where total snobs! telling us what to do when the coach took a phone call..luckily the coach was watching our talent today and told me and Mikayle that we have a good chance at playing the first game!!:D I'm really excited about fact that's the only good thing that has happened to me today. Well I better do my homework so my teachers don't hate me even more! Goodnight Diary.

Dear Diary,
Sorry I haven't written in a while, the few days have been terribly busy! With soccer, homework, and work (by the way I got a job at Swadley's two days ago!) I am worn out. So today(Saturday) I decided to sleep in. I woke up about 10 minutes ago and it is 11:46! That is the longest I have slept in in a while. In fact my mom came up and checked on me because usually I'm up before her, which is around 5:30..that's normal for me. Well I'm starving so I'm gonna get some breakfast. Bye(:
Dear Diary,
Today my brother Marshall came home from college for a visit. He and mom started argueing about his choices so I went for a bike ride. It was chilly outside and windy. It seemed as though all of my neighbors were out working in their yard today..I guess because it was so nice. Oh and today my dad is taking me to the movies so I'll wrtie maybe tomorrow. See ya!

Dear Diary,
Getting ready for church! I love going to my church because we have a great group there and it's small and cozy. My dad says I have to dress up today though becausse he said something special is going to happen..but he won't tell me. Also mom put some clothes of mine in a bag and put it in the car for some reason..I think I'm going to get babtized! Tell you after church:)

Dear Diary,
Sorry I couldn't get to you after church. We had alot of poeple over after church because believe it or not, I got babtized!:D Plus, I had to work again today. They had to train me some more even though I think I've got it. Anyways today in french class I learned "je t'aime" which means I love you. It took along time for everyone to get it down though. Soccer is getting alot better, except for this junior Jennifer Stone. I think she is trying to make me look bad infront of the coach because Mikayla and I are playing in the first game and she isn't. She has a cousin that is a senior and Jennifer has her tell us to do wierd things like run 5 laps because you didn't shoot quick enough..atleast coach gets on to them when they do. I personally think that me and Elle "Mikayla" are doing really good! By the way I call Mikayla Elle sometimes. Well I have to bury my nose into some homework. Joy..not! Goodnight(:

Dear Diary,
Oh..Em..Gee!! We won our first game! Elle and I both scored a goal too!(: Coach says that we have a permanant jersey now! We found out that State is in 3 weeks so we have to work extra hard in practice..which means more running and longer practices which means less time for homework and work..and less time to shower in between:(

Dear Diary,
Today Jennifer tripped Elle on the ladder and Elle had a bloody nose.:/ Jennifer is being really rude, especially to Elle. I don't like her being mean to Elle so I think I'm going to say something to her at practice.

Dear Diary,
Well, when I said something to Jennifer she got mad and told her cousin and her cousin told the coach this big lie about Elle and I, so we had to run 7 laps around the football field.:/Which was no fun at all! Coach still hasn't gave Jennifer a place on the team, which personally I'm glad because if she was on the team then their would be more drama. The good thing is that my teachers are starting to like me! yay(: The soccer commity changed the date of State to next week due to bad weather so I am really super excited!

Dear Diary,
Sorry I haven't written in a while! I met a boy at work and we hung out thursday and I had to work friday and saturday plus, I had soccer practice early early sunday morning which I missed church so I had to go to night church so..that's why I haven't written in a while. Stste is in 2 DAYS!!! Elle and I are starting on defense that game but coach says he'll move us up. I'm just ready to play:)

Dear Diary,
State is tomorrow!!(:

Dear Dairy,
Today is State..onw that I think about it, I'm kinda scared! We're playing the Rinestone Seahawks..theyr'e our school rivaly..we've been tied all season so it came dow to us in state. It starts in an hour so I gotta go..wish me luck!!

Dear Diary,
D;We lost:'(......NOT!!! WE WON!! WE WON!! WE WON!! oh mah gawd that was amazing!! Elle made a goal and I made a pk(penalty kick) It was great! We beat them 2-3. Oh and I have a boyfriend! Me and David (oh and David is the guy I met at work(: super cute!!) Went out on a date after the game and before we walked in the movie he asked me out:) He's so sweet. I really really really like him! Well Diary..this is my last goodbye Diary..for good:/

Daer Diary,
Well, my mom was right! I'm glad I wrote in this..I know I don't have kids yet, but still I'm glad.It feels so wierd to write in this thing again..Oh and by the way I found another page in the book and this time it is the last page..for sure!

Mikkah Stronge♥


Publication Date: 02-07-2011

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