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tag="{}a">20 prevention of, 243 of wounds, 241 Inflammation, 31 changes in, 32 chronic, 42 clinical aspects of, 33 constitutional disturbance in, 35 general principles of treatment in, 36, 39 Inflammation, leucocytosis in, 36 stages of, 32 Infusion of saline solution, 276 Ingrowing toe-nail, 403 Inguinal aneurysm, 318 lymph glands, 323 Injuries, 218. See also Individual Tissues and Regions constitutional effects of, 249 Innominate aneurysm, 314 Inoculation tubercle, 382 Insects, poisoning by, 130 Instruments, sterilisation of, 245 Intercostal fibrositis, 413 Intermittent claudication of vessels, 98 Internal popliteal nerve. See Tibial Nerve Interstitial keratitis, 177 Intestine, repair of, 9 Intoxication, bacterial, 21 Intracranial aneurysm, 316 Intra-cystic growths, 202 Intubation of larynx, 111 Involucrum, 443 Iodine, catgut, 246 for disinfection of skin, 245 reaction, 30 Iodoform gauze, 247 injection of, 142 in joint diseases, 519 Iritis, syphilitic, 160 Irrigation, continuous, 54 Irritable ulcers, 79 Ischæmic contracture of muscles, 415 Ischial bursa, 430 Ischias scoliotica, 372 Ivory exostosis, 481 Jaws, actinomycosis of, 127 changes in, in rickets, 470 cystic tumours of, 193 Jigger, 130 Joints. See also Individual Joints ankylosis of, 503 bacterial diseases of, 506 bleeder's, 531 Charcot's disease of, 533 chondromata, multiple, of, 544 contracture of, 502 cysts of, 538 developmental errors of, 505 diseases of, general, 501, 506 disorganisation of, 502 empyema of, 501 gelatinous degeneration of, 515 gliomatous arthropathies, 534 gonococcal affections of, 510 gouty affections of, 522 hæmophilic, 531 hydrops of, 501 hysterical affections of, 537 impaired mobility of, 502 iodoform in diseases of, 519 loose bodies in, 529, 539 mimetic affections of, 537 nerve lesions affecting, 532 neuro-arthropathies, 532 osteo-arthritis, 524 pneumococcal infection of, 509 pyæmic affections of, 508 pyogenic diseases of, 506 rheumatic affections of, 523, 524 rigidity of, 502 scarlet fever, infection of, in 508 spinal diseases affecting, 532 starting pains in, 502, 517 synostosis, 503 syphilitic diseases of, 521 tuberculous diseases of, 512 tumours of, 538 typhoid infection of, 508 white swelling of, 515, 518 Jumper's sprain, 406 Keloid, 194, 401 Keratitis, interstitial, in syphilis, 177 Keratoma of nail bed, 391 Kharsivan, 163 Klapp's suction bells, 39 Klebs-Löffler bacillus, 109 Klumpke's paralysis, 361 Knee, cellulitis of, 58 ganglion of, 215 housemaid's, 426, 431 Kopf or cephalic tetanus, 116 Kyphosis, 471
Labourer's back, 405 Larynx, syphilis of, 177 Leeches, 41 Leg ulcer, 72 varicose veins of, 287 Leiter's lead tubes, 41 Leontiasis ossea, 485 Leucocytes, emigration of, 32 varieties of, 29 wandering, 3 Leucocythæmia, 340 Leucocytosis, 22, 29 absence of, 30 digestion, 30 after hæmorrhage, 30 local, 32 physiological, 29, 30 post-operative, 30 Leucopenia, 30 Leucoplakia, 167 Lightning stroke, 240 Line of demarcation in gangrene, 87 Lingual dermoids, 211 Lipoma, 184 arborescent, 423 of bone, 187, 491 diffuse, 187 intra-muscular, 188 multiple, 186 nasi, 393 periosteal, 187 subcutaneous, 184, 186 subserous, 187 subsynovial, 187 Lipomatosis, diffuse, 187 Lipping of bone, 527 Liquor epispasticus, 42 puris, 45 Listerian methods of wound treatment, 242 Locking of joints, 505 Lock-jaw, 113 Locomotor ataxia, joint lesions in, 532 Long thoracic nerve, injuries of, 363 Loose bodies in bursæ, 427 in joints, 529, 539 in tendon sheaths, 423 varieties of, 539 Lotion, evaporating, 41 Luargol, 163 Luetin, 149 Lumbago, 412 Lumbo-sacral fibrositis, 412 Lupus, 134, 382 epithelioma, 384 syphilitic, 169 tuberculous, 382 varieties of, 383, 393 Lymph, 321 cysts, 214 glands, cancer of, 340 diseases of, 329 functions of, 221 sarcoma of, 341 surgical anatomy of, 321 syphilitic diseases of, 337 tuberculosis of, 331 tumours of, 340 œdema, 325 scrotum, 389 vessels, diseases of, 325 injuries of, 323 Lymphadenitis, 53, 329 Lymphadenoma, 337 Lymphangiectasis, 214, 326 Lymphangioma, varieties of, 327 Lymphangioplasty, 325, 386 Lymphangio-sarcoma, 199 Lymphangitis, 325 septic, 53 varieties of, 325 Lymphatic cyst, 328 fistula, 324 œdema, 325 Lymphatics, 321 Lymphocytosis, 29 Lymphorrhagia, 323 Lympho-sarcoma, 199, 340 Macewen's method of compressing abdominal aorta, 269 Macrophages, 22 Madura foot, 129 Main en griffe, 369 Malacia of bones, 473 Malignant adenoma, 209 cachexia, 207 œdema, 101 pustule, 120 tumours, 183 ulcers, 77 Mallein test, 125 Mallet-finger, 411 Malum senile, 524 Marriage and syphilis, 167 Matas' operation for aneurysm, 307 Median nerve, lesions of, 367 Medullary cancer, 210 Melæna, 259 Melanotic cancer, 210, 397 sarcoma, 200 Melon-seed bodies, 539 Meningitis, basal, 115 cerebro-spinal, 115 Mercury in syphilis, administration of, 165 Metchnikoff's cream, 157 Michel's clips, 222 Micrococci, 18 Micrococcus tetragenus, 29 Micro-organisms, 18 Microphages, 22 Mimetic joint affections, 537 Miner's elbow, 426 Mitchell's operation for varicose veins, 294 Mixed infection, 20 nævus, 295 venereal infection, 156 Moist gangrene, 87 Moles, 390 nævoid, 295 Molluscum fibrosum, 194, 359, 391 Moore-Corradi method of treating aneurysm, 308 Mosetig-Moorhof on filling of bone cavities, 447 Mother's mark, 294 Muco-pus, 52 Mucous membrane, grafting of, 16 suppuration in, 51 patches, 160, 174 Multilocular cystic tumours of jaw, 193 Mummification, 86 Muscle, affections of, 405 atrophy of, 412 calcification of, 416 congenital absence of, 411 contracture of, 415 contusion of, 405 diseases of, 411 gonorrhœa of, 416 grafting of, 16 hernia of, 408 hydatid cysts of, 421 inflammation of, 415 injuries of, 405 ossification in, 416 repair of, 8 rheumatism of, 412 rupture of, 405, 406 sprain of, 405 syphilis of, 416 tuberculosis of, 416 tumours of, 420 wounds of, 409 Muscular rheumatism, 412 Musculo-cutaneous nerve, 364 Musculo-spiral nerve. See Radial Nerve Mustard leaves, 42 Mycetoma, 129 Myelitis, syphilitic, 161 Myeloma, 195, 491 of bone, 491 of tendon sheaths, 424 Myoma, 195 Myo-sarcoma, 200 Myositis ossificans, 416, 418 varieties of, 415 Myxo-adenoma, 202 Myxoma, 194 of bone, 491 Myxo-sarcoma, 200 Nævoid mole, 295 Nævus, 294 electrolysis of, 297 operations for, 298 radium treatment of, 297 varieties of, 294 Nail fold, whitlow of, 56 horns, 391 Nails, affections of, 402 ingrowing, 403 regeneration of, 7 syphilitic lesions of, 159, 402 Nasal bones, syphilitic disease of, 188, 462 Naso-pharyngeal polypus, 491 Natal sore, 129 Neck, cystic hygroma of, 328 glands of, diseases, 332 hydrocele of, 328 lipomatosis of, 187 painful stiff-, 413 Necrosis, acute, 439 of bone, 438 quiet, of Paget, 452 syphilitic, 462 Neo-diarsenol, 163 -kharsivan, 163 -salvarsan, 163 Neoplasms, 181 Nerve of Bell. See Long Thoracic Nerve Nerves, 342. See also Individual Nerves alcohol injections of, 374 anatomy of, 342 avulsion of, 375 blocking of, 251, 252 bullet wounds of, 346 contusion of, 345 crushing of, 345 diseases of, 352 dislocation of, 351, 369 effects of division of, 344 gun-shot wounds of, 346 grafting of, 16 implicated in scar tissue, 345 individual, surgery of, 360 injuries of, 344 joint affections in lesions of, 532 reaction of degeneration, 347 regeneration of, 9, 346 in scar tissue, 345 sensibility, forms of, 343 subcutaneous injuries of, 350 suture of, primary, 348 secondary, 349 Tinel's sign, 349 torn, 345 tumours of, 353 ulcers in lesions of, 73, 82 Neuralgia, varieties of, 371 Neurectomy, 375 Neuritis, multiple peripheral, varieties of, 352 traumatic, 352 Neuro-arthropathies, 352. See also Individual Joints Neuro-fibromatosis, 355, 359 Neurolysis, 345 Neuroma, stump, 344 varieties of, 353 “914,” 163 Nodes, periosteal, 464 Heberden's 529 Noma, 102 Nose, sebaceous adenoma of, 393 Novo-arseno-billon, 163 Nucleinate of soda, 29 Odontoma, 192 varieties of, 193 O'Dwyer's intubation apparatus, 111 Œdema, 32, 34 angio-neurotic, 348 lymphatic, 325 malignant, 101 persistent, 109 Olecranon bursa,
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