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An outing...

On 19th February, 2011, the KRDR team members from Everonn went for one day outing to Blue Lagoon Resorts, ECR, Chennai 600 041.

When we reached the resorts, it was not too hot. But, we could feel the heat. After having the welcome drink, every one started to roam around and explore the place. Some of the women colleagues started to play on the swings. The event manager DJ Ganesh called every one to assemble under the shady trees and be at their place.

The entire list of events was cheerfully handled by DJ Ganesh. He started the event with his cheerful vibe and managed to maintain it right throughout the day. He was also successful in transferring his cheerful energy to the KRDR team members also. Hats off to him!!

Team building activities started off with a cheer. After introduction, the event manager asked us to name the person who is considered as a flirt in the office. Most of the people gathered at the venue recommended ‘Charles’. Charles was then asked to come out of the crowd and stand on the stage. The event manager next asked us to name the person who always comes late to the office. Most of the people recommended ‘Raja Pandian’. He was then asked to stand on the stage.

The event manager next asked us to name the person who comes on time to the office but starts to talk non-stop over phone. ‘Dinakar’ was the recommended person. He was then asked to come out of the crowd and stand on the stage. The event manager then announced that those are the three people who would be the team leaders for the day. The selected team leaders would lead the three teams formed from the group.

Then the event manager asked every one of us to stand in a circle. After taking the total count, the event manager explained the rules of the first game to be played. Every one must start to count the numbers one by one. But the person who had to count number 3, multiples of number 3 or any number that ends with 3 or the number that had the sum of three must tell ‘Everonn’. The person who failed to tell so was asked to come out of the circle. One by one started to come out of the circle.

The event manager suddenly changed the rules. He told that the remaining people must tell ‘Everonn’ when they counted number four, the multiples of number of four or the number that had the sum of four must tell ‘Everonn’. Only three people, Sasi, Hannah, Kalai Selvi remained at the end. Sasi was lucky to remain till the end and got the title ‘Best Mathematician of Everonn’.

Then the event manager announced the three teams and the team leaders were asked to discuss with their teams and select a funny name for the team. The first team who came out with the name was awarded with game points. The team names were Pimpiliky pilaky (Raja Pandian), Bimbilika jumba (Dinakar), and mama biscothu (Charles). The team Mama biscothu sounded funniest and won the game points.

The event manager then announced the next game. One male and female member was selected from each team. The team members were asked to dress up the male member like the jungle man and the female member like the lady don. Team members went around the place searching for dry leaves, twigs, flowers and other trash items to dress up the jungle man.

The team members helped their selected male member dress up like a jungle man. This game helped to show the creativity of the team members. Vamsi, Karthekeyan and Bhargavan were dressed like jungle man. Priya Venkat, Uma Sriram and Vijayalakshmi were dressed like lady don.

The dressed members were then asked to stand before the stage. The event manager then announced the activity for them. The dressed male member must enact and show the emotions of a jungle man who was shocked to find that his bride went away with his best friend. They should not use any language and it must be expressed through sounds and gestures. The jungle men from the teams enacted before the team members. Bhargavan successfully enacted like a jungle man and expressed the shock of the jungle man through sounds and gestures. He won the game points for the team.

The activity for the female members who were dressed like lady don proved a challenge to their acting skills. The dressed female members were asked to enact a situation where the lady don like a bride threatens the bride groom and make him run away from marrying her. The respective team leaders were asked to act as the threatened bride grooms.

Vijayalakshmi did a wonderful job by talking the Chennai slang and won the game points for her team. Uma and Priya Venkat brought elite, sophisticated lady don to the eyes of the team members and got the applause for their successful attempts.

The next activity asked the team leaders to write down the alphabets from A to Z. The team leader who wrote it first won the game points. This time also Dinakar won the game points for his team. The team members were then asked to collect objects relevant to each alphabet. The objects must be nouns and not adjectives. The team members went around and collected objects within the stipulated time. In the end, every team was found to have picked up five irrelevant objects.

Next, as a warm up exercise, every team was asked to stand in rows. The event manager explained the rules of the game. The team members had to stretch their hands up, fold and touch the shoulder and then put down their hands when he called out loudly three words, earth, sun and the moon. In the middle of the game, he changed the order of the words. This exercise helped to warm up and get ready for the activities that followed.

The three teams along with the respective team leaders were then asked to stand in three rows. The male and female team members took alternate positions standing one behind the other. The event manager then explained the rules of the game. The team leader of the respective team would be lifted up by volunteers and he would be held in a lying position facing the sky. The team must pass its team leader without a break from the beginning to the end within a short time. This game started with much fun and this time also the team Bimbilika jumba headed by Dinakar won the game points by doing this activity in 17 seconds.

The next activity was much interesting to note down. Six male members from each team were selected and they were asked to stand in a row and hold their hands. The event manager announced the rules of this activity. The badminton ball placed under the chin of the first member the team must be passed on to the sixth member of the team who stands at the other end. The team members must hold their hands together and must use their neck and chin to pass the badminton ball to the other member. Pimpiliky pilaky won the gain points.

The next activity called for test of language skills. Three female members from the three teams were asked to come forward and participate in this game. The event manager explained the rules of this activity. The team members must not tell ‘ok, yes or no’ to the questions asked by him. Within a few minutes, they had to quit the game as every one answered yes or no to the questions asked.

Every one started to feel hungry and they wanted to have their lunch. The event manager announced that lunch will be served only by 1 pm, and so reluctantly the team members gathered for the next activity. To every one’s surprise this activity geared up the mood of the members. Three pairs of female and male members were selected from the team. They were given a piece of newspaper.

Each pair was asked to stand on the newspaper and dance till the music stopped. Once the music stopped, they were asked to fold the paper once and keep it down. They were asked to fold the paper till it became so small to hold only one foot of the pair. Surprisingly, the team members found out numerous interesting ways to get through this game. The male members successfully carried out their creative ideas to win the game points. The pair, Suresh and Suresh, won the game points for their team.

Before closing the session for lunch, the team leaders were asked to share the game points that they have won. The team lead by Dinakar earned the maximum number of game points followed by Charles, and Raja Pandian. Simple and tasty lunch was served and every one sat down under the shady trees and enjoyed the lunch. Listening to the beautiful songs which were sung by Murali from the event management orchestra, we all had our lunch. Even some of the members from KRDR team took the mike and sang melodious songs. Uma, Priya Venkat, our VP Rajesh Pankaj and Ponnan sang melodious songs much to the appreciation of the team.

After eating the lunch, every one in the team felt so lethargic and so they sat down on the chairs under the shady trees. The afternoon session opened with an interesting activity. Every one was given a strip of paper with three rows and columns filled with names of films, music directors, singers and songs. The music was played based on the number called out by the team members. This was followed with a question based on the song played and the answer was also told. The team members were asked to tick if the answers were present on their strip of paper.

Special prizes were announced for the participating member who gets the first row, second row and the third row filled with ticks. Special prize was given to the person who was lucky to get all the rows filled in any order. The team members from Bimbilika jumba, the team lead by Dinakar were lucky to get all the prizes and gain additional game points.

Winding up the session, the event manager asked the team leaders to announce the game points gained by each team. Finally, the team prize went to the team lead by Dinakar. The winning team was asked to come on stage and the team members were asked to dance non-stop to receive the prizes. Every one joined the winning team and the stage was alive with cheerful, dancing team members. The best entertainer award was given to Ramesh for he was cheerful and loud from the beginning to the end of the events. The prizes were distributed by Mr. Rajesh Pankaj.

After prize distribution, the KRDR team members went to have their cup of coffee or tea along with snacks. Female colleagues moved to the sea shore and the male collegues moved to play cricket, badminton and volley ball. Around 5 pm we left the place completely exhausted and tired. But with enriched memories!!

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