» Study Aids » Know Your Collective Nouns, Kalai Selvi Arivalagan [macos ebook reader TXT] 📗

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Vocabulary - Places

List of words denoting various places.

• Aviary…The place where birds are kept

• Apiary…The place where bees are kept

• Aquarium…The place where fishes are kept

• Hutch…The place where rabbits are kept

• Sty…The place where pigs are kept

• Insectariums…The places for keeping or breeding insects

• Igloo…The shelter for an Eskimo

• Chalet…The shelter of a Swiss peasant

• Dowar…The shelter of an Arab

• Tepee…The shelter of an American India

• Wigwam… The shelter of an American India

• Caravan…The shelter of a gipsy

• Kraal…A Zulu village

• Kabitka…The shelter of the Kirghis

• Kennel…The place where dogs are housed

• Stable…The place where horses are housed

• Pen…The shelter for a cow

• Byre… The shelter for a cow

• Dovecot…The house or a box in which live pigeons or doves

• Burrow…The dwelling place for animals underground

• Den…The home of a lion

• Drey…The home for the squirrels

• Lair…The resting place of a wild animal

• Form…The house of a hare

• Eyrie…The nest of a bird of prey

• Aerie… The nest of a bird of prey

• Dispensary…The place where medicines are compounded

• Hospital…The place for the treatment f sick people

• Monastery…The residence for monks or priests

• Convent…The residence for nuns

• Dairy…The place where milk is converted into butter and cheese

• Bakery…The place where bread and cakes are made

• Abattoir…The place where animals slaughtered for the market

• Brewery…The factory for manufacturing beer

• Distillery…The place liquors are produced

• Laundry…The place where cloths are washed and ironed

• Garage…The place for housing cars

• Hangar…The place for housing aero planes

• Hotel…The place where the travelers can get lodging

• Inn… The place where the travelers can get lodging

• Restaurant…The place where the people can get food or refreshment

• Cabaret…The variety show performed in a restaurant

• Caboose…The kitchen in a ship

• Church…The Christians’ place of worship

• Galley… The kitchen in a ship

• Hostel…The house for the residence of the students

• Library…The place where books are kept

• Archives…The place where the Government records are kept

• Factory…The place where the manufacturing is going on

• Laboratory…The place where the scientific experiments are conducted

• Incinerator…The place the wastages are reduced to ashes

• Gymnasium…The place where the athletic exercises are performed

• Herbarium…The place where the dried plants are kept

• Museum…The place where the treasures of arts, curiosities etc...are preserved

• Cache…The place where the treasures of arts are hidden

• Granary…The place for storing grain

• Depot…The place where the goods are stored

• Garret…The upper room or storey immediately under the roof

• Tannery…The place where the leather is tanned

• Barracks…The building for the accommodation of soldiers

• Cantonment…The place where the soldiers are quartered

• Mint…The place where the money is coined

• Observatory…The place where the astronomical observation are taken

• Orchard…The place where fruit-trees are grown

• Orphanage…The place where the orphans are housed

• Reformatory…An institution for reforming the young offenders

• Quadrangle…The square courtyard bounded by buildings

• Avenue…A wide road lines with trees on both sides

• Boulevard… A wide road lines with trees on both sides

• Cul-de-sac…The Street only opens at one end

• Mosque…the Muslims’ place of worship

• Reservoir…The place where water is collected and stored

• Resort…The place frequented for the reasons of pleasure or health

• Casino…The place where gambling is going on

• Crèche…The place where the children are cared for while their parents are at work

• Paddock…The place adjoining race-course where the horses are kept for racing

• Booth…A covered stall at a fair

• Scullery…the place where the plates and other utensils are washed up

• Dock…The place where the ships are repaired

• Quay…The place the ships are loaded or unloaded

• Dormitory…The sleeping room in an institution

• Refectory…The refreshment hall in a monastery

• Kindergarten…The school for infants and young children

• Glyptotheca…The room where the sculptures are preserved

• Vivarium…The place where the animals are kept alive (ZOO)

• Bunker…The receptacle for storing coal

• Scuttle… The receptacle for storing coal

• Caddy…The small box in which tea is kept

• Butt…The large cask for holding wine

• Hogshead… The large cask for holding wine

• Cellar…An underground place for storing wine or other provisions

• Portfolio…A portable case for holding papers or drawings

• Decanter…An ornamental glass for holding wine

• Creel…A basket in which the fishermen puts his fish

• Reticule…The lady’s handbag or workbag

• Ewer…The large jug or pitcher for holding water for the washbasin

• Cruet…The small bottle for holding sauces for the dining table

• Sheath…A case in which the blade of a sword is kept

• Scabbard… A case in which the blade of a sword is kept

Vocabulary - Group

Many of the following terms belong to 15th-century lists of 'proper terms', such as those in the Book of St Albans attributed to Dame Juliana Barnes (1486). Some are fanciful or humorous terms which probably never had any real currency, but have been taken up by antiquarian writers, notably Joseph Strutt in Sports and Pastimes of England (1801).


a blush of boys

a drunkship of cobblers

a hastiness of cooks

a stalk of foresters

an observance of hermits

a bevy of ladies

a faith of merchants

a superfluity of nuns

a malapertness (= impertinence) of pedlars

a pity of prisoners

a glozing (= fawning) of taverners


a shrewdness of apes

a herd or pace of asses

a troop of baboons

a cete of badgers

a sloth of bears

a swarm or drift or hive or erst of bees

a flock or flight or pod of birds

a herd or gang or obstinacy of buffalo

a bellowing of bullfinches

a drove of bullocks

an army of caterpillars

a clowder or glaring of cats

a herd or drove of cattle

a brood or clutch or peep of chickens

a chattering or clattering of choughs

a rag or rake of colts

a covert of coots

a herd of cranes

a bask of crocodiles

a murder of crows

a litter of cubs

a herd of curlew

a cowardice of curs

a herd or mob of deer

a pack or kennel of dogs

a school of dolphins

a trip of dotterel

a flight or dole or piteousness of doves

a raft or bunch or paddling of ducks on water

a safe of ducks on land

a fling of dunlins

a herd or parade of elephants

a gang or herd of elk

a busyness of ferrets

a charm or chirm of finches

a shoal or run of fish

a swarm or cloud of flies

a skulk of foxes

a gaggle of geese on land

a skein or team or wedge of geese in flight

a herd of giraffes

a cloud of gnats

a flock or herd or trip of goats

a band of gorillas

a pack or covey of grouse

a down or mute or husk of hares

a cast of hawks

a siege of herons

a bloat of hippopotami

a drove or string or stud or team of horses

a pack or cry or kennel of hounds

a flight or swarm of insects

a fluther or smack or jellyfish

a mob or troop of kangaroos

a kindle or litter of kittens

a desert of lapwing

an exaltation or a bevy of larks

a leap or lepe of leopards

a pride or sawt of lions

a tiding of magpies

a sord or suit of mallard

a stud of mares

a richesse of martens

a labour of moles

a troop of monkeys

a barren of mules

a watch of nightingales

a yoke of oxen

a pandemonium of parrots

a covey of partridges

a muster of peacocks

a muster or parcel or rookery of penguins

a head or nye of pheasants

a kit of pigeons flying together

a litter or herd of pigs

a stand or wing or congregation of plovers

a rush or flight of pochards

a pod or school or herd or turmoil of porpoises

a covey of ptarmigan

a litter of pups

a bevy or drift of quail

a string of racehorses

an unkindness of ravens

a crash of rhinoceros

a bevy of roes

a parliament or building of rooks

a hill of ruffs

a pod or herd or rookery of seals

a flock or herd or trip or mob of sheep

a dopping of sheldrake

a wisp or walk of snipe

a host of sparrows

a murmuration of starlings

a flight of swallows

a game of swans; a wedge of swans in the air

a drift or herd or sounder of swine

a spring of teal

a knot of toads

a hover of trout

a rafter of turkeys

a bale or turn of turtles

a bunch or knob or raft of waterfowl

a school or pod or herd or gam of whales

a company or trip of wigeon

a sounder of wild boar

a destruction of wild cats

a team of wild ducks in flight

a bunch or trip or plump or knob (fewer than 30) of wildfowl

a drift of wild pigs

a pack or rout of wolves

a fall of woodcock

a descent of woodpeckers

a herd of wrens

a zeal of zebras


Publication Date: 01-14-2020

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Interesting Vocabulary

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