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The Project Gutenberg EBook of Seasoning of Wood, by Joseph B. Wagner

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Title: Seasoning of Wood

Author: Joseph B. Wagner

Release Date: September 12, 2008 [EBook #26598]

Language: English


Produced by Jason Isbell, Irma Spehar and the Online
Distributed Proofreading Team at









The seasoning and kiln-drying of wood is such an important process in the manufacture of woods that a need for fuller information regarding it, based upon scientific study of the behavior of various species at different mechanical temperatures, and under different drying processes is keenly felt. Everyone connected with the woodworking industry, or its use in manufactured products, is well aware of the difficulties encountered in properly seasoning or removing the moisture content without injury to the timber, and of its susceptibility to atmospheric conditions after it has been thoroughly seasoned. There is perhaps no material or substance that gives up its moisture with more resistance than wood does. It vigorously defies the efforts of human ingenuity to take away from it, without injury or destruction, that with which nature has so generously supplied it.

In the past but little has been known of this matter further than the fact that wood contained moisture which had to be removed before the wood could be made use of for commercial purposes. Within recent years, however, considerable interest has been awakened among wood-users in the operation of kiln-drying. The losses occasioned in air-drying and improper kiln-drying, and the necessity for getting the material dry as quickly as possible after it has come from the saw, in order to prepare it for manufacturing purposes, are bringing about a realization of the importance of a technical knowledge of the subject.

Since this particular subject has never before been represented by any technical work, and appears to have been neglected, it is hoped that the trade will appreciate the endeavor in bringing this book before them, as well as the difficulties encountered in compiling it, as it is the first of its kind in existence. The author trusts that his efforts will present some information that may be applied with advantage, or serve at least as a matter of consideration or investigation.

In every case the aim has been to give the facts, and wherever a machine or appliance has been illustrated or commented upon, or the name of the maker has been mentioned, it has not been with the intention either of recommending or disparaging his or their work, but has been made use of merely to illustrate the text.

The preparation of the following pages has been a work of pleasure to the author. If they prove beneficial and of service to his fellow-workmen he will have been amply repaid.


September, 1917

CONTENTS Section I   TIMBER PAGES Characteristics and Properties of Same—Structure of Wood—Properties of Wood—Classes of Trees 1-7 Section II   CONIFEROUS TREES   Wood of Coniferous Trees—Bark and Pith—Sapwood and Heartwood—The Annual or Yearly Ring—Spring- and Summer-Wood—Anatomical Structure—List of Important Coniferous Trees 8-30 Section III   BROAD-LEAVED TREES   Wood of Broad-leaved Trees—Minute Structure—List of Most Important Broad-leaved Trees—Red Gum—Range of Red Gum—Form of Red Gum—Tolerance of Red Gum—Its Demands upon Soil and Moisture—Reproduction of Red Gum—Second-growth Red Gum—Tupelo Gum—Uses of Tupelo Gum—Range of Tupelo Gum 31-85 Section IV   GRAIN, COLOR, ODOR, WEIGHT, AND FIGURE IN WOOD   Different Grains of Wood—Color and Odor of Wood—Weight of Wood—Weight of Kiln-dried Wood of Different Species—Figure in Wood 86-97 Section V   ENEMIES OF WOOD   General Remarks—Ambrosia or Timber Beetles—Round-headed Borers—Flat-headed Borers—Timber Worms—Powder Post Borers—Conditions Favorable for Insect Injury—Crude Products—Round Timber with Bark on—How to Prevent Injury—Saplings—Stave, Heading, and Shingle Bolts—Unseasoned Products in the Rough—Seasoned Products in the Rough—Dry Cooperage Stock and Wooden Truss Hoops—Staves and Heads of Barrels Containing Alcoholic Liquids 98-113
Section VI   WATER IN WOOD   Distribution of Water in Wood—Seasonal Distribution of Water in Wood—Composition of Sap—Effects of Moisture on Wood—The Fibre-Saturation Point in Wood 114-118 Section VII   WHAT SEASONING IS   What Seasoning Is—Difference Between Seasoned and Unseasoned Wood—Manner of Evaporation of Water—Absorption of Water by Dry Wood—Rapidity of Evaporation—Physical Properties that Influence Drying 119-127 Section VIII   ADVANTAGES OF SEASONING   Advantages of Seasoning—Prevention of Checking and Splitting—Shrinkage of Wood—Expansion of Wood—Elimination of Stain and Mildew 128-137 Section IX   DIFFICULTIES OF DRYING WOOD   Difficulties of Drying Wood—Changes Rendering Drying Difficult—Losses Due to Improper Kiln-drying—Properties of Wood that Effect Drying—Unsolved Problems in Kiln-drying 138-144 Section X   HOW WOOD IS SEASONED   Methods of Drying—Drying at Atmospheric Pressure—Drying Under Pressure and Vacuum—Impregnation Methods—Preliminary Treatments—Out-of-door Seasoning 145-155 Section XI   KILN-DRYING OF WOOD   Advantages of Kiln-drying over Air Drying—Physical Conditions Governing the Drying of Wood—Theory of Kiln-drying—Requirements in a Satisfactory Dry Kiln—Kiln-drying—Remarks—Underlying Principles—Objects of Kiln-drying—Conditions of Success—Different Treatments According to Kind—Temperature Depends—Air Circulation—Humidity—Kiln-drying—Pounds of Water Lost in Drying 100 Pounds of Green Wood in the Kiln—Kiln-drying Gum—Preliminary Steaming—Final Steaming—Kiln-drying of Green Red Gum 156-184
Section XII   TYPES OF DRY KILNS   Different types of Dry Kilns—The "Blower" or "Hot Blast" Dry Kiln—Operating the "Blower" or "Hot Blast" Dry Kiln—The "Pipe" or "Moist-Air" Dry Kiln—Operating the "Pipe" or "Moist-Air" Dry Kiln—Choice of Drying Method—Kilns of Different Types—The "Progressive" Dry Kiln—The "Apartment" Dry Kiln—The "Pocket" Dry Kiln—The "Tower" Dry Kiln—The "Box" Dry Kiln 185-205 Section XIII   DRY KILN SPECIALTIES   Kiln Cars and Method of Loading Same—The "Cross-wise" Piling Method—The "End-wise" Piling Method—The "Edge-wise" Piling Method—The Automatic Lumber Stacker—The Unstacker Car—Stave Piling—Shingle Piling—Stave Bolt Trucks—Different Types of Kiln Cars—Different Types of Transfer Cars—Dry Kiln Doors—Different Types of Kiln Door Carriers 206-236 Section XIV   HELPFUL APPLIANCES IN KILN DRYING   The Humidity Diagram—Examples of Use—The Hygrodeik—The Recording Hygrometer—The Registering Hygrometer—The Recording Thermometer—The Registering Thermometer—The Recording Steam Gauge—The Troemroid Scalometer—Test Samples—Weighing—Examples of Use—Records of Moisture Content—Saw Mills—Factories—The Electric Heater 237-250 Section XV   Bibliography—Glossary—Index of Latin Names—Index of Common Names 251-257
LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS FIG.   PAGE 1. Board of pine 13 2. Wood of spruce 14 3. Group of fibres from pine wood 15 4. Block of oak 31 5. Board of oak 32 6. Cross-section of oak highly magnified 32 7. Highly magnified fibres of wood 33 8. Isolated fibres and cells of wood 34 9. Cross-section of basswood 35 10. A large red gum 52 11. A tupelo gum slough 53 12. Second growth red gum 57 13. A cypress slough in dry season 58 14. A large cottonwood 78 15. Spiral grain in wood 87 16. Alternating spiral grain in cypress 87 17. Wavy grain in beech 88 18. Section of wood showing position of the grain at base of limb 89 19. Cross-section of a group of wood fibres 91 20. Isolated fibres of wood 91 21. Orientation of wood samples 93 22. Work of ambrosia beetles in tulip or yellow poplar 100 23. Work of ambrosia beetles in oak 100 24. Work of round-headed and flat-headed borers in pine 102 25. Work of timber worms in oak 103 26. Work of powder post borers in hickory poles 104 27. Work of powder post borers in hickory poles 104 28. Work of powder post borers in hickory handles 105 29. Work of round-headed borers in white pine staves 111 30. U. S. Forest Service humidity controlled dry kiln 161 31. Section through moist-air dry kiln 189 32. Live steam single pipe heating apparatus 190 33. Live steam double pipe heating apparatus 191 34. Vertical Pipe heating apparatus 193 35. Progressive dry kilns 197 36. Apartment dry kilns 199 37. Pocket dry kilns 201 38. Tower dry kiln 203 39. Box dry kiln 205 40. Edge-wise method of piling 206
41. Edge-wise method of piling 207 42. Automatic lumber stacker 208 43. Automatic lumber stacker 208 44. Battery of three automatic lumber stackers 209 45. Battery of three automatic lumber stackers 209 46. Lumber loaded edge-wise on kiln truck 210 47. The lumber unstacker 211 48. The lumber unstacker car 211 49. Method of piling veneer on edge 212 50. Kiln truck loaded cross-wise of kiln 213 51. Kiln truck loaded cross-wise of kiln 214 52. Kiln truck loaded end-wise of kiln 214 53. Kiln truck loaded end-wise of kiln 215 54. Method of piling staves on kiln truck 216 55. Method of piling staves on kiln truck 216 56. Method of piling tub or pail staves on kiln truck 217 57. Method of piling bundled staves on kiln truck 217 58. Method of piling shingles on kiln truck 218 59. Method of piling shingles on kiln truck 218 60. Method of piling shingles on kiln truck 219 61. Kiln truck designed for loose pail staves 219 62. Kiln truck designed for handling short stock 221 63. Stave bolt truck 221 64. Stave bolt truck 222 65. Stave bolt truck 222 66. Stave bolt truck 223 67. Stave bolt truck 223 68. Stave bolt truck 224 69. Regular 3-rail transfer car 224 70. Regular 3-rail transfer car 225 71. Special 4-rail transfer car 225 72. Regular 2-rail transfer car 225 73. Regular 2-rail transfer car 226 74. Underslung type 3-rail transfer car 226 75. Underslung type 2-rail transfer car 226 76. Flexible type 2-rail transfer car 227 77. Regular transfer car for stave bolt trucks 228 78. Regular transfer car for stave bolt trucks 228 79. Special transfer car for stave bolt trucks 228 80. Regular channel iron kiln truck for cross-wise piling 229 81. Regular channel iron kiln truck for cross-wise piling 229 82. Regular channel iron kiln truck for end-wise piling 230 83. Special channel iron kiln truck for end-wise piling 230 84. Regular dolly kiln truck for end-wise piling 230 85. Asbestos-lined kiln door 231 86. Twin door carrier with
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