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the Girdle of Venus has little meaning except to show a hysterical temperament, with a leaning towards the tendencies I have mentioned above.

These persons in all cases suffer enormously from moods, they are very difficult to live with, and when the Girdle of Venus runs off the side of the hand and passes out through the Marriage Lines, their moody, changeable natures generally make marriage for them an unusually unhappy experience.


What is called the Ring of Saturn (2, Plate XX.) is very seldom found, and it is by no means a good sign to have. It is also a semi-circular line, but found lying across the Mount of Saturn.

In all my experience I have never been able to come across any person with this mark who succeeded in life or was able to carry any one of his plans to a successful termination.

These people seem cut off from their fellow beings in some peculiar and extraordinary way. They are isolated and alone, and they appear to realise their lonely position keenly. They are gloomy, morbid, and Saturnine in character. They seldom marry, and when they do it is always a ghastly failure.

They are terribly obstinate and headstrong in all their actions, they resent the least advice or interference in their plans. Their lives generally close in suffering, poverty, or by some sinister tragedy or fatality.

It is the most unfortunate mark ever to find.


The Bracelets (3-3, Plate XX.) are of very little importance except to throw light on certain points of health. There are supposed to be three of these lines or bracelets at the wrist, which were called by the Greeks the Bracelets of Health, Wealth, and Happiness.

It is certainly very seldom that they can be found together, for experience in life does not give much hope that these three much-sought-after possessions can ever be found together on this side of the grave.

Delving back into the ancient legends of Greece, we find one very significant point in reference to the first bracelet, the one nearest the palm, which represents Health.

It appears that at one period of the ancient Greek civilisation all women had to come to the priest at their Temple to have their hands examined before they were allowed to marry. If the priest found this first Bracelet out of its place and rising up into the hand in the shape of an arch (4, Plate XX.), he would not allow the woman possessing this sign to be married under any circumstance, the idea being that it represented some internal malformation that would prevent her bringing children into the world. In such cases these women were made Vestal Virgins in the temples. Perhaps the old Greek Priest was right in his idea, for if this first Bracelet is found rising into the hand in the form of an arch, both men and women possessing it are delicate internally, and especially so in matters relating to sex.


The Line of Intuition (5, Plate XX.) is seldom found on other types of hand than those of the Philosophic, the Conic, and the Psychic, but it is sometimes found on the Spatulate.

It takes more or less the formation of a semi-circle from the face of the Mount of Mercury to that of the Mount of the Moon, or may be found on the Mount of the Moon alone. It must not be confounded with the Hepatica, or Line of Health, but is found as a distinct mark in itself.

It denotes an extra highly-strung sensitive temperament, also presentiments, inspiration, clairvoyance of the highest kind, clear vivid dreams which often come to pass, intuition as to how things should be done, and very often manifests itself in inspired speaking and writing of the loftiest character.

It is much more often found on women's hands than on men's, although many cases have come under my notice of its being unusually clearly marked on some men's hands. In each case the possessor of it had most remarkable powers and unusual faculties, as well as the gift of intuition, even concerning purely mundane subjects that in an ordinary state they knew nothing whatever about.

I use the words "ordinary state" advisably here, because such people are not always in the condition of mind when these strange faculties may be employed. Several of these men were absolutely uneducated, and yet at times, when thrown into an inspired state, they were able to explain the most intricate problems with the greatest accuracy. If asked, however, from where they obtained their knowledge, they were only able to reply that "it came to them" when in certain moods.

One man I knew well had such remarkable dreams of coming events that he was able to warn many people weeks and months in advance of dangers that lay before them, and his warnings in many cases saved life.

With all people who were gifted in this way I have noticed that they completely lost their strange powers the moment they indulged in alcohol of any kind.


This is a strange mark (6, Plate XX.) which takes the form also somewhat of a semi-circle, but in this case it connects the Mount of the Moon with that of Venus, or it may simply run off the hand from the lower part of the Mount of Luna into the wrist.

The first-mentioned formation indicates unbridled sensuality and passion, and where it cuts through the Line of Life it indicates death, but one usually brought about in connection with the licentiousness that it denotes.

This Line running from the Mount of the Moon into the wrist denotes the most sensual dreams, desires, and imaginings, but, unlike the other class, it is usually only dangerous to the person on whose hand it is found.

In both cases there is generally a tendency towards the taking of drugs such as opium, morphine, especially when the hand is noted to be soft, full, and flabby. With a firm hard palm the subject usually indulges in excessive drinking fits, and when under drink seems to have no control whatever.

If the Line of Head is found weak-looking, full of islands and descending downwards on the Mount of the Moon, insanity or the worst form of degeneracy will sooner or later destroy the whole character and career.


What is called "La Croix Mystique" is found in the quadrangle of the hand between the Lines of Heart and Head (7, Plate XX.).

It is more usually found in the centre of this part of the hand, but it may be also found nearer the one side of the quadrangle or the other.

This mark denotes a natural gift or talent for mysticism and occultism of all kinds.

When placed nearer Jupiter, it denotes the employment of these studies more to gratify the subject's own pride or ambition than the following out of such things for their own sake.

When it is in the centre of the quadrangle, across the Line of Fate, or immediately under the Mount of Saturn, such studies become more of a religion or are followed for their own worth and the influence and truth of occultism will play a leading rôle in the whole career. Most likely the possessor of this mark will follow it as a profession, or will crystallise his researches into the form of books.

When this mark lies lower down in the quadrangle, nearer to the Mount of the Moon, the subject will study some form of occultism more from a superstitious standpoint than any other. None the less, he will be likely to succeed in doing so, and influence other people through his studies, and with this latter form he will be more likely to write beautiful mystic poetry with the prophetic note running through it very strongly.


The Ring of Solomon is also one of these strange marks of mysticism and occultism, but in this latter case, owing probably to the qualities signified by the Mount of Jupiter, its possessor will aim at having the power of a master or an adept in such subjects (8, Plate XX.).


Travels and voyages may be seen on the hand by the little lines that leave the Line of Life and bend over towards the Mount of the Moon and also by the lines found on this Mount (2, Plate XXPlate XXI.).

When these fine lines of travel are seen on the Line of Life, by referring to the map showing dates (Plate XXVI.), it may be possible to obtain a very clear idea of when these travels take place.

When, however, the Line of Life itself divides, and one branch of it leans over towards or on to the Mount of the Moon (I, Plate XXI.), it denotes that the entire life will be full of change and travel. In such a case it will not be possible, except by the use of some gift such as clairvoyance, to tell accurately in advance the dates of voyages that will be undertaken.

If the Line of Life apparently leaves its ordinary course and sweeps over to the Mount of the Moon, the life will be one continual round of travel. The person will settle nowhere, and the end of the life in such a case will take place in some land far distant from the place of birth.

If the Line of Life has no line or branch leaving it and going in an opposite direction, but keeps to the form of a semi-circle round the Mount of Venus, then such a life will be remarkably free from change and travel, and the person will remain all his life in the land of his birth (3-3, Plate XXI.).

When a travel Line from the Line of Life ends in a small cross the journey undertaken will end in disappointment (4, Plate XXI).

When the Line ends in a square, there will be great danger to the subject on such a journey, but he will escape, as the square is a sign of preservation from danger.

When the Line ends in an island, the journey will end in loss (5, Plate XXI.).

When the Travel Line crosses over near or on to the Mount of the Moon and ends in a fork or a circle, there will be great danger of the subject losing his life in undertaking such a journey.

There is always more danger in travelling on water when the subject is found to be born in the following dates:

(1) Between the 21st of June and the 21st of July.
(2) The 21st of October and the 21st of November.
(3) Between the 21st of February and the 21st of March.

There is more likelihood of danger from collision of trains and accidents on land when the subject is born between:

(1) The 21st of April and 21st of May.
(2) The 21st of August and the 21st of September.
(3) The 21st of December and the 21st of January.


Danger from storms, tornadoes, thunder and lightning, is more likely to occur when people are travelling whose birthdays fall between:

(1) The 21st of May and the 21st of June.
(2) The 21st of September and the 21st of October.
(3) The 21st of January and the 21st of February.


Accidents are generally marked by lines descending

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