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328 omental, 329 parasitic, 213 retention, 212 sebaceous, 212, 389 serous, 219 venous, 289 Cystic adenoma, 202 carcinoma, 210 hygroma of neck, 328 lymphangioma, 327, 328
Dactylitis, syphilitic, 176, 460, 466 tuberculous, 460 Dancer's sprain, 406 Deafness, syphilitic, 178 Deformities. See Individual Regions Delhi boil, 129 Delirium, in surgical patients, 255 traumatic, 257 Delirium tremens, 256 Dentigerous cyst, 193 Dercum on adiposus dolorosa, 186 Derma-cysts, 210 Dermatitis, 239, 292 Dermoids, 210 Diabetic gangrene, 96 Diarsenol, 163 Diapedesis of red corpuscles, 32 Diaphysial aclasis, 483 Diffuse aneurysm, 302 cellulitis, 52 fibromatosis, 194 lipomatosis, 187 neuro-fibromatosis, 355 osteoma, 485 suppuration, 52 Diphtheria, 109 antitoxin in, 111 intubation in, 111 Diplococci, 19 Dislocation of nerves, 351, 369 pathological, 514 of tendons, 408 Double cyanide gauze, 247 Drainage of wounds, 222 Dressings, surgical, 247 Drill-bone, 418 Drop-finger, 411 -foot, 370 -wrist, 365 Drunkard's palsy, 351, 364 Duchenne's paralysis, 361 Ducrey's bacillus, 154 Duodenum, ulceration of, in burns, 236 Dwarf, rickety, 469 syphilitic, 178 Eburnation of articular surfaces, 557 Ecchondroses, 527 Ecchymosis, 218 Echinococcus, 213 Echthyma, 158 Eczema, varicose, 292 Elbow, angler's, 406 cellulitis of, 58 tennis, 406 Electricity, injuries by, 239 Electrolysis in angioma, 297 Elephantiasis, varieties of, 360, 384, 386 Embolism, 281 air, 265 Embolism, fat, 254 of individual arteries, 93 Embolus, 281 Emigration of leucocytes, 32 Emotional shock, 251 Emphysema, 99, 102 Emprosthotonos, 214 Empyema of joints, 501, 518 Encephaloid cancer, 210 Endarteritis obliterans, 282 syphilitic, 161 Endo-aneurysmorrhaphy, 307 Endothelioma, 196 of bone, 492 Epicritic sensibility of nerves, 343 Epidermis, grafting, 12 repair of, 4 Epiphysial cartilage, 434 junction, 434 in rickets, 469 Epiphysiolysis, 440 Epiphysitis, 437 syphilitic, 465 Epithelial tumours, 201 Epithelioma, 208 chimney-sweep's, 395 lupus, 384 paraffin, 395 in scars, 402 sinus, 500 of skin, 394 trade, 395 varieties of, 208 X-ray, 395 Epithelium grafting, 12 repair of, 6 Epulis, 491 Erb's paralysis, 361 Erysipelas, varieties of, 107 Erythema pernio, 378 nodosum, 442 Evaporating lotions, 41 Exfoliation, 438 Exophthalmos, pulsating, 317 Exostosis, 191, 481 bursata, 481 cancellous, 481 cartilaginous, 191, 481 false, 192 ivory, 481 multiple, 483 spongy, 191, 481 subungual, 191, 404, 481 Explosives, wounds by, 231 External iliac artery, embolus of, 93 External popliteal nerve. See Common Peroneal Nerve Extravasation of blood, 259 Exudates, varieties of, 33 Exudation cysts, 212 Eye, syphilitic lesions of, 160, 176, 177 Facial artery, compression of, 269 erysipelas, 107 Fainting, 249 Farcy, 125 Fascia, grafting of, 16 Fat embolism, 254 grafting of, 16 Fatty hernia, 187 tumours, 184 Feet, trench, 96 Femoral aneurysm, 318 artery compression of, 269 embolus of, 93 lymph glands, 323 Fever, 35 Fibro-adenoma, 202 Fibroblasts, 3 Fibroid, recurrent, of Paget, 199, 392, 420 uterine, 195 Fibroma, 194 of bone, 491 diffuse, 194 recurrent, of Paget, 199, 392, 420 of skin, 391 varieties of, 194 Fibromatosis, diffuse, 194 Fibro-myoma, 195 Fibro-sarcoma, 199 Fibrositis, varieties of, 372, 412 Filaria Bancrofti, 326 Filarial disease, 326 Finger, chancre of, 154 drop-, 411 mallet-, 411 Fingers, gouty affections of, 523 whitlow of, 55 Finsen light treatment, 138 Firearms, wounds by, 225, 227, 230 First intention, healing by, 2 Fistula, 60 congenital, 60 lymphatic, 325 varieties of, 60 Fluctuation, 49 Fomentations, 37, 41 Foot, cellulitis of, 58 drop-, 370 Madura, 129 perforating ulcer of, 73 Forci-pressure in hæmorrhage, 271 Forearm, aneurysm of, 318 cellulitis of, 58 Foreign bodies, embedded, 6, 231 Fracture, pathological, 444 Fraenkel's pneumococcus, 28 Fragilitas ossium, 479 Friedländer's pneumo-bacillus, 28 Frost-bite, gangrene from, 95 Furunculus orientalis, 129 Galyl, 163 Ganglion, 214, 215, 217 compound palmar, 217, 423 Ganglionic neuroma, 353 Gangrene, 86 acute infective, 99 emphysematous, 102 from angio-sclerosis, 98 bacterial varieties of, 99 from burns and scalds, 95 cancrum oris, 102 carbolic, 95 from chemical agents, 95 clinical types of, 86 varieties of, 88 from constriction of vessels, 94 diabetic, 96 dry, 86 embolic, 92 from ergot, 98 from frost-bite, 95 gas, 102 from interference with circulation, 86 following ligation of arteries, 94 line of demarcation in, 87 malignant œdema, 101 moist, 87 noma, 102 phagedæna, 153 Raynaud's disease, 97 senile, 88 traumatic, 94 from trench feet, 96 white, 93 from whitlow, 99 Gas gangrene, 102 Gasserian ganglion, removal of, 375 Gauze, varieties of, 247 Gauze, sterilisation of, 245 Gelatin, injection of, in aneurysm, 309 in hæmophilia, 280 Gelatinous degeneration of joints, 515 Giant cells, 3 Glanders, 123 Glands, lymph. See Lymph Glands Glioma, 196 Gliomatous arthropathies, 534 Glio-sarcoma, 200 Gloves in surgery, 244 Gluteal aneurysm, 319 fibrositis, 372, 413 Glycogen reaction, 30 Glycosuria in perforating ulcer, 73 Golfer's back, 405 Gonorrhœal bursitis, 428 joint lesions, 510 lymphangitis, 325 myositis, 416 ophthalmia, joint lesions following, 510 rheumatism, 510 teno-synovitis, 423 Gout, joint affections in, 522 Gouty bursitis, 428 joints, 522 teno-synovitis, 422 tophi, 523 ulcers, 77 Grafting of bone, 436 of epithelium, 12 of mucous membrane, 16 of skin, 11 of tissues, 10 Granulation, healing by, 5 tissue, formation of, 2 syphilitic, 146 tuberculous, 136 Granulations, 2 Granuloma, 42 Groin, cellulitis of, 59 filarial disease in lymphatics of, 326 Growing pains, 451 Growth fever, 451 Gumma, 168 of bone, 464 peri-bursal, 521 periosteal, 521 peri-synovial, 521 subcutaneous, 76 syphilitic, 168 Gummatous infiltration, 168 Gunshot wounds, 225, 227, 230 Hæmatemesis, 259 post-operative, 275 Hæmatoma, 220 bursal, 426 pulsating, of bone, 498 Hæmaturia, 259 Hæmophilia, 277 Hæmophilic joint, 531 Hæmoptysis, 259 Hæmorrhage, 266 arrest of, 266, 270, 272, 274 arterial, 259 capillary, 260 cautery in, 271 constitutional effects of, 275 digital compression in, 269 external, 259 forci-pressure in, 271 intermediate, 272 internal, 259 ligature in, 270 in operations, 269 prevention of, 269 primary, 266 reactionary, 272 saline infusions in, 276 secondary, 273 styptics in, 271 torsion in, 271 tourniquets in, 270, 272 toxic, 275 from varicose veins, 292 venous, 259 Hæmorrhagic diathesis, 277 Hæmostatics, 271 Hair, syphilitic lesions of, 159 Hand, claw-, 369 Hands, disinfection of, 244 Hard chancre, 151 Healing by blood-clot, 6 by first intention, 2 by granulation, 5 by primary union, 2 rate of, 9 under scab, 6 by second intention, 5 sore, 69, 81 ulcer, 77 by union of granulating surfaces, 5 Heart, massage of, 265 Heberden's nodes, 529 Hectic fever, 62 Heliotherapy, 139 Hernia, fatty, 187 of muscle, 408 Herpes, syphilitic, 156 Hilton's method of opening abscess, 50 Hodgkin's disease, 377 Horns, varieties of, 389, 391 Housemaid's knee, 426, 431 Hunter's operation for aneurysm, 307 Hutchinson's teeth, 177 Hydatid cysts, 213 of bone, 467 of muscle, 421 thrill, 214 Hydrocele of neck, 328 Hydrophobia, 115, 118 Hydrops, 501, 518 Hygroma of axilla, 328 bursal, 427 of neck, 328 Hyperæmia, 32 active, 39 artificial, 36 passive, 38 in tuberculosis, 138 Hyperostosis, 435 syphilitic, 464 Hypertrophic pulmonary osteo-arthropathy, 480 Hysterical joint affections, 537 Ice-bags, 41 Ichthyma, syphilitic, 158 Igni-puncture in nævus, 297 Iliac aneurysm, 318 Immunity, 22 Imperial drink, 40 Implantation cysts, 212 Infantile scurvy, 473 Infection, accidental, 241 by catgut, 51 mixed,
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